This repository contains the course material for the "Basics of the R programming language - data wrangling and data visualization" held in May 2022, and organized within the COORDINATE project.
The materials in this repository are licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License.
This course used the Generations & Gender Programme Data. Specifically, the data from the Generations & Gender Survey, Round 1:
- France: waves 1, 2 and 3
- RStudio cheat sheets giving
an overview of many packages from the
ecosystem - regular expressions cheat sheet
- R for Data Science free online book
- Introduction to Statistical Learning free book, available online. Covers a lot of statistical methods with examples coded up in R.
- Grat series of blog posts on data wrangling using dplyr and other tidyverse packages.
Note: data/
is where you should put your data files obtained from the
GGP website; not present in the repository.
├── basics
│ ├── 01_r-basics_live.R
│ ├── 01_r-basics.R
│ ├── 02_regular-expressions_live.R
│ └── 02_regular-expressions.R
├── crossda_r-wrangling-data-visualization.Rproj
├── data
│ ├── France_Wave2_V.1.3.sav
│ ├── GGS_Wave1_France_V.4.4.sav
│ └── GGS_Wave3_France_V.1.0.sav
├── visualization
│ ├── 01_grammar.html
│ ├── 01_grammar.Rmd
│ ├── 02_ggplot_basics.R
│ ├── 03_ggplot_multidimensional.R
│ ├── 04_ggplot_customization.R
│ ├── anscombe.svg
│ ├── RcolorBrewer.png
│ ├── rjs.css
│ └── scale.png
└── wrangling
├── 01_read-data_merge_live.R
├── 01_read-data_merge.R
├── 02_transform-data_live.R
├── 02_transform-data.R
├── 03_pivot-longer_live.R
├── 03_pivot-longer.R
└── 04_prepare-visualization-data.R