guide to regex
Expressions | Description |
. | Any Character Except New Line |
\d | Digit (0-9) |
\D | Not a Digit (0-9) |
\w | Word Character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _) |
\W | Not a Word Character |
\s | Whitespace (space, tab, newline) |
\S | Not Whitespace (space, tab, newline) |
--- | --- |
\b | Word Boundary |
\B | Not a Word Boundary |
^ | Beginning of a String |
$ | End of a String |
--- | --- |
[] | Matches Characters in brackets |
[^ ] | Matches Characters NOT in brackets |
| | Either Or |
( ) | Group |
Quantifiers | Description |
* | 0 or More |
+ | 1 or More |
? | 0 or One |
{3} | Exact Number |
{3,4} | Range of Numbers (Minimum, Maximum) |
this will match any charcter between number or \d{3}.\d{3}.\d{4}
this is will match only - or . between numbers
this will find 800 or 900 in beginning of numbers
this will find 100 to 700 in beginning of numbers
[^a-z] this will match everything except small case letters
[a-z] this will match small case letters
[a-zA-Z] this will match small and captial case letters
Mr. Vishal
Mr Sachin
Ms Jobby
Mrs. Twinkle
Mr. L
Now you want to replace matching strings with group 3
search with
replace section type
output :
- The length of the PAN number is always 10
- Each char is an uppercase letter,
- ABCDS1234Y ()