Alko products as an API! A.k.a Alkon tuotetietokanta rajapintana.
Built with:
- Koa API Boilerplate
- Koa
- Koa Better Router
- Koa Better Body
- Cors
- Helmet
- JOI schema-validator
- JSONAPI Serializer
- Babel
- Morgan
- Debug
- ESLint
- Yarn
- ...and many more
- Be sure you have Yarn installed globally.
- Clone the repo & run
from the project root - Copy
.env.example to .env
- import product-catalog (you can find the up-to-date-catalog here) with
yarn importData path/to/catalog.xls
yarn importData
Imports local .xls-file to DB.
yarn start
Runs Babel
watch-command & starts server on on PORT
specified in .env
-file (defaults to 8080,
Note! To start debugging (on DEV), start the app on Linux / OSX with DEBUG=alko-product-api yarn start
and on Windows with set DEBUG=alko-product-api yarn start
yarn lint
Lints JS-files inside /src
yarn build
Transforms ES6-syntax and builds (+minifies) the project to /build