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This is a Helm chart to install vald-helm-operator.

Current chart version is v1.7.13

Table of Contents


Add Vald Helm repository

$ helm repo add vald

Run the following command to install the chart,

$ helm install vald-helm-operator-release vald/vald-helm-operator

Upgrading the version

Please upgrade the CRDs first because Helm doesn't have a support to upgrade CRDs.

$ kubectl replace -f
$ kubectl replace -f

After upgrading CRDs, you can upgrade the operator. If you're using valdhelmoperatorrelease (or vhor) resource, please update the spec.image.tag field of it.

$ kubectl patch vhor vhor-release -p '{"spec":{"image":{"tag":"v1.7.13"}}}'

On the other hand, please update the operator's deployment manually.

Custom Resources


This is a custom resource that represents values of the Vald Helm chart.


kind: ValdRelease
  name: vald-cluster
# the values of Helm chart for Vald can be placed under the `spec` field.
spec: {}


This is a custom resource that represents values of the vald-helm-operator Helm chart.


kind: ValdHelmOperatorRelease
  name: vald-helm-operator-release
# the values of Helm chart for vald-helm-operator can be placed under the `spec` field.
spec: {}


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} affinity
annotations object {} deployment annotations
enableLeaderElection bool true enable leader election for controller manager.
enableMetrics bool true enable metrics endpoint
healthPort int 8081 port of health endpoint
image.pullPolicy string "Always" image pull policy
image.repository string "vdaas/vald-helm-operator" image repository
image.tag string "v1.7.13" image tag
leaderElectionID string "vald-helm-operator" name of the configmap that is used for holding the leader lock.
livenessProbe.enabled bool true enable liveness probe.
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 2 liveness probe failure threshold
livenessProbe.httpGet.path string "/healthz" readiness probe path
livenessProbe.httpGet.port string "health" readiness probe port
livenessProbe.httpGet.scheme string "HTTP" readiness probe scheme
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 15 liveness probe initial delay seconds
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 20 liveness probe period seconds
livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1 liveness probe success threshold
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5 liveness probe timeout seconds
logging.format string "console" logging format of operator (console or json)
logging.level string "info" logging level of operator (debug, info, or error)
logging.stacktraceLevel string "error" minimum log level triggers stacktrace generation
maxConcurrentReconciles int 1 max number of concurrent reconciles
metricsPort int 6061 port of metrics endpoint
name string "vald-helm-operator" name of the deployment
namespaced bool true if it is true, operator will behave as a namespace-scoped operator, if it is false, it will behave as a cluster-scoped operator.
nodeSelector object {} node labels for pod assignment
podAnnotations object {} pod annotations
podSecurityContext object {"fsGroup":65532,"fsGroupChangePolicy":"OnRootMismatch","runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} security context for pod
rbac.create bool true required roles and rolebindings will be created string "vald-helm-operator" name of roles and rolebindings
readinessProbe.enabled bool true enable readiness probe.
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 2 liveness probe failure threshold
readinessProbe.httpGet.path string "/readyz" readiness probe path
readinessProbe.httpGet.port string "health" readiness probe port
readinessProbe.httpGet.scheme string "HTTP" readiness probe scheme
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 5 liveness probe initial delay seconds
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 10 liveness probe period seconds
readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1 liveness probe success threshold
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5 liveness probe timeout seconds
reconcilePeriod string "1m" reconcile duration of operator
replicas int 2 number of replicas
resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"300Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"200m","memory":"200Mi"}} kubernetes resources of pod
securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} security context for container
service.annotations object {} service annotations
service.enabled bool true service enabled
service.externalTrafficPolicy string "" external traffic policy (can be specified when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort) : Cluster or Local
service.labels object {} service labels
service.type string "ClusterIP" service type: ClusterIP, LoadBalancer or NodePort
serviceAccount.create bool true service account will be created string "vald-helm-operator" name of service account
tolerations list [] tolerations
watchNamespaces string "" comma separated names of namespaces to watch, if it is empty, the namespace that the operator exists in is used.