Here you will find examples demonstrating Vert.x gRPC in action.
To use Vert.x gRPC in your own Maven or Gradle project add the following dependency
Group ID: io.vertx Artifact ID: vertx-grpc
You will need to use the
plugin to compile the .proto
These examples use the io.vertx:vertx-grpc-protoc-plugin
plugin that creates
server and stub classes for Vert.x.
Each example shows how to use the gRPC request/response API and how to use the stub API.
The protobuf compiler is available for Maven or Gradle and is OS dependant.
This example show how to handle RPC calls that do not receive or return data.
This example show how to handle RPC calls that send a single object and receive a single object.
This example show how to handle RPC calls that do receive an arbitrary stream of response objects.
This example show how to handle RPC calls that do sends an arbitrary stream of request objects.
This example shows how to handle arbitrary streams of request and response objects.
This example is adapted from the gRPC examples.
It shows a simple gRPC service that invokes a service that takes an HelloRequest
string wrapper and returns an HelloReply
string wrapper.
The gRPC service extends the VertxGreeterGrpc.GreeterImplBase
generated class and
implements the service logic.
The gRPC client creates an instance of the VertxGreeterGrpc.newVertxStub
generated class and
then use it to invoke the service.
You can run the server and then run the client.
You can read more about it on the gRPC website
The Hello World example showing timeout and deadlines in action.
The server is configured to create a deadline when a request with a timeout is received.
It does not send a response purposely to trigger this deadline based on the request timeout.
The client is configured to set a request with a timeout and rely on the server to respond with a deadline exceeded status.
The Hello World example using JSON wire format instead of Protobuf.
Demonstrate how to use client side load balancing
This example is the Hello World example with SSL configuration.
It shows a simple gRPC service that invokes a service that takes an HelloRequest
string wrapper and returns an HelloReply
string wrapper.
The communication uses SSL.
The gRPC service extends the VertxGreeterGrpc.GreeterImplBase
generated class and
implements the service logic.
The gRPC client creates an instance of the VertxGreeterGrpc.newVertxStub
generated class and
then use it to invoke the service.
You can run the server and then run the client.