Perl version of bsd cal
I wanted to see the week number to the left of the calendar, with bsd cal it's only possible to show the week number at the bottom using ncal
$ ncal -w -M
April 2018
Mo 2 9 16 23 30
Tu 3 10 17 24
We 4 11 18 25
Th 5 12 19 26
Fr 6 13 20 27
Sa 7 14 21 28
Su 1 8 15 22 29
13 14 15 16 17 18
$ pcal
April 2018
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
13 1
14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
17 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
18 30
Full week at start and end of month not displayed
pcal (c)2019 Jari Matilainen
Usage: [+|-<#>|<#> [<#>]] [-m|--month <month>] [-y|--year <year>] [-B|--before <before>]
[-A|--after <after>] [-H|--noholidays] [-F|--nofullweek] [-C|--nocolors]
[-v...v|--verbose] [-h|--help|--usage]
-|+<num> Display month that is <num> months before/after the current one
<month> [<year>] Display <month> for current year or for <year>
-m|--month <month> Display <month>
-y|--year <year> Display full <year> if -m not specified, otherwise display <month> of <year>
-B|--before <num> Display <num> months before the current one
-A|--after <num> Display <num> months after the current one
-H|--noholidays Hide Swedish holidays
-F|--nofullweek Hide display of full week at start and end of month
-C|--nocolors Don't use colors
-v|--verbose Print more verbose output
-h|--help|--usage Show this help
At least perl v5.10
Term::ANSIColor # You need to disable colors with -C if module is not installed
Mojolicious # You need to disable display of holidays with -H if module is not installed
Sereal::Encoder # Same as above for the following two modules
Sereal::Decoder #