diff --git a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/__tests__/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/__tests__/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c59ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/__tests__/__snapshots__/index.spec.js.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`test child in space 1`] = `
+exports[`test child in space 2`] = `
+exports[`test child in space 3`] = `
+exports[`test child in space 4`] = `
+exports[`test space example 1`] = `
+exports[`test space props 1`] = `
+exports[`test space props 2`] = `
+exports[`test space props 3`] = `
+exports[`test space props 4`] = `
+exports[`test space props 5`] = `
+exports[`test space props 6`] = `
+exports[`test space props 7`] = `
+exports[`test space props 8`] = `
+exports[`test space props 9`] = `
+exports[`test space props 10`] = `
+exports[`test space props 11`] = `
+exports[`test space props 12`] = `
+exports[`test space props 13`] = `
+exports[`test space props 14`] = `
+exports[`test space props 15`] = `
+exports[`test space props 16`] = `
+exports[`test space props 17`] = `
+exports[`test space props 18`] = `
+exports[`test space props 19`] = `
+exports[`test space props 20`] = `
+exports[`test space props 21`] = `
+exports[`test space props 22`] = `
+exports[`test space props 23`] = `
+exports[`test space props 24`] = `
+exports[`test space props 25`] = `
diff --git a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/__tests__/index.spec.js b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/__tests__/index.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ad3ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/__tests__/index.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+import VarSpace from '../Space'
+import Space from '..'
+import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'
+import Vue from 'vue'
+import { delay } from '../../utils/jest'
+import example from '../example'
+test('test space example', async () => {
+ const wrapper = mount(example)
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ wrapper.destroy()
+test('test space plugin', () => {
+ Vue.use(Space)
+ expect(Vue.component(Space.name)).toBeTruthy()
+test('test space props', async () => {
+ const template = `
+ div1
+ div2
+ div3
+ `
+ const wrapper = mount({
+ components: {
+ [VarSpace.name]: VarSpace,
+ },
+ template,
+ })
+ await delay(0)
+ await wrapper.setProps({ direction: 'row' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ direction: 'column' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ size: 'mini' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ size: 'small' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ size: 'normal' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ size: 'large' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ size: '10px' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ size: '10rem' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ size: '[10px,20px]' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ wrap: true })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ wrap: false })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ justify: 'start' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ justify: 'end' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ justify: 'center' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ justify: 'space-between' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ justify: 'space-around' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ align: 'start' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ align: 'center' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ align: 'end' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ align: 'stretch' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ align: 'baseline' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ align: 'initial' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ align: 'inherit' })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ inline: true })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setProps({ inline: false })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ wrapper.destroy()
+test('test child in space', async () => {
+ const template = `
+ div1
+ div2
+ div3
+ `
+ const wrapper = mount({
+ components: {
+ [VarSpace.name]: VarSpace,
+ },
+ data: () => ({
+ size: 'mini',
+ direction: 'row',
+ inline: true,
+ }),
+ template,
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setData({
+ size: ['10px', '20px'],
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setData({
+ direction: 'column',
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ await wrapper.setData({
+ inline: false,
+ })
+ expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot()
+ wrapper.destroy()
diff --git a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/docs/en-US.md b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/docs/en-US.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27cbaf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/docs/en-US.md
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Space
+### Intro
+The component library provides two auxiliary layout components,
+so that you can do flex layout more efficiently.
+### Install
+import Vue from 'vue'
+import { Space } from '@varlet/ui'
+### Basic use
+ Button1
+ Button2
+ Button3
+### Vertical
+ Button1
+ Button2
+ Button3
+### Space Size
+ Button1
+ Button2
+ Button3
+ Button4
+ Button5
+ Button6
+### Right Align
+ Button1
+ Button2
+### Space Around
+ Button1
+ Button2
+### Align Center
+ Button1
+ Button2
+### Space Between
+ Button1
+ Button2
+## API
+| Prop | Description | Type | Default |
+| ------------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
+| `align` | Vertical arrangement, Can be set to `stretch` `center` `start` `end` `baseline` | _string_ | `-`|
+|`justify`|Horizontal arrangement, Can be set to `start` `end` `center` `space-around` `space-between`|_string_|`start`|
+| `size` | spacing, Can be set to `mini` `small` `normal` `large` or `[Vertical, Horizontal]`(Support length unit)| _string \|number \| [string \| number, string \| number]_ |`normal`|
+|`wrap`|Whether to exceed the line break|_boolean_|`true`|
+|`direction`|Layout direction, Can be set to `row` `column`|_string_|`row`|
+|`inline`|Is it an inline element|_boolean_|`false`|
+### Slots
+| Name | Description | SlotProps |
+| --- |------------------| --- |
+| `default` | Content of space | `-` |
diff --git a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/docs/zh-CN.md b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/docs/zh-CN.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e7f0eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/docs/zh-CN.md
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Space 间隔
+### 介绍
+组件库提供了 `` 布局的组件,使您更有效率的进行 flex 布局。
+### 引入
+import Vue from 'vue'
+import { Space } from '@varlet-vue2/ui'
+### 基本用法
+ Button1
+ Button2
+ Button3
+### 垂直
+ Button1
+ Button2
+ Button3
+### 间隙
+ Button1
+ Button2
+ Button3
+ Button4
+ Button5
+ Button6
+### 靠右
+ Button1
+ Button2
+### 环绕
+ Button1
+ Button2
+### 居中
+ Button1
+ Button2
+### 两端对齐
+ Button1
+ Button2
+## API
+### 属性
+| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
+| ------------- | ------------ | --------- | --------- |
+| `align` | 垂直排列方式 可选值为 `stretch` `center` `start` `end` `baseline` | _string_ | `-`|
+|`justify`|水平排列方式 可选值为 `start` `end` `center` `space-around` `space-between`|_string_|`start`|
+| `size` | 间距,可选值为 `mini` `small` `normal` `large` 或 `[垂直间距, 水平间距]` (支持长度单位)| _string \| number \| [string \| number, string \| number]_ |`normal`|
+|`direction`|布局方向 可选值为 `row` `column`|_string_|`row`|
+### 插槽
+| 插槽名 | 说明 | 参数 |
+| --- |----------| --- |
+| `default` | Space 内容 | `-` |
diff --git a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/index.vue b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/index.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b73c9ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/index.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
{{ pack.baseUse }}
+ Button1
+ Button2
+ Button3
{{ pack.vertical }}
+ Button1
+ Button2
+ Button3
{{ pack.space }}
+ Button1
+ Button2
+ Button3
+ Button4
+ Button5
+ Button6
{{ pack.rightAlign }}
+ Button1
+ Button2
{{ pack.around }}
+ Button1
+ Button2
{{ pack.center }}
+ Button1
+ Button2
{{ pack.between }}
+ Button1
+ Button2
diff --git a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/locale/en-US.ts b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/locale/en-US.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b29a37c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/locale/en-US.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+export default {
+ baseUse: 'Basic use',
+ vertical: 'Vertical',
+ space: 'Space Size',
+ rightAlign: 'Right Align',
+ around: 'Space Around',
+ center: 'Align Center',
+ between: 'Space Between',
diff --git a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/locale/index.ts b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/locale/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2e375e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/locale/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// lib
+import _zhCN from '../../../locale/zh-CN'
+import _enCN from '../../../locale/en-US'
+// mobile example doc
+import zhCN from './zh-CN'
+import enUS from './en-US'
+import { useLocale, add as _add, use as _use } from '../../../locale'
+const { add, use: exampleUse, pack, packs, merge } = useLocale()
+const use = (lang: string) => {
+ _use(lang)
+ exampleUse(lang)
+export { add, pack, packs, merge, use }
+// lib
+_add('zh-CN', _zhCN)
+_add('en-US', _enCN)
+// mobile example doc
+add('zh-CN', zhCN as any)
+add('en-US', enUS as any)
diff --git a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/locale/zh-CN.ts b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/locale/zh-CN.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff047ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/src/space/example/locale/zh-CN.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+export default {
+ baseUse: '基本用法',
+ vertical: '垂直',
+ space: '间隙',
+ rightAlign: '靠右',
+ around: '环绕',
+ center: '居中',
+ between: '两端对齐',
diff --git a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/types/global.d.ts b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/types/global.d.ts
index dff44f9..722ba1e 100644
--- a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/types/global.d.ts
+++ b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/types/global.d.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ declare module 'vue' {
VarCard: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_CardComponent']
VarCell: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_CellComponent']
VarChip: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_ChipComponent']
+ VarCol: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_ColComponent']
VarCountdown: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_CountdownComponent']
+ VarCounter: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_CounterComponent']
VarDivider: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_DividerComponent']
VarForm: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_FormComponent']
VarImage: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_ImageComponent']
@@ -16,17 +18,19 @@ declare module 'vue' {
VarLoading: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_LoadingComponent']
VarLocale: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_LocaleComponent']
VarMenu: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_MenuComponent']
+ VarPagination: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_PaginationComponent']
VarProgress: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_ProgressComponent']
VarRadio: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_RadioComponent']
VarRadioGroup: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_RadioGroupComponent']
VarRate: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_RateComponent']
+ VarRow: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_RowComponent']
VarSkeleton: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_SkeletonComponent']
VarSnackbar: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_SnackbarComponent']
- VarSwitch: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_SwitchComponent']
+ VarSpace: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_SpaceComponent']
VarSticky: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_StickyComponent']
- VarRow: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_RowComponent']
- VarCol: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_ColComponent']
+ VarSwitch: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_SwitchComponent']
VarTable: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_TableComponent']
+ VarTimePicker: typeof import('@varlet-vue2/ui')['_TimePickerComponent']
diff --git a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/types/index.d.ts b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/types/index.d.ts
index 66281fd..847a03e 100644
--- a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/types/index.d.ts
+++ b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/types/index.d.ts
@@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ export * from './appBar'
export * from './backTop'
export * from './badge'
export * from './button'
-export * from './timePicker'
export * from './card'
export * from './cell'
export * from './chip'
+export * from './col'
export * from './countdown'
+export * from './counter'
export * from './divider'
export * from './form'
export * from './image'
@@ -19,18 +20,18 @@ export * from './lazy'
export * from './loading'
export * from './locale'
export * from './menu'
+export * from './pagination'
export * from './progress'
export * from './radio'
export * from './radioGroup'
export * from './rate'
+export * from './row'
export * from './skeleton'
export * from './snackbar'
+export * from './space'
export * from './sticky'
-export * from './row'
-export * from './col'
-export * from './table'
-export * from './pagination'
export * from './switch'
-export * from './counter'
+export * from './table'
+export * from './timePicker'
export * from './varComponent'
export * from './varDirective'
diff --git a/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/types/space.d.ts b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/types/space.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..511be30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/varlet-vue2-ui/types/space.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { VarComponent } from './varComponent'
+export type SpaceAlign = 'stretch' | 'center' | 'start' | 'end' | 'baseline' | 'initial' | 'inherit'
+export type SpaceDirection = 'row' | 'column'
+export type SpaceJustify = 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'space-around' | 'space-between'
+export type SpaceInternalSize = 'mini' | 'small' | 'normal' | 'large'
+export type SpaceSize = 'mini' | 'small' | 'normal' | 'large' | number | string | (number | string)[]
+export interface SpaceProps {
+ align?: SpaceAlign
+ size?: SpaceSize
+ warp?: boolean
+ direction?: SpaceDirection
+ justify?: SpaceJustify
+ inline?: boolean
+export class Space extends VarComponent {
+ $props: SpaceProps
+export class _SpaceComponent extends Space {}