If you are new to GitHub, please look into some general guidelines on how to contribute to GitHub projects:
Some common steps are:
Fork the repository
Add/modify your modules/scripts etc. in the repo
Go to your forked repo's Actions tab on the webpage, enable actions which performs several automated checks
pip install black pycodestyle flake8 pydocstyle
At the jarvis folder level, run the following commands. You can also run these for individual python scripts:
pycodestyle --ignore E203,W503 --exclude=examples,testfiles jarvis flake8 --ignore E203,W503 --exclude=examples,tests --statistics --count --exit-zero jarvis pydocstyle --match-dir=core --match-dir=io --match-dir=io --match-dir=ai --match-dir=analysis --match-dir=db --match-dir=tasks --count jarvis
After fixing the errors in the above step:
git add YOUR_MODIFIED_SCRIPT.py git commit -m 'Modified xyz.py for xyz.' git push origin master (or main depending on your repo)
After the above steps, you can send a pull request (PR) from your forked repo to the main repo's develop branch. DO NOT submit the PR to main pr master branch.
-After reviewing the PR, the admin will either merge the PR or give you feedback.