Heroku app working with jetty or tomcat / maven / JSF/ JPA / CDI /BEAN bookmarxrus
THIS IS AN ADAPTATION OF THE ORIGINIAL PROJECT FOUNDED AT (http://www.andygibson.net/blog/news/demo-application-using-jsf-jpa-cdi-with-jetty/):
Created using servlet Knappsack Maven Archetypes. For more information on the archetypes go to :
To find out more details of server compatabilities goto :
This is a demo project created from the Knappsack servlet archetype that can be run from the command line in a Tomcat or Jetty container. It uses an embedded HQL database so you don't need to set up your own.
The application can be deployed from the command line using the Jetty servlet container by entering :
mvn jetty:run
Alternatively, you can use the embedded Tomcat container using the following :
mvn tomcat:run
In either case, Maven will download any necessary dependencies or plugins, and start the server with the application deployed. You can then see the application by browsing to :
A demo bookmarking application that uses JSF, JPA, CDI and Bean validation that can be run in a servlet container such as Tomcat or Jetty from the command line. The demo implements user accounts with login requirements and a simple bookmarking site where users can add, title and tag bookmarks to share with others.
If you created the project using the Maven 2 archetype wizard in your IDE (Eclipse, NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA), then there is nothing to do. You should already have an IDE project.
If you created the project from the commandline using archetype:generate, then you need to bring the project into your IDE. If you are using NetBeans 6.8 or IntelliJ IDEA 9, then all you have to do is open the project as an existing project. Both of these IDEs recognize Maven 2 projects natively.
To import into Eclipse, you first need to install the m2eclipse plugin. To get started, add the m2eclipse update site (http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/update/) to Eclipse and install the m2eclipse plugin and required dependencies. Once that is installed, you'll be ready to import the project into Eclipse.
Select File > Import... and select "Import... > Maven Projects" and select your project directory. m2eclipse should take it from there.
Once in the IDE, you can execute the Maven commands through the IDE controls.