diff --git a/docs/user-guides/upgrade-cluster.md b/docs/user-guides/upgrade-cluster.md
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+# Upgrade Vald cluster
+Before this document, we recommend reading [the configuration document](../user-guides/configuration.md) first.
+## Update Configuration
+When you'd like to update the configuration for the Vald cluster, you need to edit your configuration file and apply it according to your deployment method.
+Please refer to one of the sections below according to your deployment method.
+If each Vald Agent already has the indexes and uses the backup feature, please DO NOT edit the dimension and the distance type to avoid initContainer error.
+(Each Vald Agent will restore from backup data when performing a rolling update)
+The indexes will be clear when performing a rolling update if each Vald Agent already has the indexes and the backup feature disabled.
+### Using Helm for deployment
+The configuration file is `values.yaml`. ([Helm Values](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/values_files/))
+You can edit your `values.yaml` and update your Vald cluster by following steps:
+1. Edit `values.yaml`.
+1. Update with Helm command.
+ ```bash
+ helm upgrade vald/vald --values
+ # e.g., helm upgrade vald vald/vald --values valeus.yaml
+ ```
+### Using vald-helm-operator
+There are two configuration files:
+- `vhor.yaml` for vald-helm-operator
+- `vr.yaml` for the Vald cluster
+If you don't need to update the `vald-helm-operator`, please skip step.1 and step.2.
+The Vald cluster will be updated by the following steps:
+1. Edit `vhor.yaml`.
+1. Apply `vhor.yaml`.
+ ```bash
+ kubectl apply -f
+ # e.g., kubectl apply -f vhor.yaml
+ ```
+1. Edit `vr.yaml`.
+1. Apply `vr.yaml`.
+ ```bash
+ kubectl apply -f
+ # e.g., kubectl apply -f vr.yaml
+ ```
+## Upgrade Vald version
+We recommend using the latest Vald version.
+If your Vald cluster uses an old version and you'd like to upgrade the Vald version, you can upgrade by the following sections.
+Please refer to one of the sections below according to your deployment method.
+When the upgrade request is applied, Kubernetes will perform a rolling update.
+If your Vald cluster does not apply backup, the index will be cleared by a rolling update.
+In addition, if each Vald Agent already has the indexes and the backup feature enabled, please DO NOT edit the dimension and the distance type to avoid initContainer error.
+(Each Vald Agent will restore from backup data when backup when performing a rolling update)
+### Using Helm for deployment
+Using the `Helm` command for the deployment of the Vald cluster, the upgrading steps are below.
+Before upgrading, please confirm your Vald cluster version.
+If there is major or minor upgrading, the chart structure may have changed.
+1. Verify vald repo in your helm repo
+ ```bash
+ helm repo list
+ ```
+1. Update Helm repo
+ ```bash
+ helm repo update
+ # e.g., helm repo update vald
+ ```
+1. Edit `values.yaml`
+ - We recommend setting a specific version as an image tag.
+ ```yaml
+ defaults:
+ ---
+ image:
+ tag: v1.5.6 # set a new version
+ ```
+1. Apply `values.yaml`
+ ```bash
+ helm upgrade vald/vald --values
+ # e.g., helm upgrade vald vald/vald --values valeus.yaml
+ ```
+### Using vald-helm-operator
+The upgrading steps are below if you use `vald-helm-operator` for the deployment.
+1. Upgrade CRDs
+ ```bash
+ kubectl replace -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vdaas/vald//charts/vald-helm-operator/crds/valdrelease.yaml
+ kubectl replace -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vdaas/vald//charts/vald-helm-operator/crds/valdhelmoperatorrelease.yaml
+ ```
+1. Update `vhor`
+ ```bash
+ kubectl patch vhor vhor-release -p '{"spec":{"image":{"tag":""}}}'
+ ```
+ - Also, you can upgrade manually by editing `vhor.yaml` and applying it.
+1. Edit `vr.yaml`
+ - We recommend setting a specific version as an image tag.
+ ```yaml
+ ...
+ spec:
+ defaults:
+ ...
+ image:
+ tag: v1.5.6 # set a new version
+ ...
+ ```
+1. Apply `vr.yaml`
+ ```bash
+ kubectl apply -f
+ # e.g., kubectl apply -f vr.yaml
+ ```