# compile
cargo build
# test
cargo test
# check for errors (faster than cargo-build)
cargo check
# check for common mistakes and areas for improvement
cargo clippy
For information regarding building manual production-ready binaries, see Build and deploy.
# generally
cargo run <flags-opts-args>
# for example
cargo run \
create-ca-certificate \
--self-signed \
--days-valid 10950 \
--common-name root
# generally
./target/<target>/release/tls-credential-helper <flags-opts-args>
# for example
./target/x86_64-apple-darwin/release/tls-credential-helper \
create-ca-certificate \
--self-signed \
--days-valid 10950 \
--common-name root
cargo watch \
-x test \
-x check \
-x clippy \
-x 'run create-ca-certificate --days-valid 1 --common-name cat'