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Releases: vipzhicheng/logseq-plugin-vim-shortcuts


12 Mar 06:40
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  • feat: add :sort and :rsort to sort blocks, it support to sort/reverse sort page first level blocks with no focus any blocks and to sort/reverse sort sub level blocks with focus on one block.
  • feat: also you can sort sub level blocks or reverse sort by slash command: /Sort Blocks and /Reverse Sort Blocks.
  • fix: change emoji-picker ui shortcut from ctrl+e to mod+/ because ctrl+e in editing mode have special meaning.
  • fix: remove trigger-on-focus option commands.

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11 Mar 02:58
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  • feat: add @back and @forward for command mode :go command.
  • feat: add :lorem command to generate some random blocks.
  • feat: add :emoji to insert emojis by searching keyword.
  • feat: add :emoji-picker to open emoji picker UI.
  • feat: add ctrl+e to trigger emoji picker UI.
  • feat: add /Insert emoji slash command to trigger emoji picker UI.

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27 Feb 08:25
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  • feat: add VIM command mode, trigger by shortcut: mod+shift+;,for now 10+ commands supported, and I'm sure that would be more.
  • feat: one useful commmand is: replace string like VIM. Input :%s/search/replace/modifiers, e.g. :%s/foo/bar/ig
  • feat: another useful command is: go to page. Input :go PAGENAME, e.g. :go 2022-02-22, also support go to block by :go ((blockId))
  • feat: some commands related to marks: :marks, :delmarks, :delmarks!, :mark.
  • more commands descriptions in README.

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16 Feb 09:52
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  • fix: ctrl+v in Windows is for pasting, so I disable visual block mode key-binding for editing mode.
  • feat: add mark feature like VIM, the short cut is NUMBER + m to save current page or block, and NUMBER + ' to load saved mark, and mod+' to load saved mark on right sidebar. The NUMBER can be more than 10, actually thousands if you wish.
  • infra: build tool changed from Webpack to Vite.
  • infra: use Github Actions to publish plugin.

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14 Feb 08:10
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  • feat: add changing case action, the shortcut is mod+shift+u, means to toggle upper case and lower case.
  • feat: combo action supported 16 case style, Number key + mod+shift+u to trigger, learn more from README.
  • feat: add original VIM case shortcut, gu is for lower case, gU is for upper case.

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09 Feb 10:31
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  • feat: add VIM-like visual block mode, in this mode, j and k are for block selecting, J and K are for block moving.

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26 Jan 07:20
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feat: all actions support multiple key bindings in the settings JSON file.

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24 Jan 16:55
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  • fix: change ctrl+enter to mod+shift+enter to jump internal page or tag.

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24 Jan 16:33
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  • feat: add ctrl+[ to also trigger exiting editing mode, but still have mod+j mod+j.
  • feat: add a to enter insert mode, but still have i do the same thing.
  • fix: mod+j mod+j would conflict with ctrl+j on many devices, so I changed ctrl+j shortcut to mod+alt+j to join sibling block.

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24 Jan 12:29
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  • feat: add mod+j mod+j to exit editing mode.
  • feat: add ctrl+enter to jump into internal page, support [[]] and #tag style, sometimes better UX than DWIM.
  • feat: add ctrl+j to join next sibling conditionally.
  • fix: z o and z m shortcut not work on latest Logseq release.


  1. The joining shortcut can only join siblings without children blocks and support combo and should not be trigger too fast in editing mode.
  2. Jumping internal page support combo to select which page to jump.


❤️ Buy me a coffee

If this plugin solve your situation a little bit and you will, you can choose to buy me a coffee via this and this, that means a lot to me.