LAST UPDATED: 2019-02-23
AirportBrcmFixup (1.1.9)
AppleALC (1.3.5 +custom verbs)
AtherosE2200Ethernet (2.2.2)
BrcmFirmwareRepo (2.2.10)
BrcmPatchRAM2 (2.2.10)
Lilu (1.3.4)
SMCBatteryManager.kext (1.0)
USBxhci (1.0.0 =custom map for MSI GS65)
VirtualSMC.kext (1.0.2)
VoodooPS2Controller (1.9.2 +custom map)
WhateverGreen (1.2.6)
fix: injector (FSInject-64.efi) + adapter file
adapter: ApfsDriverLoader-64.efi (APFS)
adapter: HFSPlus-64.efi (HFS+)
fix: AptioMemoryFix-64.efi (can't use for now as system doesn't shutdown/reboot)
fix: OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi
fix: CsrActiveConfig Allow Unrestricted NVRAM (NVRAM Protections: disabled)
fix: DSDT drop table DMAR if you need VT-d enabled
fix: VirtualSMC.kext
fix: USBxhci.kext
fix: SSDT-TYPC.aml + DSDT patches: "SSDT-TYPC"
fix: WhateverGreen.kext + Lilu.kext
fix: SSDT-PNLF.aml
fix: nvidia web drivers not supported on OS X 10.14
fix: in clover GUI, drop table SSDT-DDGPU.aml
fix: AppleALC.kext + Lilu.kext
fix: SMCBatteryManager.kext + Lilu.kext
fix: VoodooPS2Controller.kext
fix: AtherosE2200Ethernet.kext
fix: replace hardware BCM94352Z then fix wifi (AirportBrcmFixup.kext) and bluetooth (BrcmPatchRAM2.kext + BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext)
fix: use EmuVariableUefi-64.efi just once to activate
- kexts should be installed to /Library/Extensions/
- disable power related options:
- sudo pmset -a disksleep 0
- sudo pmset -a powernap 0
- sudo pmset -a womp 0
- sudo pmset -a standby 0
- sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
- sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage
- sudo mkdir /var/vm/sleepimage
- sudo pmset -a autopoweroff 0
- disable touchpad when mouse is present by checking Ignore built-in trackpad... in System Preferences: Accessibility
- set Timeout: 0 in config.plist for fast boot
- sync time in Windows as dual boot with RealTimeIsUniversal
- using optimus requires mac OS compatible version of nvidia drivers to be installed
- disabling nvidia dgpu with SSDT-DDGPU.aml (PEGP._OFF) or with boot arg -wegnoegpu will lead to usc-c video output failure
- clover forum: insanelymac
- release of latest clover build: clobber
- external monitor brightness and volume control: MonitorControl
- subsystem packages management: brew
- quick look plugins
kudos to all community developers who share their knowledge
special thanks to all and every member of clover bootloader team, Rehabman, vit9696.