We follow the "typical" GitHub workflow when contributing changes:
- Fork a repository into your account.
- Create a new branch and give it a meaningful name. For example, if you are going to fix issue MBS-4635, branch can be
. - Make your changes and commit them with a good description. You don't need to provide a lot of details, but make sure that people who look at the commit history afterwards can understand what you were changing and why.
- Create a new pull request on GitHub. Make sure that
title of your pull request is descriptive. If you are fixing an issue that exists in our bug tracker reference it
like this:
MBS-4635: Allow replacing images
. Not[MBS-4635] - Allow replacing images
orAllow replacing images (MBS-4635)
Most of the projects have a set of tests that are run on each pull request to make sure that changes don't break the master branch. These checks are mandatory in most cases.
Apart from MusicBrainz, our projects don't have a release schedule. This means that changes are released as soon as they are ready. Keeping the master branch functional in this case is essential. If a change that breaks tests is merged, it will cause issues for all the developers working on a project. It should be very easy to undo something that has been done and rollback deployed version of a service.
Checks are run automatically by Jenkins or other services depending on what projects decide to go with.