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252 lines (203 loc) · 10.1 KB

File metadata and controls

252 lines (203 loc) · 10.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

0.6.0 - 2018-12-21


  • Method Appcast.GuessSourceProvider instead of the Source.GuessProvider
  • Method Appcast.Unmarshal published datetime parse error handling
  • Package appcaster to provide the base for creating an appcast type(s)
  • Package github to support the GitHub releases Atom feed
  • Package output to hold the supported outputs
  • Package provider to hold the supported providers
  • Package source to hold the supported sources
  • Package sourceforge to support the SourceForge releases RSS feed
  • Package sparkle to support the Sparkle Framework releases RSS feed


  • Method Appcast.LoadFromLocalSource to finish unmarshalling with errors
  • Method Appcast.LoadFromRemoteSource to finish unmarshalling with errors
  • Method Appcast.Unmarshal to finish unmarshalling with errors
  • Package appcast to use the new packages
  • Variable DefaultClient to be inside the source package
  • Variable localSourceReadFile to become the exported LocalReadFile inside the source package


  • Method Source.GuessProvider in favour of Appcast.GuessSourceProvider method


  • Method Appcast.Uncomment error handling

0.5.0 - 2018-11-07


  • Interface Providerer for the Output.provider and the Source.provider field types
  • Struct and interface Releases(er) with all filtering and sorting methods in the release package


  • Field Appcast.releases to become the *Releaseser type
  • Field Output.provider to become the Providerer type
  • Field Source.provider to become the Providerer type
  • Method Output.GenerateChecksum to return the Checksum pointer
  • Method Source.GenerateChecksum to return the Checksum pointer
  • Provider GitHubAtomFeed to become the GitHub
  • Provider SourceForgeRSSFeed to become the SourceForge
  • Provider SparkleRSSFeed to become the Sparkle
  • Struct and interface GitHubAtomFeedAppcast(er) to become the GitHubAppcast(er)
  • Struct and interface SourceForgeRSSFeedAppcast(er) to become the SourceForgeAppcast(er)
  • Struct and interface SparkleRSSFeedAppcast(er) to become the SparkleAppcast(er)


  • Method Appcast.FilterReleasesByMediaType in favour of Appcast.Releases.FilterByMediaType methods chain
  • Method Appcast.FilterReleasesByPrerelease in favour of Appcast.Releases.FilterByPrerelease methods chain
  • Method Appcast.FilterReleasesByTitle in favour of Appcast.Releases.FilterByTitle methods chain
  • Method Appcast.FilterReleasesByURL in favour of Appcast.Releases.FilterByUrl methods chain
  • Method Appcast.ResetFilters in favour of Appcast.Releases.ResetFilters methods chain
  • Method Appcast.SortReleasesByVersions in favour of Appcast.Releases.SortByVersions methods chain
  • Method Appcast.UnmarshalReleases in favour of Appcast.Unmarshal


  • Field Appcast.originalReleases in favour of Appcast.releases.original

0.4.0 - 2018-11-02


  • Field Download.dsaSignature with getter and setter to hold the DSA signature of the file
  • Field Release.minimumSystemVersion with getter and setter to hold the minimum required system version
  • Field Release.releaseNotesLink with getter and setter to hold the release notes link
  • Interface Downloader implemented by Download
  • Support for the "Sparkle RSS Feed" new <enclosure /> attributes: dsaSignature, md5sum, minimumSystemVersion and releaseNotesLink
  • Support passing dsaSignature and md5 as parameters in the NewDownload function


  • All Download fields to become unexported
  • Client-specific stuff to be in the separate client package
  • Field Download.Type in favour of Download.filetype
  • Field Download.URL in favour of Download.url
  • Field PublishedDateTime.time to become the *time.Time type
  • Function NewClient to become the New in the client package
  • Method GitHubAtomFeedAppcast.UnmarshalReleases to return an error when no source or unmarshalling failure
  • Method PublishedDateTime.String to return an empty string for the nil value
  • Method SourceForgeRSSFeedAppcast.UnmarshalReleases to return an error when no source or unmarshalling failure
  • Method SparkleRSSFeedAppcast.UnmarshalReleases to return an error when no source or unmarshalling failure
  • Unmarshalling structs for "SourceForge RSS Feed" and "GitHub Atom Feed" to become unexported


  • Method GitHubAtomFeedAppcast.UnmarshalReleases to set the GitHubAtomFeedAppcast.source.appcast
  • Method SourceForgeRSSFeedAppcast.UnmarshalReleases to set the SourceForgeRSSFeedAppcast.source.appcast
  • Method SparkleRSSFeedAppcast.UnmarshalReleases to set the SparkleRSSFeedAppcast.source.appcast

0.3.0 - 2018-10-27


  • Extendable Output with Outputer interface for creating use-case specific outputs
  • Field Output.appcast with getter and setter to hold the provider-specific appcast after marshalling
  • Field Source.appcast with getter and setter to hold the provider-specific appcast after unmarshalling
  • Source LocalOutput with LocalOutputer interface to save an appcast to the local file by path
  • Struct PublishedDateTime to use as the Release.publishedDateTime type in the release package
  • Unmarshalling support for the "Sparkle RSS Feed" channel as the


  • Code coverage service from "Coveralls" to "Codecov"
  • Dependencies versions to match the latest ones
  • Field Release.publishedDateTime type to become the new PublishedDateTime
  • Function NewRelease to become the New in the release package
  • Method Appcast.LoadFromLocalSource to also return the provider-specific appcast
  • Method Appcast.LoadFromRemoteSource to also return the provider-specific appcast
  • Method Appcast.UnmarshalReleases to also return the provider-specific appcast
  • Method GitHubAtomFeedAppcast.UnmarshalReleases to also return the provider-specific appcast
  • Method SourceForgeRSSFeedAppcast.UnmarshalReleases to also return the provider-specific appcast
  • Method SparkleRSSFeedAppcast.UnmarshalReleases to also return the provider-specific appcast
  • Release to store the original time and format in the Release.publishedDateTime
  • Release-specific stuff to be in the separate release package
  • Testdata published releases dates to match the real ones in the past
  • Unmarshalling structs for the "Sparkle RSS Feed" to become unexported


  • Deprecated Appcast methods
  • Deprecated GuessProviderFromContent and GuessProviderFromURL functions
  • Deprecated Release methods

0.2.0 - 2018-08-09


  • Convenience method Appcast.LoadSource to call the Appcast.Source.Load methods chain
  • Extendable Source with Sourcer interface for creating use-case specific sources
  • Field Appcast.source to hold the source-specific data instead of the removed Appcast fields
  • Function GuessProviderByContent for the []byte type similar to the deprecated GuessProviderFromContent
  • Getters and setters for all unexported Appcast fields
  • Getters and setters for all unexported Release fields
  • Getters for all unexported Checksum fields
  • Interface Appcaster implemented by Appcast
  • Interface GitHubAtomFeedAppcaster implemented by GitHubAtomFeedAppcast
  • Interface Releaser implemented by Release
  • Interface SourceForgeRSSFeedAppcaster implemented by SourceForgeRSSFeedAppcast
  • Source LocalSource with LocalSourcer interface to load an appcast from the local file by path
  • Source RemoteSource with RemoteSourcer interface to load an appcast from the remote location by URL
  • Source support for the New function
  • This


  • All Appcast fields to become unexported
  • All Checksum fields to become unexported
  • All Release fields to become unexported
  • Always extract releases when calling Appcast.LoadFrom... methods
  • Always generate SHA256 checksum when calling Appcast.LoadFrom... methods
  • Field types for Appcast.releases and Appcast.originalReleases in favour of Releaser interface
  • Method Release.SetVersion to Release.SetVersionString
  • Struct BaseAppcast name to Appcast


  • Function GuessProviderFromContent in favour of GuessProviderByContentString
  • Function GuessProviderFromURL in favour of GuessProviderByUrl
  • Method Appcast.ExtractReleases in favour of Appcast.UnmarshalReleases
  • Method Appcast.GenerateChecksum in favour of Appcast.GenerateSourceChecksum
  • Method Appcast.GetChecksum in favour of Appcast.Source.Checksum methods chain
  • Method Appcast.GetFirstRelease in favour of Appcast.FirstRelease
  • Method Appcast.GetProvider in favour of Appcast.Source.Provider methods chain
  • Method Appcast.GetReleasesLength in favour of len(Appcast.Releases)
  • Method Appcast.LoadFromFile in favour of Appcast.LoadFromLocalSource
  • Method Appcast.LoadFromURL in favour of Appcast.LoadFromRemoteSource
  • Method Release.GetBuildString in favour of Release.Build
  • Method Release.GetDownloads in favour of Release.Downloads
  • Method Release.GetVersionOrBuildString in favour of Release.VersionOrBuildString
  • Method Release.GetVersionString in favour of Release.Version.String methods chain


  • Source-specific Appcast fields in favour of Appcast.source field


  • Method Appcast.Uncomment to correctly handle the return of the Unknown provider
  • Method SparkleRSSFeedAppcast.Uncomment to match the Appcaster interface

0.1.0 - 2018-08-04

First release.