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💫 CS50x Certificate of Completion 💫 - Thanks to Flowy for the help and encouragement throughout this course :)


CS50x final project using Flask

Raise virtual pets while improving your language skills! The site is setup using Python, Flask with Jinja templates, and a custom CSS stylesheet. View Distant Life website

Week 10 Ethics


  • Correctness -- given a certain input, does the program or function give the correct output?
  • Design -- is the program well-designed for speed and uses a clean solution?
  • Style -- is the code cleanly written? indentation, variable names, commented etc

Ethic principles of democracy:

  • People are free and equal
  • Political regime, elections, rights, participation
  • Political discussions should appeal to cooporation from people with different beliefs

Week 9 Flask

Framework - a way of organizing your code


Running locally (Mac) assuming is entry:

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install Flask
export FLASK_APP=application
flask run


# Greets user
from flask import Flask, render_template, request

# turn the current file into a web application
# __name__ refers to current file
app = Flask(__name__)

# define paths
# @ is a python decorator

# template pages go in the /templates/ folder
# request libraries allows us to pass ?name=arg in the URL
# arg defaults to None if not set
# passes variable name into function with name value
def index():
    return render_template("index.html", name=request.args.get("name", "world"))

Pass into index.html template:

hello, {{ name }}

In cs50 IDE: flask run

Week 8 HTML, CSS, JavaScript

TCP/IP governs what goes outside the envelopes. HTTP governs what goes inside of the envelopes.

  • Internet Protocol - standardizes how computers address each other
  • Domain Name System - translates a english-like domain names, or fully qualified domain names, to the corresponding IP addresses
  • Transmission Control Protocol - TCP ports allows a server to handle multiple services (html, email, chat) and retransmitting data if needed

curl - connect to URL

Week 7 SQL

We can nest queries:

SELECT title FROM shows WHERE id IN (SELECT show_id FROM genres WHERE genre = "Musical");

Week 6 🐍 Python

Loosely-typed language:

  • bool
  • float
  • int
  • str
  • range
  • list - like an array, but dynamic size
  • range - sequence of numbers
  • tuple - collection of ordered values like x- and y-coordinates, or longitude and latitude
  • dict, dictionaries, collection of key/value pairs, like a hash table
  • set - unique values
print("hello, " + answer)

# or new print format syntax
print(f"hello, {answer}")

Simple for loop

for i in [0, 1, 2]:

# or use range
for i in range(0,3):
  • Python runs code through an interpreter, which makes it a bit slower than C
  • python translates Python code to computer code

Using library imports

from cs50 import get_int
x = get_int("x: ")
y = get_int("y: ")

# or use namespace
import cs50
x = cs50.get_int("x: ")
y = cs50.get_int("y: ")

Function hoisting

  • Prototypes don't exist in Python
  • Functions aren't automatically hoisted (undefined if they exist below running code)
  • Use a def main() to call the functions and call main() to init
def main():
    for i in range(3):

def meow():



  • In python, the variable will exist until the end of the function
  • Don't need to initialize the var outside of a loop
print("I'll print with a newline")

# You can use an end argument to specify end of line
print("I'll print on the same line", end="")


import sys

# error (1)

# all good (0)


  • using with open will automatically close the file

Week 5 Data Structures

Helpful terms:

  • struct - let's us define our own structures
  • . - let's you access a property
  • * dereference operator - goto / get the value at a pointer
  • -> combines . and * functionality


  • Time: O(n), Ω(1)
  • More memory efficient (than LL) if you can erase the old array created by malloc
  • If space available, add one
  • If no space, copy and make a larger array space
  • "vector" means a resizable array (Java)
  • arrays in C are contiguous and cannot be resized

Linked Lists

  • A list of numbers that are linked together ("nodes")
  • Stores the value 1 or 3
  • Stores the pointer to the next value 0x456 or 0x00 (NULL)

Example of LL as custom struct, where next is a pointer to the next node

typedef struct
    int number;
    node *next; // What is a node here?

But since node doesn't exist to refer to the pointer for a type node, we also add the name node to the top of the struct def and struct to the pointer variable def:

typedef struct node
    int number;
    struct node *next;

More on Linked Lists

  • Not contiguous
  • Cannot be searched with using binary search (phonebook)
  • Calling malloc gives you the address of the first byte (size 1 or 100!)
  • If you initialize without a value, it may hold garbage values--set it to NULL; create empty LL: node *list = NULL;
  • Create a node in LL node *n = malloc(sizeof(node)); (syntax for storing an address)
  • When creating via malloc, check if n is not NULL before doing any work on it
(*n).number = 1; 

// or equivalent:
n->number = 1;
n->node = NULL;
  • After creating the first node, point the list to the first node
  • After instantiating n, point the list node with next value NULL to n
  • Search Time: O(n) - must travel thru each 1-by-1
  • Insert new into LL on to end or sorted placement: O(n) (doesn't have to go at the end!)
  • Can insert at beginning of LL: O(1)
  • list[0] bracket notation adds to stack
  • int *list = malloc(sizeof(int)); adds to heap


  • realloc - reallocates memory we used earlier
  • int *tmp = realloc(list, 4 * sizeof(int));
  • copies old to new
  • don't need to free previous list after realloc

Example for loop for linked list items:

for (node *tmp = list; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
        printf("%i\n", tmp->number);

How to allocate more nodes in the middle (sorted)

  • Order matters so you don't orphan the remaining nodes and cause a memory leak
  • Point your new item to the first element
  • List still points to the first element
  • Remove list -> first element pointer, switch list -> new element, new element already points to previous first element
n->next = list;
list = n;

Linked lists are 1-dimensional


  • Trees let us work in 2 dimensions! (Left-to-right and top-to-bottom)
  • Binary search - Requries you to be able to index into an array using Random Access
  • Trees are deliberately ordered; left child is less, right child is more
  • Recursive data structure, tree with a child that is a tree
typedef struct node
    int number;
    struct node *left;
    struct node *right;
  • Running time to insert new value into balanced tree: - Time: O(log n)
  • Height of balanced search tree is log2 n (Steps to find/insert new items)

Hash table

Essentially an array of linked lists; allows you to "bucketize" data to let you get data more quickly

  • init phonebook[26]
  • set phonebook[0] = linked list that contains Albus
  • set phonebook[25] = linked list that contains Zack
  • hash function - a function that tells you which array element to insert into
  • "hash" - look at some input and return output (which bucket?) based on characteristic of input
  • colissions - when there are too many results (chains) under a certain hash array element

More "buckets"

  • can we add another level of hash tables? 26 * 26 (676)
  • can we add levels for each letter? price = more memory 26 * 26 * 26 (17576)
  • Use bc for a CLI calculator!
  • hash sort example, card suits
  • Running time of searching for an item: (4 buckets? n/4) as item count get larger: O(n), however still faster than LL and Array

Tries (Retrievals)

AKA Prefix tree

  • Used for storing words or sophisticated data
  • Tree made up of arrays, where each array is a pointer to another node
  • Retrieval time: O(1)
  • Needs a lot of memory

Abstract data structures

  • Queue: FIFO, store checkout; enqueue (get in line), dequeue (get out of line), array isn't dynamic enough, need linked list
  • Stack: LIFO, cafeteria tray; push and pop
  • Dictionary: associate keys with values; dictionary or salad pickup; apple has definition, lookup value by key

Week 4 🍌 Memory


  • Hex is base 16
  • FF works out perfectly for 4 bits: 16 x F (240) + 1 x F (15) = 255
  • Any time you reference hex digits, prefix w/ 0x eg 0x49


  • & What is the address
  • * Go to the address; what's inside?
int n = 50;
printf("%i", n);   // 50 - value of n
printf("%p", &n);  // 0x123 - address
printf("%i", *&n); // 50 - print value at 0x123 (address)


  • Store the address and type of value
  • int *p = &n - declare a pointer of type int
  • use *p to print the value of n (*&n)
  • Pointer address is 8 bytes

Mailbox example

  • Mailbox p [0x123] - contains value of an address; points to mailbox 0x123
  • Mailbox 0x123 n [50] - contains value of 50
  • We don't care about the pointer's (p) address


  • Not native to C - created as typedef char *string
  • Example of string [H][I][!][\0], where addresses would be consecutive, eg: [0x123][0x124][0x125][0x126], 1 byte apart
  • The first byte of a "string" is the string's address
  • string = char *s = "HI!"; where address of s = &s[0]
  • printf("%c", *s); \\ H - print value at address
  • last char of "string" is \0 or 0 as type int
  • get_string returns address of first character

How would you copy a string?

  • Allocate a new spot in memory: eg 4 bytes, malloc(4), or malloc(strlen(s) + 1) (to account for \0)
  • Check if the address created is valid (not NULL)
  • Check that length of string is not 0
  • Loop over char address (n <= i) and copy all values, including \0
  • Or you could copy using strcpy(s, t)


  • strcpy(s, t) - create a new copy of s to t
  • Compare using strcmp(v1, v2) == 0
  • malloc() returns the address of the first byte
  • if you use malloc(), give the memory back free(t)
  • get_string() uses malloc() and free()
  • valgrind() shows where you touched memory; use it debug code
  • 'scanf() scan from user's keyboard

Defining a string variable w/ allocation:

char *s = malloc(4);
// uses heap, needs to also use free()
char s[4];
// uses stack, doens't need free()

Memory layout

  • machine code
  • globals
  • heap (malloc)
  • stack (calling a function, local vars) - memory gets used and reused

File Input/Output

File I/O - taking input and output from files

FILE *file = fopen("phonebook.csv", "a"); 
// a - append
// w - write
// r - read

Full example of reading input and printing to a file:

// Saves names and numbers to a CSV file

#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
    // Open CSV file
    // FILE is a native C type
    FILE *file = fopen("phonebook.csv", "a");
    // Check if file is not null
    if (!file)
        return 1;

    // Get name and number
    string name = get_string("Name: ");
    string number = get_string("Number: ");

    // Print to file
    fprintf(file, "%s,%s\n", name, number);

    // Close file
  • fopen(pathname, mode) - returns a pointer to the FILE or NULL
  • fclose(pointer) - close the file (previously opened by fopen) at the given pointer
  • fprintf(pointer, format, values) - prints to a file
  • fread(pointerToStoreAt, size, numberToRead, filePointer) - read bytes from a file and store at the pointerToStoreAt

For iterating thru bytes, we need to define a custom typedef:

typedef uint8_t BYTE;

Then we can copy, using buffer as a temporary value

// Copy source to destination, one BYTE at a time
BYTE buffer;
while (fread(&buffer, sizeof(BYTE), 1, source))
    fwrite(&buffer, sizeof(BYTE), 1, destination);


Many file types have "magic numbers" the first N bytes in a file that establish what type of file it is; for example, every JPG will start with 0xff 0xd8 0xff

Week 3 🍍 Algorithms

  • running time - how long it takes to run, steps/time
  • O - big O notation: the maximum time/steps it will take to run
  • big O only focuses on dominant factors and not any constant factors, like the 1/2 or the divided by 2
  • Ω (omega): the lower bound on the time/steps it takes to run
  • θ (theta): if the program takes the same lower bound and upper bound time to run

Common formulas:

  • O(n^2) -- worst
  • O(n log n)
  • O(n)
  • O(log n)
  • O(1) -- best

Search types

  • Linear search: O(n), Ω(1) - one by one, for random ordered elements
  • Binary search: O(log n), Ω(1) - divide by half, half again, half again, ..., for increasingly ordered elements

Comparing string values

  • You cannot use == for comparing string values
  • Use strcmp() from string.h include: strcmp(compare_to_string, word_to_find) returning 0 (equal), negative (first str comes before second), positive (first str comes after second) -- compares ASCII order, not alphabetical
  • Strings always end with \0
  • Any non-zero value in C is considered true (truthy); only 0 is false

Hertz defs

  • 1 hertz = do 1 thing per second
  • 1 gigahertz = do 1 bil things per second, like a CPU

Creating custom types / data structures--allows you to keep related data tied together

typedef struct
	string name;
	string number;

int main(void) 
	person people[2]; // Init person structure of size 2
	people[0].name = "Brian";
	people[0].number = "555-555-5555";
  • Sir Kittian's ribbons
  • Little Kitty Fluffpuff
  • Ciao MiaoMiao


Comparison Sorting Examples

Selection Sort

  • Time: n^2/2 + n/2 = O(n^2) & Ω(n^2) = θ(n^2)
  • Looks through every number to find smallest, then swaps position at i.
  • If no swaps, the sort still runs again.
For i from 0 to n-1
  Find smallest item between i'th item and last item
  Swap smallest item with i'th item

Bubble Sort

  • Time: n^2 - 2n + 1 = O(n^2) & Ω(n)
  • Looks through pairs of numbers and sorts in pairs and biggest numbers start "bubbling up" to the top.
  • If no swaps, the list is sorted and program can complete.
  • Finish for-loop at (n-2) because we don't compare the last number to another number (out of bounds)
  • Lower bounds time if the numbers are already sorted (look thru all elements 1 time)
Repeat n-1 times
  For i from 0 to n-2
   If i'th and i+1'th elements out of order
   Swap them
  If no swaps

Merge Sort

  • Time: n * log n = O(n log n) & Ω(n log n) = θ(n log n)
  • Divide in half, in half, in half (log)
  • Can't escape early if the input is already sorted
  • For C, you'll need a second array to temporarily merge things (Needs twice as much memory)
If only one number // Needs recursive base case
  Sort left half of numbers
  Sort right half of numbers
  Merge sorted halves


  • Needs a base case to quit
  • Define the answer in terms of itself

Week 2 🧁 Arrays


  • clang is used as a compiler when you type make
  • It uses command-line arguments
  • clang -o hello hello.c -lcs50: passes in arguments, -o, hello, hello.c, -lcs50


  • compiler: a program that converts source code to machine code
  • compiling includes these four steps: preprocessing, compiling, assembling and linking
  1. Preprocessing--looks for any lines that start with a hash symbol, like #include cs50.h, and copies the contents of the file into the program; implements prototypes
  2. Compiling--changes source code to assembly code (xorl %ebx, %ebx would be like i = 0)
  3. Assembling--coverts assembly code to machine code (0s and 1s)
  4. Linking--takes the machine code from the given file and any included libraries and combines


  • Use debug50 on your compiled code, e.g. debug50 ./buggy

Size of C Types

  • bool - 1 byte
  • char - 1 byte
  • double - 8 bytes
  • float - 4 bytes
  • int - 4 bytes
  • long - 8 bytes

"code smell" - when something is off with the code, but you can't quite pinpoint it

C Notes:

  • In C, you cannot find the length of the array; you need to capture this value separately as a int
  • For a function using an array, you'd need to pass both the array and length values as arguments
  • If you multiply ints by a float, it will convert to a float; only one float value automagically converts
  • If you're setting a character, use single quotes: char brick = '#'
  • If you're setting a string, use double quotes: string pyramid = "###"
  • String is implemented as an array of 1-byte chars with a final byte that stores the end \0 (the Null character)

For loop to get chars from string, check for null character:

string s = get_string("Input: "); 
printf("Output: "); 

for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) { 
  printf("%c", s[i])

for (int i = 0, n = strlen(s); s[i] < n; i++) { 
  printf("%c", s[i])

Or use string.h and strlen()


  • islower() true / false
  • toupper()

Manual pages for the C standard library, C POSIX library, and the CS50 Library.

int main(int argc, string argv[]) {
  # argv[0] will be the file name
  # argv[1] would be the command line argument
  # argc automatically saves how many words typed in (including filename, so 2 here)

Successful c functions return 0 for normal or return 1 for errors

🥥 Shorts

#include <studio.h>
#include <cs50.h>

bool main(void) {
	int side1 = get_int("Side 1: ");
	int side2 = get_int("Side 2: ");
	int side3 = get_int("Side 3: ");
	return valid_triangle(side1, side2, side3);

bool valid_triangle(int side1, int side2, int side3) {

	if (side1 <= 0 || side2 <= 0 || side3 <= 0) {
		return false;

	if (side1 + side2 > side3) {
		if (side2 + side3 > side1) {
			if (side3 + side1 > side 2) {
				return true;
	return false;

Arrays in C

  • Initialization type name[size] or bool truths[3] = { true, false, true }
  • Will not prevent you from going out of bounds = segmentation fault!
  • You can actually look at what is stored in memory for other spaces
  • You cannot copy arrays to another variable; instead you need to loop over it and create a new array
  • When an array is passed into a function, it is the actual array, not a copy of it

Command line args

  • int main(int argc, string argv[]) {}
  • input comes in as strings

Week 1 C

  • introduction to C
  • use help50 make file, style50 make file or check50 make file as needed
  • there is no hoisting in C, instead you use prototypes to hint at the function that is defined later below
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Prototype
void meow(void);

int main(void)
void meow(void)
    string answer = get_string("what's your name? ");
    printf("meow, %s\n", answer);

5 Types built-in to C:

  • int
  • char
  • float (floating point number)
  • double
  • void (for functions)

Types not built-in to C available in CS50 library:

  • bool
  • string

You can init two variables in one line, for example: int height, width;

Week 0