This module was created to better understand MoonSharp (Lua) for implementing modding into a game. The project has evolved into a template to be used in other Godot C# games to add Lua modding support.
Learn Lua:
Learn MoonSharp:
- Mods all share one Lua environment
- Mods can register callbacks without overwriting other mod callbacks
- Callbacks support params
- ModLoader can register function hooks anywhere
- Mods can see objects like Player and do stuff like Player:setHealth(x)
- Lua Debugger support
- Safety null checks to see if all properties were filled out in mod info.json
- Individual mods can be enabled or disabled
- Mod name, description, author, version, game versions, dependencies displayed in UI
public override void _Ready()
// if we had a Player class defined with SetHealth function, this is how you would link that function with Lua
ModLoader.Script.Globals["Player", "setHealth"] = (Action<int>)D_Master.Player.SetHealth;
public override void _Process(float delta)
ModLoader.Call("OnGameUpdate", delta);
"name": "ModTest",
"version": "0.0.1",
"author": "Foo",
"dependencies": ["Bar"],
"description": "Example mod",
"gameVersions": []
-- example script of what you can do
RegisterCallback('OnGameInit', nil, function()
print('Game start')
local x = 0
RegisterCallback('OnGameUpdate', nil, function(delta)
print('Delta', delta)
x = x + 1
Mod file structure
Mods Directory Location
- Exported Releases:
- Non-Exported Releases:
Lua Scripts Location
Just found out that this is a thing although as of writing this it will not work with C# projects because of this issue godotengine/godot#36828. If your project is 100% GDScript then by all means use PCK files instead of this.