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Using the RS winder

Vishnu edited this page Jul 16, 2022 · 13 revisions
  1. Place the plunger into the housing barrel.
  2. Place the mainspring into the arbour on the winder part.
  3. Use a tweezer to latch the anchor onto the mainspring hole.
  4. Carefully put the housing barrel and winder parts together. Take care not to wind in reverse as this will unlatch the anchor.
  5. Wind the mainspring until (both) end tails of the mainspring sticks out. Gently push it in such that both tails are in the barrel. Continue to wind a little bit more until it goes in completely and can no longer be seen.
  6. Once done, unwind by twisting in the reverse direction until there is no more backpressure from the mainspring. The anchor should naturally unlatch, allowing you to easily take off the winder base part. If the mainspring is still latched, then gently unwind a little bit more.
  7. Next, place the actual mainspring barrel inside the barrel bowl recess and plug it into the housing barrel.
  8. Place the housing+bowl parts on a level surface, apply some downward force to hold it together, and then press the plunger. All done!
  9. Enjoy the rest of your day knowing that it just cost you $5 and a measly stapler pin to wind up a fancy Swiss mainspring.