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File metadata and controls

114 lines (90 loc) · 7.97 KB


This project is to facilitate hosting SonarQube in an Azure App Service directly. This does not require SonarQube to be in a Linux container. You can also use the same HttpPlatformHandlerStartup.ps1 and HttpPlatformHandler extension to host SonarQube in IIS on a hosted machine. This would eliminate the need for more complicated setup of IIS as a reverse proxy.

This project uses the embedded database. It is recommended for production to move to a proper database (MSSQL, Oracle, MySQL, Postgre) which can also be a hosted in Azure.

Deploy to Azure

Azure Clouds

Deploy to Azure Public Cloud
Deploy to Azure US Government Cloud
Deploy to Azure China Cloud

Getting Started

Use the Deploy to Azure button above to deploy out an Azure App Service along with the additional files from this project. SonarQube may take up to 10 minutes to start the first time. This will deploy out a Basic (B1) App Service and have SQ use an in-memory database.

Passthrough Application Settings

You can set SonarQube settings based on the Azure application settings. Anything prefixed with sonar.* will at runtime be set in file if it matches a property there. This enables settings to be defined in the ARM template and set at runtime.

Note: All entries in the file are commented out by the HttpPlatformHandlerStartup script on startup. To change the Sonar properties add the application settings entry in the configuration blade (e.g. Name = sonar.jdbc.password; Value = XXXXX).

In-Depth Details

After the ARM template is deployed a deployment script is executed to copy the wwwroot folder from the repository folder to the App Service wwwroot folder. It also finds the most recent release of SonarQube to download and extract into the App Service wwwroot folder.

The runtime execution is made possible by the HttpPlatformHandler. This extension will start any executable and forward requests it receives onto the port defined in HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT environment variable. This port is randomly chosen at each invocation. A web.config file is used to tell the HttpPlatformHandler which file to execute and what parameters to pass along to the executing file.

In order to make this work the HttpPlatformHandlerStartup.ps1 script is executed by the HttpPlatformHandler. The script searches for the file and writes the port defined in the HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT environment variable to the properties file. It also writes the java.exe location to the wrapper.conf file. Finally it executes one of the StartSonar.bat file to start SonarQube.

Logs cleanup web job

After installation, web app would be provided with logs cleanup web job, which would be removing all the logs older than 1 day (or value, specified in LogsToKeep app settings variable)

Azure SQL

If you wish to switch SQ to use an Azure SQL database deploy out the database with a case-sensative collation (e.g. SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) and update the Web App app settings with entries similar to:

Name Value
sonar.jdbc.url jdbc:sqlserver://;database=DatabaseName;encrypt=true;
sonar.jdbc.username SqlUserLogin
sonar.jdbc.password SqlUserLoginPassword

Updating instructions

  1. Set application setting SonarQubeOldVersion to currently deployed version
  2. Set application setting SonarQubeVersion to new version to be deployed
  3. Stop web app
  4. Download new zip archive by executing following scripts at Kudu (in most cases it is
    $Edition = $Env:SonarQubeEdition
    $Version = $Env:SonarQubeVersion
    $OldVersion = $Env:SonarQubeOldVersion
    if(!$Version -or ($Version -ieq 'Latest')) {
        # moved to S3 and is not easily searchable anymore. Getting the latest version from GitHub releases.
        $releasesFromApi = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing).Content
        $releasesPS = $releasesFromApi | ConvertFrom-Json
        $Version = $releasesPS.Name | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
        Write-Output "Found the latest release to be $Version"

    if(!$Edition) {
        $Edition = 'Community'

    $downloadFolder = 'Distribution/sonarqube' # Community Edition
    $fileNamePrefix = 'sonarqube' # Community Edition
    switch($Edition) {
        'Developer' { 
            $downloadFolder = 'CommercialDistribution/sonarqube-developer'
            $fileNamePrefix = 'sonarqube-developer'
        'Enterprise' { 
            $downloadFolder = 'CommercialDistribution/sonarqube-enterprise'
            $fileNamePrefix = 'sonarqube-enterprise'
        'Data Center' { 
            $downloadFolder = 'CommercialDistribution/sonarqube-datacenter'
            $fileNamePrefix = 'sonarqube-datacenter'

    $fileName = "$fileNamePrefix-$"
    $downloadUri = "$downloadFolder/$fileName"
    $wwwrootPath = "$env:Home\site\wwwroot"
    $outputFile = "$wwwrootPath\$fileName"
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadUri -OutFile $outputFile -UseBasicParsing
    Expand-Archive -Path $outputFile -DestinationPath $wwwrootPath -Force
  1. Copy plugins from old installation to new one
$oldVersion = $env:SonarQubeOldVersion; 
$newVersion = $env:SonarQubeVersion; 
cp C:\home\site\wwwroot\sonarqube-$oldVersion\extensions\plugins\*.jar C:\home\site\wwwroot\sonarqube-$newVersion\extensions\plugins\ -Force;
  1. Remove old sonarqube folder ($oldVersion = $env:SonarQubeOldVersion; rm C:\home\site\wwwroot\sonarqube-$oldVersion\ -Force)
  2. Start web app

In case something goes wrong - you could always restore from backup. For additional safety - create staging slot with copy of current application before proceeding with actions. If you are using other than Community edition - than your key is calculated basing on database connection string - so, you could not use another database for updating :(

Alternative Hosting Methods

Some alternative hosting methods are below with the relevant links.

Azure VM

Azure App Service with a Linux Container

Docker Image

IIS as a Reverse Proxy