This software provides a collection of routines that can be used to build client modules for OAuth 2.1, OAuth 2.0 with the latest Security Best Current Practices (BCP), and FAPI 2.0, as well as OpenID Connect where applicable. The primary goal of this software is to promote secure and up-to-date best practices while using only the capabilities common to both browser and non-browser JavaScript runtimes.
The following features are currently in scope and implemented in this software:
- Authorization Server Metadata discovery
- Authorization Code Flow (profiled under OpenID Connect 1.0, OAuth 2.0, OAuth 2.1, and FAPI 2.0), with PKCE
- Refresh Token, Device Authorization, and Client Credentials Grants
- Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer (DPoP)
- Token Introspection and Revocation
- Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR)
- UserInfo and Protected Resource Requests
- Authorization Server Issuer Identification
- JWT Secured Introspection, Response Mode (JARM), Authorization Request (JAR), and UserInfo
- Validating incoming JWT Access Tokens
Filip Skokan has certified that this software conforms to the Basic, FAPI 1.0, and FAPI 2.0 Relying Party Conformance Profiles of the OpenID Connect™ protocol.
Support from the community to continue maintaining and improving this module is welcome. If you find the module useful, please consider supporting the project by becoming a sponsor.
has no dependencies and it exports tree-shakeable ESM.
is distributed via,,,, and
ESM import
import * as oauth from 'oauth4webapi'
Deno import
import * as oauth from ''
- Authorization Code Flow (OAuth 2.0) - source
- Authorization Code Flow (OpenID Connect) - source | diff
- Extensions
- Client Authentication
- Other Grants
The supported JavaScript runtimes include those that support the utilized Web API globals and standard built-in objects. These are (but are not limited to):
- Browsers
- Bun
- Cloudflare Workers
- Deno
- Electron
- Node.js (runtime flags may be needed)
- Vercel's Edge Runtime
The following features are currently out of scope:
- CommonJS
- Implicit, Hybrid, and Resource Owner Password Credentials Flows
- JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
- Automatic polyfills of any kind