The Websocket API provides real time data updates for a supplied exchange over a websocket connection.
Data is sent using an ASCII streamer protocol with individual messages defined as below. Transmitted packets may contain one or several individual messages.
Fields within messages are delimited by a ~ character and multiple messages are delimited by a | character which also serves as an end of message indicator.
The streaming service sends a heartbeat message at 10 second intervals to all connected Websocket API clients. The format is as follows:
Once a client connection has been established it is necessary for the connecting client to request at least one subscription in order to receive data.
Clients who connect but do not open a subscription will be disconnected after a short grace period.
NB: The message formats are case-sensitive, with the exception of [exchange] which is case insensitive.
Data subscriptions are made for a given exchange / coin pair combination with one or many being passed in a single JSON object bearing the structure below.
"action": ACTION_TYPE
"subs": [SOURCE1, SOURCE2 ...]
"api_key": API_KEY
Action type refers to whether the message is for a subscribe or unsubscribe event. It has the following acceptable values:
action param | Meaning |
SubAdd | Subscribe to the included sources |
SubRemove | Unsubscribe from the included sources |
The subs param is an array of strings containing qualified sources of the form:
At least one source is required for a message to be valid. Here are some potential examples.
Qualified source string | Subscription result |
30~bitfinex~BTC~USD | Level 1 order book data for BTC to USD data for the Bitfinex exchange |
8~coinbase~BTC~USD | Level 2 orderbook data for BTC to USD data for the Bitfinex exchange |
0~coinbase | Trade data for all instruments on the Coinbase exchange |
Successful subscriptions/un-subscriptions will be echoed back from the client.
Please refer to the sources field table below.
Source id | Channel | Entire Exchange Data Set Subscription Supported |
0 | Trade data | Yes |
30 | Level 1 (top of book) data | No |
8 | Level 2 (aggregated) data | No |
The message schema for trade updates is defined in the Trade message format.
The top of book data will send messages of the format shown below whenever the best bid or best ask for a specified market changes. Alongside the price it will prove the current volume and effective exchange timestamp.
The message schema for level 1 orderbook data is defined in Orderbook top of book data format.
When subscribing to level 2 orderbook channel an orderbook snapshot will be received during the initial collection messages. Each message has a sequence number and thus any messages with an earlier sequence number should be discarded.
Orderbook updates are categorised by a starting ID of 9 followed by the market information. An example is found below.
The message schema for snapshots is defined in Orderbook snapshot data format.
After the snapshot, incremental updates will be received as per the example below.
The message schema for incremental updates is defined in Orderbook live data format.