When you search company, shop, or any other business at Google, it shows the business name, location, website, contact, etc on the right side of the browser. This is a simple VBA script embedded in Excel Macro that can scrap these business details.
You can read the full article on the Kushal Study blog.
- Install Selenium on your System. You can check step-by-step instructions on How to How to Install Selenium Webdriver for VBA in Windows blog.
- Open scrap-business-listing-google.xlsm file and put business names in column A, starting from row 3.
- Add the row number at cell H4 where you want to START scraping.
- Add the row number at cell H6 where you want to END scraping.
- Add seconds to pause after each keyword search. If you try to scrap very fast, then Google will show a captcha.
- Click on button Start Scraping.