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Multisig data scripts

This folder contains the scripts to output calldatas for updating multisig owners.

Steps to engage

The project has submodules to get the dependencies. Make sure you run git clone --recursive or init the submodules yourself. The dependency list is managed by the package.json file, and the setup parameters are stored in the hardhat.config.js file. Simply run the following command to install the project:

yarn install

command and compiled with the

npx hardhat compile

command as described in the main readme.

Modify the a multisig_info.json file with the following pre-defined parameters depending on the script being run.

Parameters of the multisig_global.json file:

  • agentInstances: array with the new multisig owner addresses;
  • serviceMultisigAddress: address of the multisig;
  • serviceOwnerAddress: address of the actual (unique) multisig owner that will sign the message;
  • multisendAddress: address of the multisend contract on the chain with Id chainId;
  • threshold: threshold of the multisig when the new owners will be added (hardcoded to 1 in case of n-to-1 ownership change);
  • nonce: nonce of the current multisig;
  • chainId: the chain id. The user should refuse signing if it does not match the currently active chain.
  • approvedHash: a flag for getting the signature if the hash is already approved in the multisig (true) or (false) otherwise (ignored in case of n-to-1 ownership change);

Export network-related API keys defined in hardhat.config.js file that correspond to the required network.

To run the script, use the following command: npx hardhat run scripts/deployment/script_name --network network_type, where script_name is a script name, i.e. change_service_multsig_owners_data.js, network_type is a network type corresponding to the hardhat.config.js network configuration. Note that, on the local environment, it is not necessary to add --network network_type.

Current scripts

Script 1: change_service_multsig_owners_data.js

This script simulates the 1-to-n change of the multisig ownership, namely, from the specified service owner to the new set of agent instance addresses. The script change_service_multsig_owners_data.js has the following outputs:

  • safeTx that allows the current owner to give up ownership of the multisig, add the new owners, and update the multisig threshold;
  • hash of the safeTx that has to be approved by the current service multisig owner;
  • signatureByte that mocks the signature string or provides the required one for the approved hash transaction;
  • safeExecData the multisend data with the signature bytes that has to be executed by the multisig proxy;
  • packedData the ServiceRegistry contract deploy() function bytes data.

Script 2: agent_instances_give_up_multisig_ownership.js

This script simulates the n-to-1 change of the multisig ownership, namely, the original set of agent instance addresses gives up their ownership to the sole service owner address. The script agent_instances_give_up_multisig_ownership.js has the following outputs:

  • safeTx that allows the current set of multisig agent instance owners to give up their ownership in favor of the sole service owner address;
  • hash of the safeTx that has to be signed by the threshold number of current multisig agent instance owners;