diff --git a/docs/user-guides/deployment.md b/docs/user-guides/deployment.md
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+# Deployment
+There are two major ways for the deployment of the Vald cluster ways: Using the Helm command with `values.yaml` or without Helm command using operator called `vald-helm-operator`.
+- Using Helm command with `values.yaml`
+ - Easy to deploy
+ - Allow editing Vald configuration values when the user executes Helm command with inlining.
+ - Need Helm command when applying configuration
+- Using `vald-helm-operator`
+ - Monitoring the Vald deployments and Vald custom resource by `vald-helm-operator`
+ - Use `kubectl` command to set or update of the Vald cluster configuration
+ - Automate manage the Vald cluster based on CRD (Custom Resource Definitions)
+The benefit of using vald-helm-operator, it eliminates the need to check the status of the Vald cluster from the Vald cluster operator.
+It manages the Vald cluster based on the designed configuration instead of you.
+## Requirement
+- Helm: v3 ~
+If Helm is not installed, please install [Helm](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install).
+Installation command for Helm
+curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash
+## Before Deployment
+Both ways need the configuration file when you need to overwrite the default configurations before the deployment.
+Please refer to [the basic configuration document](../user-guides/configuration.md).
+In addition, as you need, please refer to the followings:
+- [Backup Configuration](../user-guides/backup-configuration.md)
+- [Filter Configuration](../user-guides/filter-configuration.md)
+Moreover, we publish the example configuration files for each use case.
+Please also refer to [here](https://github.com/vdaas/vald/tree/main/charts/vald/values).
+## Use Helm command
+### Deployment
+When deploying with Helm command, it requires `value.yaml` to override the default values.
+Sample values YAML
+ logging:
+ level: debug
+ image:
+ # Please set the specified version, e.g., v1.5.6, instead of latest
+ tag: "latest"
+ server_config:
+ healths:
+ liveness:
+ livenessProbe:
+ initialDelaySeconds: 60
+ readiness:
+ readinessProbe:
+ initialDelaySeconds: 60
+ ## vald-lb-gateway settings
+ gateway:
+ lb:
+ minReplicas: 2
+ maxReplicas: 2
+ gateway_config:
+ index_replica: 2
+ ## vald-agent settings
+ agent:
+ minReplicas: 6
+ maxReplicas: 6
+ podManagementPolicy: Parallel
+ ngt:
+ dimension: 784
+ distance_type: l2
+ object_type: float
+ # When auto_index_check_duration_limit is minus value, the agent auto indexing is effectively disabled.
+ auto_index_check_duration_limit: "-1s"
+ # When auto_index_duration_limit is minus value, the agent auto indexing is effectively disabled.
+ auto_index_duration_limit: "-1s"
+ auto_create_index_pool_size: 10000
+ default_pool_size: 10000
+ ## vald-discoverer settings
+ discoverer:
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ cpu: 150m
+ memory: 50Mi
+ ## vald-manager settings
+ manager:
+ index:
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ cpu: 150m
+ memory: 30Mi
+ indexer:
+ auto_index_duration_limit: 1m
+ auto_index_check_duration: 40s
+After create `values.yaml`, you can deploy by the following steps.
+1. Add vald repo into the helm repo.
+ ```bash
+ helm repo add vald https://vdaas.vald.org/charts
+ ```
+1. Deploy with the `values.yaml`
+ ```bash
+ helm install vald vald/vald --values
+ ```
+### Update Configuration
+When you need to update the configuration, you can update by following command with your new `values.yaml`.
+helm upgrate vald vald/vald --values
+### Cleanup
+The Vald cluster can be removed by the following command.
+helm uninstall vald
+If using PV for the backup, PV won't delete automatically.
+## Using with vald-helm-operator
+### Deployment
+When deploying with vald-helm-operator, it requires `vr.yaml` file for applying `ValdRelease`.
+`vald-helm-operator` manages the Vald cluster based on configuration of `vr.yaml`.
+Sample ValdRelease YAML
+apiVersion: vald.vdaas.org/v1
+kind: ValdRelease
+ name: vald-cluster
+# the values of Helm chart for Vald can be placed under the `spec` field.
+ defaults:
+ logging:
+ level: debug
+ image:
+ # Please set the specified version, e.g., v1.5.6, instead of latest
+ tag: "latest"
+ server_config:
+ healths:
+ liveness:
+ livenessProbe:
+ initialDelaySeconds: 60
+ readiness:
+ readinessProbe:
+ initialDelaySeconds: 60
+ ## vald-lb-gateway settings
+ gateway:
+ lb:
+ minReplicas: 2
+ maxReplicas: 2
+ gateway_config:
+ index_replica: 2
+ ## vald-agent settings
+ agent:
+ minReplicas: 6
+ maxReplicas: 6
+ podManagementPolicy: Parallel
+ ngt:
+ dimension: 784
+ distance_type: l2
+ object_type: float
+ # When auto_index_check_duration_limit is minus value, the agent auto indexing is effectively disabled.
+ auto_index_check_duration_limit: "-1s"
+ # When auto_index_duration_limit is minus value, the agent auto indexing is effectively disabled.
+ auto_index_duration_limit: "-1s"
+ auto_create_index_pool_size: 10000
+ default_pool_size: 10000
+ ## vald-discoverer settings
+ discoverer:
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ cpu: 150m
+ memory: 50Mi
+ ## vald-manager settings
+ manager:
+ index:
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ cpu: 150m
+ memory: 30Mi
+ indexer:
+ auto_index_duration_limit: 1m
+ auto_index_check_duration: 40s
+In addition, you can use the operator for the `vald-helm-operator` by applying `vhor.yaml` for `ValdHelmOperatorRelease`.
+It is possible to auto-managing vald-helm-operator.
+Sample ValdHelmOperatorRelease YAML
+apiVersion: vald.vdaas.org/v1
+kind: ValdHelmOperatorRelease
+ name: vald-helm-operator-release
+# the values of Helm chart for vald-helm-operator can be placed under the `spec` field.
+ watchNamespaces: "default"
+For more details of the configuration of vald-helm-operator-release, please refer to [here](https://github.com/vdaas/vald/tree/main/charts/vald-helm-operator#configuration).
+After setting `vr.yaml` (and `vhor.yaml`), you can deploy by the following steps.
+If you need to deploy ValdHelmOperatorRelease, you should apply vhor.yaml before applying vr.yaml.
+1. Add vald repo into the helm repo
+ ```bash
+ helm repo add vald https://vdaas.vald.org
+ ```
+1. Deploy `vald-helm-operator`
+ ```bash
+ helm install vald-helm-operator-release vald/vald-helm-operator
+ ```
+1. Apply `vhor.yaml` (optional)
+ ```bash
+ kubectl apply -f vhor.yaml
+ ```
+ After deployment success, the Kubernetes cluster runs the rolling update for vald-helm-operator components.
+1. Apply `vr.yaml`
+ ```bash
+ kubectl apply -f vr.yaml
+ ```
+### Update Configuration
+When you need to update the configuration, you can update by following command with your new `vr.yaml` or `vhor.yaml`.
+kubectl apply -f
+### Cleanup
+The Vald cluster can be removed by the following steps.
+1. Delete the `ValdRelease`
+ ```bash
+ kubectl delete -f vr.yaml
+ ```
+1. Delete the `ValdHelmOperatorReleases`
+ ```bash
+ kubectl delete -f vhor.yaml
+ ```
+1. Delete crd
+ ```bash
+ kubectl patch crd/valdhelmopratorreleases.vald.vdaas.org -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' -type=merge
+ ```
+If using PV for the backup, PV won't delete automatically.