When this configuration is loaded for the first time, the init.el
the file that is loaded. It looks like this:
;; This file replaces itself with the actual configuration at first run.
;; We can't tangle without org!
(require 'org)
;; Open the configuration
(find-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.org"))
;; tangle it
;; load it
(load-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el"))
;; finally byte-compile it
(byte-compile-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el"))
It tangles the org-file, so that this file is overwritten with the actual configuration.
There is no reason to track the init.el
that is generated; by running
the following command git
will not bother tracking it:
git update-index --assume-unchanged init.el
If one wishes to make changes to the repo-version of init.el
tracking again with:
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged init.el
I want lexical scoping for the init-file, which can be specified in the header. The first line of the configuration is as follows:
;;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
The init.el
should (after the first run) mirror the source blocks in
the init.org
. We can use C-c C-v t
to run org-babel-tangle
, which
extracts the code blocks from the current file into a source-specific
file (in this case a .el
To avoid doing this each time a change is made we can add a function to
the after-save-hook
ensuring to always tangle and byte-compile the
-document after changes.
(defun tangle-init ()
"If the current buffer is 'init.org' the code-blocks are
tangled, and the tangled file is compiled."
(when (equal (buffer-file-name)
(expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "init.org")))
;; Avoid running hooks when tangling.
(let ((prog-mode-hook nil))
(byte-compile-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el"))
(if (file-exists-p "init.elc") (delete-file "init.elc"))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'tangle-init)
Managing extensions for Emacs is simplified using package
which is
built in to Emacs 24 and newer. To load downloaded packages we need to
initialize package
. cl
is a library that contains many functions from
Common Lisp, and comes in handy quite often, so we want to make sure it’s
loaded, along with package
, which is obviously needed.
(require 'cl)
(require 'package)
Packages can be fetched from different mirrors, melpa is the largest archive and is well maintained.
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/"))
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . "https://stable.melpa.org/packages/"))
(add-to-list 'package-pinned-packages '(cider . "melpa-stable") t)
These are some default packages that emacs needs to have by default. Other packages will be deferred subject to requirement.
(let* ((package--builtins nil)
'(ag ; powerful silver searcher plugib
auto-compile ; automatically compile Emacs Lisp libraries
company ; Modular text completion framework
deadgrep ; Powerful grep
define-word ; display the definition of word at point
doom-themes ;Another amazing theme
modus-operandi-theme ;Theme by prot
modus-vivendi-theme ;Another theme by prot
dracula-theme ; Theme
diminish ; Diminished modes from modeline
expand-region ; Increase selected region by semantic units
golden-ratio ; Automatic resizing windows to golden ratio
gruvbox-theme ;Another inspirational theme
hydra ; Another nice aboabo package for persisten keys
magit ; control Git from Emacs
markdown-mode ; Emacs Major mode for Markdown-formatted files
matlab-mode ; MATLAB integration with Emacs
multiple-cursors ; Multiple cursors for Emacs
org ; Outline-based notes management and organizer
powerline ; Powerline for emacs
rg ; An even faster search optinon compared to ag
try ; Try out Emacs packages
use-package ; Great package manager with nifty features
undo-tree ; Neat undo
))) ; Display available keybindings in popup
(ignore-errors ;; This package is only relevant for Mac OS X.
(when (memq window-system '(mac ns))
(push 'exec-path-from-shell packages)
(push 'reveal-in-osx-finder packages))
(let ((packages (remove-if 'package-installed-p packages)))
(when packages
;; Install uninstalled packages
(mapc 'package-install packages)))))
Switches meta to command from option
(when (memq window-system '(mac ns))
(setq ns-pop-up-frames nil
mac-option-modifier nil
mac-command-modifier 'meta
select-enable-clipboard t)
(when (fboundp 'mac-auto-operator-composition-mode)
(mac-auto-operator-composition-mode 1)))'
I’ve used the better-defaults package to get some basic configuration working. Some additional configurations are added here
(setq-default fill-column 80 ; Maximum line width
truncate-lines t ; Don't fold lines
split-width-threshold 160 ; Split verticly by default
split-height-threshold nil ; Split verticly by default
auto-fill-function 'do-auto-fill ; Auto-fill-mode everywhere
) ; Relative line numbering by default
Don’t ask “yes/No” questions, instead ask “y/n” questions
(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
Start emacs-server
;; (server-start)
I play around with different font options and color themes. Currently
I’ve settled down with the nice modus operandi
theme by Protesilaos
Stavrou and the overpass fonts from here.
;; (load-theme 'modus-vivendi t)
(load-theme 'modus-operandi t)
;; (set-frame-font "Overpass 13" nil t)
;; (load-file "~/.emacs.d/clean.el")
;; (
;; (set-frame-font "Inconsolata 12" nil t)
;; (set-face-attribute 'default nil
;; :family "Inconsolata 14"
;; :height 110
;; :weight 'normal
;; :width 'normal)
(use-package doom-modeline
:ensure t
:hook (after-init . doom-modeline-mode)
(setq doom-modeline-env-python-executable "python")
;; Whether display perspective name or not. Non-nil to display in mode-line.
(setq doom-modeline-persp-name t)
;; Whether display `lsp' state or not. Non-nil to display in mode-line.
(setq doom-modeline-lsp nil)
;; Whether display github notifications or not. Requires `ghub` package.
(setq doom-modeline-github nil)
;; Whether display minor modes in mode-line or not.
(setq doom-modeline-minor-modes nil)
;; If non-nil, a word count will be added to the selection-info modeline segment.
(setq doom-modeline-enable-word-count nil)
;; If non-nil, only display one number for checker information if applicable.
(setq doom-modeline-checker-simple-format t)
;; Whether display the icon for major mode. It respects `doom-modeline-icon'.
(setq doom-modeline-major-mode-icon t)
;; Whether display color icons for `major-mode'. It respects
;; `doom-modeline-icon' and `all-the-icons-color-icons'.
(setq doom-modeline-major-mode-color-icon t)
;; Whether display icons for buffer states. It respects `doom-modeline-icon'.
(setq doom-modeline-buffer-state-icon t)
;; Whether display buffer modification icon. It respects `doom-modeline-icon'
;; and `doom-modeline-buffer-state-icon'.
(setq doom-modeline-buffer-modification-icon t)
Other UI refinements
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(menu-bar-mode -1)
(toggle-scroll-bar -1)
(setq inhibit-startup-message t)
Powerline for emacs
Diminish some modes form modeline
(defmacro safe-diminish (file mode &optional new-name)
`(with-eval-after-load ,file
(diminish ,mode ,new-name)))
(diminish 'auto-fill-function)
(safe-diminish "eldoc" 'eldoc-mode)
(safe-diminish "company" 'company-mode)
(safe-diminish "undo-tree" 'undo-tree-mode)
(safe-diminish "flyspell" 'flyspell-mode)
;; (safe-diminish "helm-mode" 'helm-mode)
(safe-diminish "paredit" 'paredit-mode "()")
Enable several packages by default. These are typically used throughout the config on all the major modes.
(dolist (mode
'(abbrev-mode ; E.g. sopl -> System.out.println
;column-number-mode ; Show column number in mode line
delete-selection-mode ; Replace selected text
dirtrack-mode ; directory tracking in *shell*
global-company-mode ; Auto-completion everywhere
show-paren-mode ; Highlight matching parentheses
which-key-mode)) ; Available keybindings in popup
(funcall mode 1)
(tooltip-mode -1))
Basic company mode config
;; (setq company-minimum-prefix-length 3
;; company-selection-wrap-around t) ;wrapping around list of selections when scrolling
;; (setq company-selection-wrap-around t)
;; (setq company-dabbrev-downcase 0)
;; (setq company-idle-delay nil)
;; (global-set-key "\t" 'company-complete-common)
;; ;; got this from https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/3r9fic/best_practicestip_for_companymode_andor_yasnippet/
;; ;; (setq company-transformers '(company-sort-by-occurrence))
Disabling suggestions automatically by company mode
;;; Prevent suggestions from being triggered automatically. In particular,
;;; this makes it so that:
;;; - TAB will always complete the current selection.
;;; - RET will only complete the current selection if the user has explicitly
;;; interacted with Company.
;;; - SPC will never complete the current selection.
;;; Based on:
;;; - https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode/issues/530#issuecomment-226566961
;;; - https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/13290/12534
;;; - http://stackoverflow.com/a/22863701/3538165
;;; See also:
;;; - https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/24800/12534
;;; - https://emacs.stackexchange.com/q/27459/12534
;; <return> is for windowed Emacs; RET is for terminal Emacs
;; (dolist (key '("<return>" "RET"))
;; ;; Here we are using an advanced feature of define-key that lets
;; ;; us pass an "extended menu item" instead of an interactive
;; ;; function. Doing this allows RET to regain its usual
;; ;; functionality when the user has not explicitly interacted with
;; ;; Company.
;; (define-key company-active-map (kbd key)
;; `(menu-item nil company-complete
;; :filter ,(lambda (cmd)
;; (when (company-explicit-action-p)
;; cmd)))))
;; (define-key company-active-map (kbd "TAB") #'company-complete-selection)
;; (define-key company-active-map (kbd "SPC") nil)
;; Company appears to override the above keymap based on company-auto-complete-chars.
;; Turning it off ensures we have full control.
(setq company-auto-complete-chars nil)
Now we write down language specific (python, latex, org, etc.) or feature specific (spelling, autocompletion etc.) configuration
Sets up better defaults for emacs
(use-package better-defaults
For spell-checking we will use the wonderful flyspell package. We will enable flyspell for all text-mode buffers and comment regions for prog-mode buffers. This is the standard practise
;; (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-flyspell)
;; (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'flyspell-prog-mode)
Addtionally for correcting spelling (or getting suggestions for
corrections), we will use a nice wrapper called
flyspell-correct via helm
(use-package flyspell-correct-ivy
:ensure t
:bind ("C-'" . flyspell-correct-wrapper)
(setq flyspell-correct-interface #'flyspell-correct-ivy))
Ace-window mode provides comprehensive functions and keybindings to move and manipulate windows.
(use-package ace-window
:ensure t
(setq aw-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l))
(setq ace-ignore-current t)
:bind ("M-o" . ace-window))
This is an alternative to the popular smex mode, which is apparently no longer under active development.
(use-package amx
:ensure t
:bind ("s-x" . amx))
Essential package for supporting asynchronous operations in emacs. This is especially useful when carrying out cpu intensive operations such as copy.
(use-package async
:ensure t
(dired-async-mode 1)
(async-bytecomp-package-mode 1))
(use-package selectrum
(use-package prescient
:ensure t
(prescient-persist-mode +1)
(use-package selectrum-prescient
:after selectrum)
(selectrum-mode -1)
(selectrum-prescient-mode -1))
(use-package yasnippet ; Snippets
:ensure t
yas-verbosity 1 ; No need to be so verbose
yas-wrap-around-region t)
;; (with-eval-after-load 'yasnippet
;; (setq yas-snippet-dirs '(yasnippet-snippets-dir)))
(use-package yasnippet-snippets ; Collection of snippets
:ensure t)
(use-package ivy :ensure t
:diminish (ivy-mode . "")
(:map ivy-mode-map
("C-'" . ivy-avy)
("s-b" . ivy-switch-buffer-other-window)
("s-f" . find-file-other-window))
(use-package ivy-prescient
:ensure t
:after ivy)
(ivy-mode 1)
(ivy-prescient-mode 1)
;; add ‘recentf-mode’ and bookmarks to ‘ivy-switch-buffer’.
(setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers t)
;; number of result lines to display
(setq ivy-height 10)
;; does not count candidates
(setq ivy-count-format "")
;; no regexp by default
(setq ivy-initial-inputs-alist nil)
;; configure regexp engine.
(setq ivy-re-builders-alist
;; allow input not in order
'((t . ivy--regex-ignore-order))))
- Basic counsel definition
(use-package counsel :ensure t)
- Counsel etags This is a drop-in replacement for
. I’m going to rebindM-.
. The cool thing about this package is, if the TAGS file is not found in the directory, the package will create it for you.(use-package counsel-etags :ensure t :bind ("C-." . 'counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point) ("s-i" . 'counsel-outline) ("s-." . 'counsel-git-grep) )
This is a new search application. I’m going to try this in place of isearch
(use-package ctrlf
(ctrlf-mode +1)
Package to jump around code efficiently. Officially claims to support more that 40 languages including python and matlab.
(use-package dumb-jump
:bind (("M-g o" . dumb-jump-go-other-window)
("M-g j" . dumb-jump-go)
("M-g b" . dumb-jump-back)
("M-g i" . dumb-jump-go-prompt)
("M-g x" . dumb-jump-go-prefer-external)
("M-g z" . dumb-jump-go-prefer-external-other-window)
("M-g M-l" . dumb-jump-quick-look)
:config (setq dumb-jump-selector 'ivy) ;; (setq dumb-jump-selector 'helm)
(use-package iedit
:bind ("C-:" . 'iedit-mode))
Some configuration regarding dired and some of it utility packages
(use-package dired
(setq dired-recursive-copies 'always)
(setq dired-recursive-deletes 'always)
(setq delete-by-moving-to-trash t)
(setq dired-listing-switches
"-AGFhlv --group-directories-first --time-style=long-iso")
(setq dired-dwim-target t)
;; Note that the the syntax for `use-package' hooks is controlled by
;; the `use-package-hook-name-suffix' variable. The "-hook" suffix is
;; not an error of mine.
:hook ((dired-mode-hook . dired-hide-details-mode)
(dired-mode-hook . hl-line-mode)))
Dynamically narrow Dired buffer
(use-package dired-narrow
:bind (:map dired-mode-map
("/" . dired-narrow)))
(use-package emacs
("C-x C-j" . 'counsel-dired-jump))
Use tab and s-tab to open and close directories
(use-package dired-subtree
:after dired
(setq dired-subtree-use-backgrounds nil)
:bind (:map dired-mode-map
("<tab>" . dired-subtree-toggle)
("<C-tab>" . dired-subtree-cycle)
("<S-iso-lefttab>" . dired-subtree-remove)))
More colors on the dired buffer
(use-package diredfl
:hook (dired-mode-hook . diredfl-mode))
Preview files inside dired
(use-package peep-dired
:after dired
(setq peep-dired-cleanup-on-disable t)
(setq peep-dired-enable-on-directories nil)
(setq peep-dired-ignored-extensions
'("mkv" "webm" "mp4" "mp3" "ogg" "iso"))
:bind (:map dired-mode-map
("P" . peep-dired)))
This has some refinements for tramp mode
(use-package tramp
(setq tramp-inline-compress-start-size 1000000)
;;(setq vc-handled-backends (quote (RCS CVS SVN SCCS Bzr Hg Mtn Arch)))
(setq vc-handled-backends '(SVN Git))
(setq remote-file-name-inhibit-cache nil)
(setq vc-ignore-dir-regexp
(format "%s\\|%s"
(setq tramp-verbose 1)
(use-package deft
:ensure t
:bind ("<f8>" . 'deft)
(setq deft-directory "/Users/vigneshganapathiraman/Dropbox/notes"
deft-extensions '("md" "org"))
Flycheck mode is apparently faster and more efficient than flymake mode that comes by default with emacs
(use-package flycheck
(global-flycheck-mode 1)
(flymake-mode -1))
We will use anaconda mode for python.
(use-package pyvenv
:ensure t
(setenv "WORKON_HOME" "/home/vigneshpop/miniconda3/envs")
(pyvenv-workon "torch")) ;Can be changed later
(use-package elpy
:ensure t
:after (python)
(setq elpy-rpc-virtualenv-path 'current)
;; Some recommended configuration options by elpy
; Use flycheck instead of flymake
(when (load "flycheck" t t)
(setq elpy-modules (delq 'elpy-module-flymake elpy-modules))
(add-hook 'elpy-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode))
;; Use this improved function for function navigation
;; ;;
;; This function additionally searches for the symbol (or function) using rgrep
;; if the function definition using tag information is not found.
(defun elpy-goto-definition-or-rgrep ()
"Go to the definition of the symbol at point, if found. Otherwise, run `elpy-rgrep-symbol'."
(ring-insert find-tag-marker-ring (point-marker))
(condition-case nil (elpy-goto-definition)
(error (elpy-rgrep-symbol
(concat "\\(def\\|class\\)\s" (thing-at-point 'symbol) "(")))))
:bind (:map python-mode-map
("M-." . 'elpy-goto-assignment)
Highlight indent guide mode for highlighting indentation. This is especially useful if we are having long blocks of python code.
(use-package highlight-indent-guides
:ensure t
:after (python))
Linting support using the awesome black linter
(use-package python-black
:after python
:bind (:map python-mode-map
("M-q". 'python-black-statement)
("M-Q" . 'python-black-buffer)))
Some more improvements
(use-package python
:after python
(setq python-indent-offset 4)
(setq flycheck-check-syntax-automatically nil)
(setq python-shell-interpreter "python3") ; Set interpreter to just
; python, let the virtual
; env figure out the right
; python based on the context
:bind (:map python-mode-map
("C-c n f" . 'narrow-to-defun)
("C-c n w" . 'widen)))
This is a frontend to jupyter notebooks with emacs keybindings and other features.
(use-package ein
:ensure t
:diminish "ein"
- Babel: Org babel lets you to write and execute a lot of
languages within org mode
;; active Babel languages (use-package org :defer t :config (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((R . t) (emacs-lisp . t) (matlab . t) (latex . t) (python . t)) ) ;; When editing org-files with source-blocks, we want the source ;; blocks to be themed as they would in their native mode. (setq org-src-fontify-natively t ;; org-src-tab-acts-natively t org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil org-adapt-indentation t org-hide-leading-stars nil ) )
- Some default configs while editing files in org mode
;; (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'auto-fill-mode) (use-package org :config (org-indent-mode +1) (auto-fill-mode +1))
- Reference management using org-ref
(use-package org-ref :ensure t :defer t :after org :config (setq bibtex-completion-bibliography "~/Dropbox/bibliography/references_zotero.bib") )
- Org pandoc : conversion between several formats via org-export
(use-package ox-pandoc :ensure t :defer t)
- Ox reveal for amazing presentations
(use-package ox-reveal :ensure :demand ox-reveal) ;; (setq org-reveal-root "http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/reveal.js/3.0.0/") (setq org-reveal-root "file:////Users/z0041v0/Downloads/reveal.js") (setq org-reveal-mathjax t) (use-package htmlize :ensure t :demand)
- Make org latex export use latexmk while exporting documents to pdf
(setq org-latex-pdf-process '("pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f" "bibtex %b" "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f" "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f"))
We will use the wonderful auctex mode
;; (setq reftex-default-bibliography "/Users/vigneshganapathiraman/bibliography/references_zotero.bib")
(use-package reftex
:ensure t
:after auctex
(setq reftex-enable-partial-scans t)
(setq reftex-save-parse-info t)
(setq reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers t)
(setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
(setq reftex-label-alist '(AMSTeX)) ;enable eqref inside reftex
(use-package tex-site
:ensure auctex
:mode ("\\.tex\\'" . latex-mode)
:defer t
(setq-default bibtex-dialect 'biblatex)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(TeX-PDF-mode t)
(TeX-source-correlate-mode t)
(setq TeX-source-correlate-method 'synctex)
TeX-source-correlate-start-server t
(setq TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "pdf-tools")))
(setq auctex-latexmk-inherit-TeX-PDF-mode t)
(setq TeX-view-program-list
'(("pdf-tools" "TeX-pdf-tools-sync-view")))
(add-hook 'TeX-after-compilation-finished-functions #'TeX-revert-document-buffer)
;; Fix indentation
(setq LaTeX-indent-level 3)
(setq LaTeX-item-indent 3)
(setq TeX-brace-indent-level 3)
(add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-math-symbols-unicode)
(use-package auctex-latexmk
:ensure t
(use-package company-math
:ensure t
:after auctex)
(use-package markdown-mode
:ensure t
:defer t)
(setq auto-mode-alist
(cons '("\\.md" . markdown-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(defun vig/matlab-shell-send-line ()
"send the current line to python repl"
(progn (forward-visible-line 0) (point))
(progn (forward-visible-line 1) (point)) )
(use-package matlab-mode
:ensure t
:mode ("\\.m\\'" . matlab-mode)
:bind ("C-RET" . 'matlab-shell-run-region-or-line)
:after matlab
(setq matlab-shell-echoes nil)
(setq matlab-indent-function t)
(setq matlab-shell-command "matlab")
(use-package julia-mode
:ensure t
:defer t)
Emacs setup for golang
(use-package go-mode
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.go\\'" . go-mode))
(add-hook 'go-mode-hook 'lsp-deferred)
(use-package lsp-mode
:ensure t
:commands (lsp lsp-deferred)
:hook (go-mode . lsp-deferred))
(use-package company-lsp
:ensure t
:commands company-lsp)
;; Set some parameters
(setq lsp-ui-doc-enable nil
lsp-ui-peek-enable t
lsp-ui-sideline-enable t
lsp-ui-imenu-enable t
lsp-ui-flycheck-enable t))
ESS (Emacs speaks statistics) is a comprehensive package for using statistcs related packagse in
emacs. I mostly use it to interact with R and write R code. However,
recently I’m also using it to program in julia
(use-package ess
:ensure t
:defer t
:mode (
("\\.R\\'" . ess-r-mode)
("\\.jl\\'" . ess-julia-mode))
(use-package general
:ensure t)
(defun er-copy-file-name-to-clipboard ()
"Copy the current buffer file name to the clipboard."
(let ((filename (if (equal major-mode 'dired-mode)
(when filename
(kill-new filename)
(message "Copied buffer file name '%s' to the clipboard." filename))))
(defun copy-line (arg)
"Copy lines (as many as prefix argument) in the kill ring"
(interactive "p")
(kill-ring-save (line-beginning-position)
(line-beginning-position (+ 1 arg)))
(message "%d line%s copied" arg (if (= 1 arg) "" "s")))
(defun quick-cut-line ()
"Cut the whole line that point is on. Consecutive calls to this command append each line to the kill-ring."
(let ((beg (line-beginning-position 1))
(end (line-beginning-position 2)))
(if (eq last-command 'quick-cut-line)
(kill-append (buffer-substring beg end) (< end beg))
(kill-new (buffer-substring beg end)))
(delete-region beg end))
(beginning-of-line 1)
(setq this-command 'quick-cut-line))
Nice tabs mode for modern UI switching
(use-package centaur-tabs
:ensure t
:init (setq centaur-tabs-set-bar 'over)
(setq centaur-tabs-set-modified-marker t
centaur-tabs-modified-marker " ● "
centaur-tabs-cycle-scope 'tabs
centaur-tabs-height 30
centaur-tabs-set-icons t
centaur-tabs-close-button " × ")
(dolist (centaur-face '(centaur-tabs-selected
(set-face-attribute centaur-face nil :family "Arial" :height 130))
("C-S-<tab>" . centaur-tabs-backward)
("C-<tab>" . centaur-tabs-forward))
Setup borrowed from Kaushal Modi’s setup
;; Time-stamp: <2017-09-20 09:52:55 kmodi>
;; Multiple Cursors
;; https://github.com/magnars/multiple-cursors.el
(use-package multiple-cursors
:bind (
("C-S-c C-S-c" . mc/edit-lines)
("C->" . mc/mark-next-like-this)
("C-<" . mc/mark-previous-like-this)
("C-c C-<" . mc/mark-all-like-this)
("C-S-<down>" . mc/mark-next-lines)
("C-S-<up>" . mc/mark-previous-lines)
("C-S-<mouse-1>" . mc/add-cursor-on-click))
;; Temporary hack to get around bug # 28524 in emacs 26+
;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=28524
(setq mc/mode-line
`(" mc:" (:eval (format ,(propertize "%-2d" 'face 'font-lock-warning-face)
(setq mc/list-file (locate-user-emacs-file "mc-lists"))
;; The `multiple-cursors-mode-enabled-hook' and
;; `multiple-cursors-mode-disabled-hook' are run in the
;; `multiple-cursors-mode' minor mode definition, but they are not declared
;; (not `defvar'd). So do that first before using `add-hook'.
(defvar multiple-cursors-mode-enabled-hook nil
"Hook that is run after `multiple-cursors-mode' is enabled.")
(defvar multiple-cursors-mode-disabled-hook nil
"Hook that is run after `multiple-cursors-mode' is disabled.")))
;; * Mark one more occurrence
;; | mc/mark-next-like-this | Adds a cursor and region at the next part of the buffer |
;; | | forwards that matches the current region. |
;; | mc/mark-next-word-like-this | Like `mc/mark-next-like-this` but only for whole words. |
;; | mc/mark-next-symbol-like-this | Like `mc/mark-next-like-this` but only for whole symbols. |
;; | mc/mark-previous-like-this | Adds a cursor and region at the next part of the buffer |
;; | | backwards that matches the current region. |
;; | mc/mark-previous-word-like-this | Like `mc/mark-previous-like-this` but only for whole words. |
;; | mc/mark-previous-symbol-like-this | Like `mc/mark-previous-like-this` but only for whole symbols. |
;; | mc/mark-more-like-this-extended | Use arrow keys to quickly mark/skip next/previous occurances. |
;; | mc/add-cursor-on-click | Bind to a mouse event to add cursors by clicking. |
;; | | See tips-section. |
;; * Mark many occurrences
;; | mc/mark-all-like-this | Marks all parts of the buffer that matches the current region. |
;; | mc/mark-all-words-like-this | Like `mc/mark-all-like-this` but only for whole words. |
;; | mc/mark-all-symbols-like-this | Like `mc/mark-all-like-this` but only for whole symbols. |
;; | mc/mark-all-in-region | Prompts for a string to match in the region, adding cursors |
;; | | to all of them. |
;; | mc/mark-all-like-this-in-defun | Marks all parts of the current defun that matches the current region. |
;; | mc/mark-all-words-like-this-in-defun | Like `mc/mark-all-like-this-in-defun` but only for whole words. |
;; | mc/mark-all-symbols-like-this-in-defun | Like `mc/mark-all-like-this-in-defun` but only for whole symbols. |
;; | mc/mark-all-like-this-dwim | Tries to be smart about marking everything you want. Can be |
;; | | pressed multiple times. |
;; * Special
;; | set-rectangular-region-anchor | Think of this one as `set-mark` except you're marking a rectangular region. |
;; | mc/mark-sgml-tag-pair | Mark the current opening and closing tag. |
;; | mc/insert-numbers | Insert increasing numbers for each cursor, top to bottom. |
;; | mc/sort-regions | Sort the marked regions alphabetically. |
;; | mc/reverse-regions | Reverse the order of the marked regions. |
;; ** Tips and tricks
;; - To get out of multiple-cursors-mode, press `<return>` or `C-g`. The latter will
;; first disable multiple regions before disabling multiple cursors. If you want to
;; insert a newline in multiple-cursors-mode, use `C-j`.
;; - Sometimes you end up with cursors outside of your view. You can
;; scroll the screen to center on each cursor with `C-v` and `M-v`.
;; - Try pressing `mc/mark-next-like-this` with no region selected. It will just add a cursor
;; on the next line.
;; - Try pressing `mc/mark-all-like-this-dwim` on a tagname in html-mode.
;; - Notice that the number of cursors active can be seen in the modeline.
;; - If you get out of multiple-cursors-mode and yank - it will yank only
;; from the kill-ring of main cursor. To yank from the kill-rings of
;; every cursor use yank-rectangle, normally found at C-x r y.
;; - You can use `mc/reverse-regions` with nothing selected and just one cursor.
;; It will then flip the sexp at point and the one below it.
;; - If you would like to keep the global bindings clean, and get custom keybindings
;; when the region is active, you can try [region-bindings-mode](https://github.com/fgallina/region-bindings-mode).
;; It is recommended to add `mc/mark-next-like-this` to a key binding that's
;; right next to the key for `er/expand-region`.
Awesom pdf reader right inside emacs
(use-package pdf-tools
(setq auto-revert-interval 0.5)
- Create an empty buffer
(defun create-empty-buffer ()
"Open a new empty buffer.
Borrowed from
(let ((buf (generate-new-buffer "untitled")))
(switch-to-buffer buf)
(funcall (and initial-major-mode))
(setq buffer-offer-save t)))
These are evil specific keybindings. All definitions use general.el
- Essentials
(general-define-key "C-e" 'end-of-line "C-a" 'beginning-of-visual-line "C-k" 'kill-line "M-+" 'text-scale-increase "M-_" 'text-scale-decrease "C-x C-b" 'ibuffer "C-M-o" 'hydra-window/body "<f6>" 'deadgrep "M-O" 'occur "C-x r y" 'er-copy-file-name-to-clipboard "s-w" 'copy-line "s-W" 'quick-cut-line )
- Narrow and widen
(general-define-key :prefix "M-n" "n" 'narrow-to-region "w" 'widen)
- Program mode bindings
(general-define-key "C-;" 'comment-line)
- Winner mode
(general-define-key "<s-right>" 'winner-undo "<s-left>" 'winner-redo)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-m") 'er/expand-region)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-n") 'er/contact-region)
(use-package magit
:bind (("M-s-g" . 'magit-status)))
- Create new buffer with custom
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x |") 'create-empty-buffer)