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Command line, script and templates to quickly setup a Starburst Enterprise demonstration environnement on a tiny and local Kubernetes cluster.

The goal is to deploy Starburst Enterprise (based on distributed SQL engine trino, formerly PrestoSQL), Apache Ranger, a Hive metastore and a PostgreSQL database to a single-node minikube cluster. Deployments to the cluster are done via Helm charts installations, and Ranger + Hive use internal databases.


NB: This release does not form any part of the Starburst product. It is not officially released by Starburst, nor is it supported by Starburst, including by any of Starburst's Enterprise Support Agreements. It is made publicly and freely available purely for educational purposes.


NB: Before you run, make sure you do the following:

  • Add in your folder a Starburst license file (starburstdata.license), which you can get from your friendly local Starburst Solutions Architect!
  • Get login credentials for the Starburst Harbor Helm Charts repository.
  • Update with these credentials.
  • In you can also update Starburst Enterprise version to be deployed.
  • Go through the requirements section below to make sure you have all the dependencies before starting.
  • Sorry, tested only on Mac so maybe some issues on other OS.



#If you have already a "starburst-demo" minikube cluster running, stop and delete it
minikube stop --profile starburst-demo
minikube delete --profile starburst-demo

At the end of the deployment process (around 5 minutes duration), there will be 6 pods in your cluster:

  • 1 Trino Coordinator pod
  • 2 Trino Worker pods
  • 1 Ranger pod
  • 1 Hive pod
  • 1 PostgreSQL pod

And 3 Web user interfaces will open:

  • Starburst Enterprise Insights UI to monitor and query the Starburst cluster (default user starburst_service)
  • Ranger UI to manage users, roles and permission policies (credentials admin/RangerPassword1)
  • Kubernetes dashboard UI to manage applications deployed and the cluster

Commands explanation

Main commands executed in shell script.

Start a new single-node 6CPUs and 16GB memory minikube cluster named starburst-demo

minikube start --cpus 6 --memory 16GB --profile starburst-demo

Add bitnami Helm repo and install PostgreSQL chart

helm repo add bitnami
helm install postgresql bitnami/postgresql

Get PostgreSQL default password

export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode)

Create an event_logger PostgreSQL database to store Starburst event logs and Insights data

kubectl run postgresql-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --namespace default --image --env="PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" --command -- psql --host postgresql -U postgres -d postgres -p 5432 -c 'CREATE DATABASE event_logger'

Update chart values template files with PostgreSQL password and Starburst Helm repo credentials


Add Starburst Harbor Helm repository

helm repo add --username $USERNAME_HARBOR_CHART_REPO --password $PASSWORD_HARBOR_CHART_REPO starburstdata

Create Starburst secret for license keys

kubectl create secret generic starburstdata --from-file=starburstdata.license

Install Ranger Helm chart

helm install ranger starburstdata/starburst-ranger --version $STARBURST_VERSION --values ranger_values.yaml

Install Hive Helm chart

helm install hive starburstdata/starburst-hive --version $STARBURST_VERSION --values hive_values.yaml

Install Starburst Enterprise Helm chart

helm install starburst-enterprise starburstdata/starburst-enterprise --version $STARBURST_VERSION --values starburst_values.yaml

List Helm releases, cluster deployments, pods and services

helm list
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl get services

Get Ranger UI URL, and login with admin/RangerPassword1 credentials

ranger_url=$(minikube service ranger --url --profile starburst-demo)

Get Starburst Insights UI URL, and login with starburst_service user

starburst_url=$(minikube service starburst --url --profile starburst-demo)

Run below command if you want to connect to the cluster from a local client

The new URL will be http://localhost:7080/ui/insights and the JDBC URL jdbc:trino://localhost:7080

kubectl port-forward service/starburst 7080:8080

To open minikube dashboard (Kubernetes dashboard UI for applications and cluster management/monitoring)

minikube dashboard --profile starburst-demo


To delete Helm releases or repositories:

helm delete ranger hive starburst-enterprise postgresql
helm repo remove starburstdata bitnami

To stop or delete the cluster:

minikube stop --profile starburst-demo
minikube delete --profile starburst-demo


During PostgreSQL database creation, you may see the below error message.

It appears randomly, try to run the script again.

Create event_logger PostgreSQL database to store Starburst event logs and Insights data...
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
	Is the server running on host "postgresql" ( and accepting
	TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
pod "postgresql-client" deleted
pod default/postgresql-client terminated (Error)