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Numerical Calculus

This code shows how numerical integrals and derivatives are taken of a given dataset. It is used as an example and a testing place for a relatively more complicated application, the PID Controller.


To get the code running, create a build folder, and go into it.

mkdir build
cd build/

Then use CMake to generate make files.

cmake ../CMakeLists.txt 

And finally use make to build

make .

Then launch the executable


Explanation of General Code

The code starts with initializing the number of samples in the dataset, and the resolution factor. The resolution factor dictates the time delta, and therefore the accuracy of these calculations.

It then calculates the size for a ring buffer of an appropriate size.

const uint16_t sample_count      = 10;
const uint16_t resolution_factor = 3000; 
const double   time_const        = 1.0 / (double)resolution_factor;
const uint16_t buffer_size       = (uint16_t)((double)sample_count / time_const);

It should be noted that specifically using a ring buffer instead of a usual buffer has no purpose in these calculations, but due to the application, it has to be used int the PID Controller project so it is being used here as well.

A function $y=f(x)$ implemented as double f (double x) is also declared, upon which derivation and integration would be performed. In this code example it is set to $y=x^3$

The ring buffer is then initialized, and filled with output values of the function double f (double x), with inputs starting from 0 to sample_count.

ring_buffer rb;
ring_buffer_init(&rb, buffer_size);

for (uint16_t i = 1; i <= rb.size; i++)
    double number = (double)i * time_const;
    ring_buffer_add(&rb, f(number));

Explanation of Calculating Functions


Derivatives are taken using the simplest method possible

$$ \frac{d}{dt}x = \frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t} = \frac{x_t - x_{t-1}}{\Delta t} $$

This is implemented as

double calculate_derivative(const ring_buffer *rb, uint16_t index, double time_interval)
    double derivative = 0.0;

    double x_this = ring_buffer_get_item(rb, index);
    double x_last = ring_buffer_get_item(rb, index - 1);
    double delta =  x_this - x_last;
    derivative = delta / time_interval;

    return derivative;


Integrals can be taken using the typical trapezoidal method.

$$ \int_{a}^{b}{f(x) \space dx} = \frac{\Delta t}{2} \{ f(a) + 2 \sum_{i=a+1}^{b-1} f(x_i) + f(b) \} $$

This is implemented as

double trapezoidal(const ring_buffer *rb, double time_interval)
    double integral = 0.0;

    double x_first = ring_buffer_get_item(rb, 0);

    double x_sum_between = 0.0;
    for (uint16_t i = 1; i < rb->size; i++)
        double x_this = ring_buffer_get_item(rb, i);
        x_sum_between += x_this;

    double x_last = ring_buffer_get_item(rb, rb->size);

    integral = (time_interval / 2.0) * (x_first + (2.0 * x_sum_between) + x_last);

    return integral;

However a more accurate integral is taken using this modified method

$$ \int_{a}^{b}{f(x) \space dx} = \frac{\Delta t}{2} \space \sum_{i=a}^{b} \{ f(x_i) + f(x_{i-1}) \} $$

This is implemented as

double calculate_integral(const ring_buffer *rb, double time_interval)
    double integral = 0.0;
    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < rb->size; i++)
        double x_this = ring_buffer_get_item(rb, i);
        double x_last = ring_buffer_get_item(rb, i - 1);
        integral += (x_this + x_last);

    integral *= time_interval;
    integral /= 2.0;
    return integral;


In this code example, the input data set is 1 to 10

$$ \{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 \} $$

The function used is

$$ y = x^3 $$

Which makes the function output dataset used for calculations

$$ \{ 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000 \} $$

The exact integral should be $2500$, and the exact derivative using the equation $y=3x^2$ at each point should be:

$$ \{ 3, 12, 27, 48, 75, 108, 147, 192, 243, 300 \} $$

When the time delta is 1 unit, the numerical integral is $2524.500000$ and the numerical derivative at each point is:

$$ \{ 1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271 \} $$

When the time delta is reduced from 1 unit to 0.001 unit, the numerical integral becomes 2500.000025 and the numerical derivative at each point becomes:

$$ \{ 3, 11.99, 26.99, 47.99, 74.99, 107.98, 146.98, 191.98, 242.97, 299.97 \} $$