Signaturepad 2 Image Utility for Python (c.) Alan Viars - Videntity Systems Inc. - 2011
This library is dual licensed. It is realeased under the GPL licnese agreement and under a commercial license by Videntity systems Inc if you seek support or a non-free license. This library is designed to work with the JQuery Plugin, SigntaurePad , from Thomas J. Bradley.
Python Imaging Library (PIL) is required to use this package. Install PIL with the following command:
sudo pip install PIL
..or if you don't have PIP installed you can install it with
sudo easy_install PIL
Use easy_install to install the program.
cd python-sigpad2image sudo easy_install install
The package has two functions: 's2if' and 's2i'. s2if writes the resulting image to a file. s2i returns an image object. s2i is ideal for most web applications where you are returning an image to the browser.
Action: Creates an image from the JSON string and writes it to a file.
- jsonsig - The JSON representing the signature.
- output_image- The path to the default image. Default="signature.png",
- input_image- The path to the input image. Default="blanksig.png",
- pin_color - The ink's color. Default=(0,0,255). This is blue.
- str - Astring containing the output image path.
- ::
from sigpad2image.sigpad2image import s2if
j="""[{"lx":32,"ly":13,"mx":32,"my":12}...""" image_path=s2if(j, output_image) print "New signature image written to: %s " % (image_path)
Action: Return an image from the JSON string. If it fails or if, force_no_sig_image=True then it returns nosig_image, which by default is an image with the text "No Signature".
- jsonsig - The JSON representing the signature.
- output_image- The path to the default image. Default="signature.png",
- input_image- The path to the input image. Default="blanksig.png",
- pin_color - the ink's color. Default=(0,0,255). This is blue.
- force_no_sig_image - Setting this to true will force the return of the no_sig image. Default=False.
- nosig_image- The image to return if no JSON is found. Default="nosig.png"
- An Image object. If successful it will contain an image of the signature. If an error orccurs
or the force_no_sig_image is set to True, it will return the nosig_image.
This illustrates building the image and returning it as an HTTP response. This illustration is a django view. Note the vaiables NO_SIG_IMAGE and BLANK_SIG_IMAGE are being imported from the settings file.
from sigpad2image.sigpad2image import s2i from django.http import HttpResponse from models import Signature from django.conf import settings def render_signature(request, user_id): #create a response objects and set its mimetype to image/png response = HttpResponse(mimetype="image/png") try: #Get the JSON Signature from the database s=Signature.objects.get(user=user_id) #build the new image image = s2i(s.signature, input_image=settings.BLANK_SIG_IMAGE) except(Signature.DoesNotExist): #If it wasn't in the database, then return the nosig image image = s2i("", force_no_sig_image=True, nosig_image=settings.NO_SIG_IMAGE) #return the HttpResponse object to the client., "PNG") return response