The framework offers a collection of utility functions that streamline the identification of elements, common actions, and assertions in Playwright. These functions are located in the node_modules/vasu-playwright-utils/src/vasu-playwright-lib/utils
directory and include:
page-utils.ts: This file contains page functions like setting a page, getting a page, switching between the pages, closing and reloding a page, loading and getting the page url, getting windows size, page navigations etc.
locator-utils.ts: This file has functions that helps in finding web elements on pages and frames in various ways, such as by test ID, label, text, CSS, or XPath.
action-utils.ts: This file contains functions to perform several common actions like clicking, filling input fields, selecting options from dropdowns, drag and drop, handling alerts, scroll, uploading and downloading files, navigating and reloading pages.
element-utils.ts: This file contains functions for handling conditional statements with web elements, such as checking if an element is visible, hidden, or contains certain text or input values.
assert-utils.ts: This file contains functions for adding both soft and hard assertions in your tests. Soft assertions do not stop the test when they fail, while hard assertions do.
These utilities are designed to make your tests more readable and maintainable while minimizing the need for repetitive boilerplate code. And these utilities can be imported into Page objects using two different methods, as explained in the following section.
Here are a few examples of how to use the utility functions:
The page-utils
module contains the functions of the Page. These functions are used for managing Page objects and centralizes the management of Page objects, making it easier to control the state of your tests.
import { gotoURL, switchPage, switchToDefaultPage, closePage, reloadPage, wait } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
// Navigate to a URL
await gotoURL('', { timeout: MAX_TIMEOUT });
// Switch to the second tab/window
await switchPage(2);
// Switch to the initial page that was launched or the first tab/window.
await switchToDefaultPage();
// reloads the current page
await reloadPage();
// Close the current page and then switch to the default page if it exists.
await closePage();
// Static wait, to use as a temporary workaround for intermittent issues related to elements loading or transitioning states in test automation
await wait(SMALL_TIMEOUT);
gotoURL(path: string, options: GotoOptions)
: This function navigates to a specific URL. The path parameter is the URL you want to navigate to, and the options parameter is an optional parameter that specifies additional navigation options. Here we have overridden the default navigation timeout with MAX_TIMEOUT optional parameter. -
switchPage(winNum: number, options?: SwitchPageOptions)
: This function switches page to the given window index. The winNum parameter is the index of the window that you want to switch to, and the options parameter is an optional parameter that specifies additional switch page options.Useful when a test involves interacting with multiple pages.
: This function switches to the initial page that was launched or the first tab/window.Useful when you want to return to the starting context after interacting with other pages.
reloadPage(options?: NavigationOptions)
: This function loads the current page. The options parameter is an optional parameter that specifies additional navigation options. -
closePage(winNum?: number)
: This function is used to close a page or window and switches to the default page if it exists. If you provide the optional 'winNum' parameter, which is an index number for the window, it will close the window of that index. If you don't specify any index, it will just close the current page or window you are on.Useful for cleaning up after a test that opens additional pages.
wait(ms: number)
: This function defines the period of time in milliseconds during which a script pauses or sleeps before proceeding to the next step or action.SMALL_TIMEOUT
is a constant defined for 5000 milliseconds, underconstants
directory invasu-playwright-utils
The locator-utils
module provides a set of utility functions that identify locators in various ways in Playwright. Locators are used to identify elements on a webpage and are crucial for interacting with web elements in order to perform actions such as clicking a button or inputting text into a form field.
Here's an example on how to use various locator functions from locator-utils
import {
} from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
// Locator with CSS
const cssLocator = `button#submit`;
// Locator with Xpath
const xpathLocator = `button[@id='submit']`;
// Locator with testIdAttribute
const testIdLocator = () => getLocatorByTestId('submit-button');
// Locator by text
const textLocator = () => getLocatorByText('Submit');
// Locator by role
const roleLocator = () => getLocatorByRole('button', { name: 'Login' });
const chainingRoleLocator = () => getLocator(`//form[@name='create-account']`).getByRole('button', { name: 'Sign Up' });
// Locator by label
const labelLocator = () => getLocatorByLabel('Submit Button');
// Locator with 'and' operator
const locatorWithAnd = () => getLocator(`button#submit`).and.(getLocator(`button#Enabled`));
// Locator with 'or' operator
const locatorWithOr = () => getLocator(`button[@id='gridview']`).or.(getLocator(`button[@id='listview']`);
// Locator with filter
const locatorWithFilter = () => getLocatorByRole('button').filter({hasText: 'submit'});
const rememberMeCheckbox = () => getLocator(`label`).filter({ has: getLocator(`//input[@type='checkbox']`), hasText: 'Remember me' }).locator(`span`).first();
In this example, we're using various functions from locator-utils
getLocator(selector: string)
: This function returns a Locator object for the given Xpath or CSS selector. The selector parameter is a string representing the Xpath or CSS selector of the element you want to locate. -
getLocatorByTestId(testId: string)
: This function returns a Locator object for the element with the given test ID. ThetestId
parameter is a string representing thetestIdAttribute
of the element you want to locate. The default TestID is adata-testid
attribute that can be added to any web element on the HTML page. ThetestIdAttribute
attribute can be configured in theplaywright.config.ts
file.For example, if you have the following configuration in your
file:testIdAttribute: 'qa-target';
With this configuration, you can directly pass the
value to thegetLocatorByTestId
function without the need for any CSS or XPath. This simplifies the process of locating elements on the page, especially when dealing with complex or dynamic content. For more information please refer to Playwright test id documentation -
getLocatorByText(text: string)
: This function returns a Locator object for the element with the given text. The text parameter is a string representing the text of the element you want to locate. -
getLocatorByRole(role: string)
: This function returns a Locator object for the element with the given ARIA role. The role parameter is a string representing the ARIA role of the element you want to locate. -
getLocatorByLabel(label: string)
: This function returns a Locator object for the element with the given label. The label parameter is a string representing the label of the element you want to locate. -
These locator functions can also be easily used with Locator operators(
) and filters(filter
). For more information on Locator operators and filters, please refer to Playwright Locator documentation
Here is some more information about locator-utils
usage as this is a unique POM design pattern:
We use a closure to declare the Locator because the page object is initialized during runtime. If we call the function directly, it may return null due to the page object not being initialized yet. By using a closure, we ensure that we're accessing the page object only after it has been properly initialized.
For XPath or CSS selectors, we can directly use a string instead of a closure, as these selectors do not involve the page object. This approach allows us to define selectors in a straightforward manner without worrying about the page object's initialization state.
We are calling the locator function instead of using a constant locator as the page object is initialized during runtime only.
functions can be used with various Locator options
, optional parameter type objects. Please refer to the Optional Parameter Type Objects section below for more information.
The locator-utils
module also provides utility functions to handle frames in Playwright. Frames are used in web development to divide the content of a page into multiple, scrollable regions. With Playwright, you can interact with frames in a similar way as you do with separate pages.
Here's how you can use the locator-utils
functions to handle frames easily:
import { getFrameLocator, getLocatorInFrame, getFrame } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
// CSS/Xpath Selector for the iframe
const frameSelector = `iframe[name='test-frame']`;
// Get a FrameLocator using CSS/Xpath and use it to identify multiple locators inside this frame
export const webFrameLocator = () => getFrameLocator(frameSelector);
// Theses locators are inside above frame. We are just identifying the locators in the page but not inside the above frame yet
const signupLocator = () => getLocatorByTestId('sign-up');
const cancelLocator = () => getLocator(`button[name='cancel']`);
// Different ways to identify a locator inside above frame
// Method 1: Identify a locator within a frame by using locator methods with frameLocator.
// This is the preferred method for better readability.
const locatorInFrame = () => webFrameLocator().getByTestId('continue-button');
const cancelButton = () => webFrameLocator().locator(`button[name='cancel']`);
// Method 2: Identify a locator within a frame using a CSS/XPath frameSelector and an element locator.
const locatorInFrame = () => getLocatorInFrame(frameSelector, signupLocator());
const cancelButton = () => getLocatorInFrame(frameSelector, cancelLocator());
// Method 3: Identify a locator within a frame using frameLocator and an element locator.
const locatorInFrame = () => getLocatorInFrame(webFrameLocator(), signupLocator());
const cancelButton = () => getLocatorInFrame(webFrameLocator(), cancelLocator());
// Identify the frame using frame name to interact with elements within it or to evaluate JavaScript inside the frame
const webFrame = () => getFrame('WebApplicationFrame');
//Assertion to check if frame is present
expect(webFrame(), 'Frame webFrame should exist').not.toBeNull();
// Identify a Nested frame, i.e frame inside webFrame
const nestedFrame = webFrame()
.find(frame => frame.url().startsWith(<HOST_URL>));
// Assertion to check if nestedFrame is defined
expect(nestedFrame, 'Frame nestedFrame should exist').toBeDefined();
await nestedFrame?.evaluate(<syncFunc>, <data>);
In this example, we're using various functions from locator-utils
to handle frames:
getFrameLocator(frameInput: string | FrameLocator)
: This function returns a FrameLocator object that we can use to enter the iframe and select locators in that iframe. The selector parameter is a string representing the Xpath or CSS selector of the frame you want to locate. -
getLocatorInFrame(frameInput: string | FrameLocator, input: string | Locator)
: This function returns a Locator object inside the frame. The frameInput parameter is a string representing the frame Xpath or CSS selector that you want to locate and the input parameter is a string or Locator of the element you want to locate inside the frame. -
getFrame(frameSelector: FrameOptions)
: This function returns a Frame/null object. The frameSelector parameter is a string representing the name or id attribute of the frame or url attribute of frame as an object.
These Locator functions make it easier to locate elements on the page, and they provide a more readable and maintainable way to define locators in your tests.
For more information, please refer to Playwright FrameLocator documentation and Playwright Frame documentation.
The action-utils
module provides a set of utility functions that simplify common actions in Playwright. These functions are designed to make your tests more readable, maintainable and reduce the amount of boilerplate code you need to write.
Here's an example of how to use the action-utils
import { click, fill, pressSequentially, check, uploadFiles, selectByValue } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
import { SMALL_TIMEOUT, MAX_TIMEOUT } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
// Click an element
await click(`text='Log in'`);
// Fill a form field
await fill(`input#username`, 'myusername');
// Press sequentially into a form field
await pressSequentially(`input#search`, 'searchText');
// Check a checkbox or radio button
await check(`input#agree`);
// Upload files
await uploadFiles(`input#file`, '/path/to/myfile.jpg');
// Select a value from a dropdown
await selectByValue(`#dropdown`, 'selectValue');
In this example, we're using various functions from action-utils
click(input: string | Locator, options?: ClickOptions)
: This function clicks an element on the page. The input parameter is a string or Locator representing the element you want to click, and the options parameter is an optional parameter that specifies additional click options. -
fill(input: string | Locator, value: string, options?: FillOptions)
: This function fills a form field with a specific value. The input parameter is a string or Locator representing the form field you want to fill, the value parameter is the value you want to fill the form field with, and the options parameter is an optional parameter that specifies additional fill options. -
pressSequentially(input: string | Locator, value: string, options?: PressSequentiallyOptions)
: This function enters text into a field character by character, as if it was a user with a real keyboard. The input parameter is a string or Locator representing the form field you want to enter the text, the value parameter is the value you want to enter the form field with, and the options parameter is an optional parameter that specifies additional PressSequentially options.Typically,
is a more versatile and efficient choice that works effectively in most scenarios. It not only clears the input field but also simulates a single input event, similar to paste.Unlike
does not clear the input field's content; instead, it appends the specified text to the existing content. This method simulates keyboard key presses like keydown, keypress/input, and keyup, for each character in the provided text.To find more information on
, please refer to Playwright Type characters documentation. -
check(input: string | Locator, options?: CheckOptions)
: This function checks a checkbox or radio button. The input parameter is a string or Locator representing the checkbox or radio button you want to check, and the options parameter is an optional parameter that specifies additional check options. -
uploadFiles(input: string | Locator, path: UploadValues, options?: UploadOptions)
: This function is used to upload files. The input parameter is a string or Locator representing the file input you want to upload files to, the path parameter is the path of the files you want to upload, and the options parameter is an optional parameter that specifies additional upload options. -
selectByValue(input: string | Locator, value: string, options?: SelectOptions)
: This function selects a value from a dropdown. Theinput
parameter is a string or Locator representing the select element, the value parameter is thevalue
to select for the dropdown option, and theoptions
parameter specifies additional select options. -
Similarly, we have
functions for selecting options by text or index, andselectByValues()
for multi-select dropdowns.
For more information on actions, please refer to the Playwright Actions documentation. For more information on auto-waits, refer to Playwright Auto waiting documentation.
functions can be used with various Action options
, optional parameter type objects. Please refer to the Optional Parameter Type Objects section below for more information.
The majority of action-utils
functions are designed to act on visible locators by default. When multiple locators are identified using a selector, the functions automatically filter out any locators that are hidden, focusing on the visible locator to execute the action. However, if there are multiple visible locators, a strict mode violation
error will occur unless the selection is narrowed down to a single locator that is needed for performing the action.
Functions designed to operate on visible locators by default that include the onlyVisible: true
parameter : click
, clickAndNavigate
, fill
, fillAndEnter
, pressSequentially
, pressKeyboard
, clear
, selectByValue
, selectByValues
, selectByText
, selectByIndex
, hover
, focus
, dragAndDrop
, doubleClick
, downloadFile
, uploadFiles
Although actions are primarily performed on visible locators filtered from all identified locators, assertions are performed on both visible and invisible locators. By default, the assert-utils
functions do not include a visibility setting filter set to true
. To filter the locator passed to the assert-utils
functions, add the optional type parameter onlyVisible: true
to the locator-utils
This approach ensures that the assertions apply only to visible elements, thereby filtering the hidden locators as needed.
const continueButton = () => getLocatorByTestId('continue', { onlyVisible: true });
await expectElementToBeVisible(continueButton());
We can globally change the default visibility setting for the provided action-utils
functions by setting the visibility value to false
. This can be achieved by adding the following function in the playwright.config.ts
file (just above the configuration settings).
If you prefer not to globally override the visibility setting but instead want to customize it for a specific action, you can achieve this by adding onlyVisible: false
as an optional parameter to that individual action function.
This approach allows for selective overriding of the visibility condition on a per-action basis.
await click(`#button`, { onlyVisible: false });
The action-utils
module also provides utility functions to handle alerts in Playwright.
Here's an example of how to use the action-utils
functions to handle alerts:
import { acceptAlert, dismissAlert, getAlertText } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
// Click on an element that opens an alert and then accept the alert
await acceptAlert(outOfStockButton());
// Click on an element that opens an alert and then dismiss the alert
await dismissAlert(outOfStockButton());
// Click on an element that opens an alert and then get the text from the alert
const text = await getAlertText(outOfStockButton());
In this example, we're using various functions from action-utils
to handle alerts:
acceptAlert(input: string | Locator, promptText?: string)
: This function is used to accept an alert dialog. Theinput
parameter is a string or Locator representing the element that triggers the alert, and thepromptText
parameter is an optional parameter that specifies the text to enter into a prompt dialog. -
dismissAlert(input: string | Locator)
: This function is used to dismiss an alert dialog. Theinput
parameter is a string or Locator representing the element that triggers the alert. -
getAlertText(input: string | Locator)
: This function is used to get the text from an alert dialog. Theinput
parameter is a string or Locator representing the element that triggers the alert.
These functions make it easier to handle alerts in your tests, and they provide a more readable and maintainable way to define alert handling in your tests. For more information, please refer to Playwright Alerts documentation.
The element-utils
module provides utility functions for extracting values from web elements and performing condition checks. These functions are designed to handle common tasks related to web elements, such as retrieving text or attribute values, checking visibility, and more.
import { getText, getAllTexts, getInputValue, getAttribute, attribute } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
// getting inner text
const text = await getText(textLocator());
// getting all inner texts
const allTexts = await getAllTexts(textLocator());
// getting input value
const inputValue = await getInputValue(userName());
// getting 'class' attribute value
const attribute = await getAttribute(labelLocator(), 'class');
// element visibility conditional check
if (isElementVisible(logoutButton())) {
console.log('Login is successful');
} else {
console.log('Login is not successful');
In this example, we're using various functions from element-utils
to extract values and verify condition checks:
getText(input: string | Locator, options?: TimeoutOption)
: This function gets the inner text of an element. The input parameter is a string or Locator representing the element from which to get the text. TimeoutOption is an optional parameter for timeout. -
getAllTexts(input: string | Locator)
: This function gets all inner texts from the given locator. TimeoutOption is an optional parameter for timeout. -
getInputValue(input: string | Locator, options?: TimeoutOption)
: This function gets the input value from text or form fields. The input parameter is a string or Locator representing the element from which to get the text. TimeoutOption is an optional parameter for timeout. -
getAttribute(input: string | Locator,attributeName: string, options?: TimeoutOption)
: This function gets the attribute value from the given attributeName parameter of the Locator. TimeoutOption is an optional parameter for timeout. -
isElementVisible(input: string | Locator, options?: TimeoutOption)
: This function checks whether the given input parameter is visible and returns a boolean value. TimeoutOption is an optional parameter for timeout.
The assert-utils
module provides a set of utility functions that simplify common assertions in Playwright. These functions are designed to make your tests more readable and maintainable. This module also support both hard
and soft
assertions, allowing you to choose the appropriate level of strictness for your tests.
Hard assertions terminates the test execution right away if the assertion fails, preventing further code execution. They're crucial for conditions where it's not logical to continue the test if a certain check fails.
import {
} from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
import { INSTANT_TIMEOUT, STANDARD_TIMEOUT } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
// asserting element to be visible
await expectElementToBeVisible(logoutButton(), 'Login should be successful', { timeout: STANDARD_TIMEOUT });
// asserting element to be invisible
await expectElementToBeHidden(signInButton(), 'signInButton should not be displayed');
// asserting element to have the text
await expectElementToHaveText(successfulMessage(), 'You have logged in successfully', {
ignoreCase: true,
message: 'Verify Login should be Successful',
// asserting check box is not checked
await expectElementNotToBeChecked(agreeCheckbox(), { timeout: INSTANT_TIMEOUT });
In this example, we're using various functions from assert-utils
expectElementToBeVisible(input: string | Locator, options?: ExpectOptions)
: This function checks if a specific element is visible on the page. The input parameter is a string or Locator representing the element you want to check. The options parameter is an optional parameter that specifies additional options like timeout and a custom message to display in the report if the assertion fails. -
expectElementToBeHidden(element: Locator, message?: string, options?: ExpectOptions)
: This function checks if a specific element is hidden on the page. The parameters are the same as expectElementToBeVisible. -
expectElementToHaveText(input: string | Locator, text: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>, options?: ExpectOptions & ExpectTextOption)
: This function asserts that the text of a specific element matches the expected text. The input parameter is a string or Locator representing the element from where we assert text, the text parameter is the value you want to assert with, and the ExpectOptions and ExpectTextOption parameters are optional parameters that specify additional assert options like soft assertion, ignore case, etc. -
expectElementNotToContainText(element: Locator, unexpectedText: string, options?: ExpectOptions)
: This function checks if a specific element does not contain a certain text. The unexpectedText parameter is the text you expect the element not to contain.
These functions make it easier to write assertions in your tests, and they provide better error messages when the assertions fail.
Unlike hard assertions, soft assertions do not stop the test execution when they fail. The test continues to run, allowing multiple assertions to be checked and their failures to be collected. At the end of the test, all the failures are reported together. Although the test continues, the failure of a soft assertion will still mark the test as failed at its conclusion.
import { expectElementToBeVisible, expectElementNotToContainText } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
import { INSTANT_TIMEOUT, STANDARD_TIMEOUT } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
// with 'soft' optional parameter 'true' we are making these assertions as soft assertion
await expectElementToBeVisible(logoutButton(), 'Login should be successful', { timeout: STANDARD_TIMEOUT, soft: true });
await expectElementNotToBeChecked(agreeCheckbox(), { timeout: INSTANT_TIMEOUT, soft: true });
await expectElementNotToContainText(successfulMessage(), '404 error', { soft: true });
//Use this step in spec file to immediately stop and fail the test at that point itself when any soft assertion fails, instead of failing at the end of the test
soft: boolean
soft parameter is a SoftOption parameter. withsoft
optional parametertrue
we are making this assertion as soft assertion. -
assertAllSoftAssertions(testInfo: TestInfo)
: This function checks if there were any failures in the soft assertions and stops the test if there were. The testInfo parameter is the test information object from Playwright.
For Playwright's reference to soft assertions, please visist Playwright Soft Assertions documentation.
functions can be used with various Expect options
parameter type objects. Please refer to the Optional Parameter Type Objects section below for more information.
The types/optional-parameter-types
module provides a set of options for utility modules.
import { getLocator, getLocatorByTestId } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
import { clickAndNavigate, PressSequentially } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
import { expectElementToHaveText } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
import { STANDARD_TIMEOUT } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
const loginpage = () => getLocator(`#loginpage`, { hasText: 'login', exact: true });
const successfulMessage = () => getLocatorByTestId(`sucess-message`);
export async function verifyLoginPageisDisplayed() {
// ClickOptions
await clickAndNavigate(loginpage(), { button: 'right', force: true, clickCount: 1 });
// PressSequentiallyOptions
await PressSequentially(`#username`, 'testuser', { delay: 100, noWaitAfter: false });
// ExpectTextOptions
await expectElementToHaveText(successfulMessage(), 'Login is Successful', {
ignoreCase: true,
In this example, we're using some optional parameters with utility functions as described:
Locator options
are used as an optional parameters to locate the element that has the exact given text. -
Action Options(ClickOptions)
option is used to specify the mouse button for clicking (default is left-click, but can be set to right-click).force
option allows bypassing actionability checks to force a click (by default, this is false, meaning actionability checks are enforced), andclickCount
option specifies the number of times an element should be clicked (with a default of1
). -
Action Options(PressSequentiallyOptions)
is used to simulate the delay between the key presses with the given time in ms,noWaitAfter
is used to specify not to wait after the actionPressSequentially
. -
option is utilized to perform case-insensitive assertions (by default, it is set tofalse
, which implies case-sensitive assertions). Thetimeout
option specifies the duration to wait before failing the test, thereby overriding the defaultexpect
timeout defined in theplaywright.config.ts
file. This allows for either a longer or shorter timeout period as required.
This method is useful when you know the specific function you need from the utility library that you need for your task. Instead of importing the whole library, you can just import the one function that you need.
The import statements from the above utility examples follow this approach.
import { getLocator, click, expectElementToHaveText, switchPage, isElementAttached } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
const loginpage = () => getLocator(`#loginpage`, { hasText: 'login', exact: true });
await click(loginpage());
await expectElementToHaveText(successfulMessage(), 'Login is Successful');
await switchPage(1);
await isElementAttached(`#locator`);
This method is good when you don't know all the functions in the utility library that you need for your task. In these cases, it's easier to import the whole library instead of just certain functions. Typing <directoryname>.
will list all the functions in that library, so you can choose the one that fits your need.
import { ActionUtils, AssertUtils, ElementUtils, PageUtils, LocatorUtils } from 'vasu-playwright-utils';
const loginpage = () => LocatorUtils.getLocator(`#loginpage`, { hasText: 'login', exact: true });
await AssertUtils.expectElementToHaveText(successfulMessage(), 'Login is Successful');
await PageUtils.switchPage(1);
await ElementUtils.isElementAttached(`#locator`);
Test annotations are a powerful feature of the Playwright Test that allows you to modify the behavior of individual tests. You can use them to mark a test as slow, skip it, indicate that it needs to be fixed, group tests, and much more. They provide a flexible way to manage your tests and handle different scenarios.
Here are some examples of how to use test annotations:
import { test } from '@pagesetup';
test.fixme('This test will fail and needs to be fixed so it will be skipped', async () => {});
test.slow('Triples the default timeouts for this test', async () => {});
test.skip('Skip this test', async () => {});
: marks the test as failing. Playwright Test will not run this test. Usefixme
when running the test is slow, crashes, or needs any fixes. This allows you to temporarily disable a test until it can be fixed. -
: marks the test as slow and triples the timeout. Useslow
when a test takes longer than usual to complete. This allows Playwright Test to adjust its behavior and avoid prematurely terminating the test. -
: marks the test as irrelevant. Playwright Test does not run such a test. Use skip when a test is not applicable in some configurations. This allows you to exclude certain tests based on specific conditions or configurations.
For more info on test annotations, please refer to Playwright Test Annotations documentation