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📦 SroCorreios

SroCorreios is a JavaScript library for tracking orders through Correios (BR).

npm version unpacked size contributions welcome License types included


Use the node package manager to install sro-correios.

npm install sro-correios


import { SroCorreios } from 'sro-correios'

const tracker = new SroCorreios()

async function trackSingleCode() {
  const [result] = await tracker.track('LB711320125HK')


async function trackMultipleCodes() {
  const [result] = await tracker.track(['LE463132624SE', 'LB711320125HK', 'OS803953581BR'])



Success ✔

    code: 'LB711320125HK',
    category: {
      name: 'Prime Importação',
      description: 'Objeto Internacional Prime'
    isDelivered: false,
    postedAt: 2022-03-18T17:55:00.000Z,
    updatedAt: 2022-03-22T22:26:08.000Z,
    events: [
        locality: 'Curitiba / PR',
        status: 'Objeto em trânsito - por favor aguarde',     
        origin: 'Unidade de Tratamento - Curitiba / PR',      
        destination: 'Unidade de Tratamento - São Paulo / SP',
        trackedAt: 2022-03-22T22:26:08.000Z
        locality: 'Curitiba / PR',
        status: 'Fiscalização aduaneira finalizada',
        origin: 'Unidade Operacional - Curitiba / PR',        
        destination: null,
        trackedAt: 2022-03-22T22:24:08.000Z
        locality: 'Curitiba / PR',
        status: 'Objeto recebido pelos Correios do Brasil',   
        origin: 'Unidade Operacional - Curitiba / PR',        
        destination: null,
        trackedAt: 2022-03-22T14:53:37.000Z
        locality: null,
        status: 'Objeto em trânsito - por favor aguarde',
        origin: 'Hong Kong',
        destination: 'Unidade De Tratamento Internacional',
        trackedAt: 2022-03-19T17:03:00.000Z
        locality: null,
        status: 'Objeto postado',
        origin: 'Hong Kong',
        destination: null,
        trackedAt: 2022-03-18T17:55:00.000Z

Errors ❌

// Package was not found.
    code: 'LB711320125HK',
    isInvalid: true,
    error: 'not_found'
// Package code is invalid.
    code: '123ADE',
    isInvalid: true,
    error: 'invalid_code'
// Correios service is unavailable.
    code: 'LB711320125HK',
    isInvalid: true,
    error: 'service_unavailable'


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


SroCorreios is fully open and is under MIT license.