diff --git a/content/data-protocols-formats/frontend-backend.md b/content/data-protocols-formats/frontend-backend.md
index 1c65f01..acf3f7c 100644
--- a/content/data-protocols-formats/frontend-backend.md
+++ b/content/data-protocols-formats/frontend-backend.md
@@ -1411,7 +1411,6 @@ or
| Int32 | Specifies the parameter type modifier. |
| Int16 | 1 if the column has a *NOT NULL* constraint; 0 otherwise. |
#### ParameterStatus 'S'
| Type | Description |
@@ -1443,7 +1442,6 @@ or
| Int32(5) | Length of message contents in bytes, including self. |
| Byte1 | Current backend transaction status indicator. Possible values are 'I' if idle (not in a transaction block); 'T' if in a transaction block; or 'E' if in a failed transaction block (queries will be rejected until block is ended). |
#### RowDescription 'T'
| Type | Description |
@@ -1461,7 +1459,7 @@ or
| String | The schema name. Only sent if OID != 0. |
| String | The table name. Only sent if OID != 0. |
| Int16 | If the field can be identified as a column of a specific table, the attribute number of the column; otherwise zero. The OID and the attribute number uniquely identify each field within the scope of a RowDescription message. |
-| Int16 | If the column is a complex type, the attribute number of the field that is considered to be the parent; otherwise zero.
For example, an ARRAY[INT] will have one attribute number representing the ARRAY, and another attribute number representing the INT it contains. The INT will have a Parent that refers to the ARRAY.
New in version 3.10: Before version 3.10, it only returned fields that did not have a parent. |
+| Int16 | If the column is a complex type, the attribute number of the field that is considered to be the parent; otherwise zero.
For example, an ARRAY[INT] will have one attribute number representing the ARRAY, and another attribute number representing the INT it contains. The INT will have a Parent that refers to the ARRAY.
New in version 3.10 (for JDBC only) & in version 3.12 (for all drivers when 'request_complex_types' in the [StartupRequest](#startuprequest) message is set to *true*): Previously, it only returned fields that did not have a parent. |
| Byte1 | '1' if the column uses the type mapping pool; '0' otherwise. |
| Int32 | If the column uses the type mapping pool, specifies the position (0-indexed) in the type mapping pool. Otherwise, specifies the object ID of the column's data type. |
| Int16 | The data type size. |
@@ -1617,11 +1615,13 @@ Then, execute the following SQL statement to disable the protocol debug log afte
## Summary of Changes since Protocol 3.0
### Protocol 3.16
+Changes include:
- [OAuth 2.0 Authentication](#protocol-315) enhancement: Format change in the [AuthenticationOAuth](#authenticationoauth-r) message.
*Support since Server v24.1.0*
### Protocol 3.15
+Changes include:
- [OAuth 2.0 Authentication](#protocol-315) enhancement: Format change in the [AuthenticationOAuth](#authenticationoauth-r) message to support OAuth browser workflow.
- Workload support. Format change in the [StartupRequest](#startuprequest) message. New 'workload' parmeter allowing specification of workload name to be used by workload routing rules.
- Format change in [VerifiedFiles](#verifiedfiles-f) message.