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0.6.8 - 2024-02-09

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@valfirst valfirst released this 12 Feb 09:34
· 753 commits to master since this release


#4809 [vividus] Add Java 21 migration notice

All users are welcomed to migrate to Java 21. If version of Java is lower than 17, the notification warning will be printed. In case of issues please report bugs as earlier as possible.
The target date when support of Java versions lower than 21 will be dropped is July 1, 2024 (the first release after this date will require Java 21+). The old versions of VIVIDUS will start slowing down the tests intentionally after August 1, 2023 in order to push users to the migration.

#4806 (Closes #4734) [vividus-plugin-web-app] Add ability to remove items from web storage

New steps:

When I remove item with key `$key` from $storageType storage
When I clear $storageType storage

where $storageType is one of the web storage mechanisms: either local or session.

#4807 (Closes #4799) [vividus-plugin-web-app] Add shortcut property to set window size for Headless Chrome

New property:,600

sets the initial window size, it is ignored when custom CLI arguments are set using property.


#4808 [vividus-plugin-web-app] Deprecate Internet Explorer profile

Since Internet Explorer 11 has retired and is officially out of support, web/desktop/iexplore profile is deprecated and will be removed in VIVIDUS 0.8.0.