Part 1: EC2 Instance Management using Boto3 You are tasked with using the Boto3 library to manage an Amazon EC2 instance. Follow the instructions below:
- Create an EC2 instance with a public address assigned to it.
- Implement a method that allows you to stop and start the instance.
- Configure the EC2 instance to run only on alternate days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday) between 9:00 AM GMT to 11:30 AM GMT. Ensure that the instance remains stopped during the remaining time to avoid unnecessary costs.
- Create AWS account with default VPC, subnet id, instance_type
- Create aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key and set in environment before running script.
- Install requirments.txt pip install -r requrments.txt
- ./
- EC2 Instance manager
- schedule the task
- EC2 manager can be enhanced to handle multiple EC2's
- REST API to support Instance creation, start, stop, terminate etc
Using any Python libraries of your choice (such as Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, or Requests), write a program to scrape data from a website of your choosing. The data you extract can be related to products, articles, or any other relevant content available on the website. You are required to: Choose a website for scraping. Extract specific information from the website's pages, such as product details, article titles, or any other relevant data. Store the scraped data in a structured format (e.g., CSV, JSON) for further analysis.
Start Webscrapping
- preinstall requirments pip install requests bs4
- set websites urls
- set xpath templates
- run python
- output will be saved in output.json file