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File metadata and controls

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Spark-Kafka jobs orchestrated with Airflow

The following instruments are used in the project:

  • Poetry: as a project dependency management tool
  • FastAPI: used to immitate a data stream (a request sent and processed in a Faust-Kafka task)
  • Faust: Kafka-Python library
  • SQLalchemy: to persist data from FastAPI to a Postgresql database
  • Spark: to process a Kafka stream and persist the Data Stream to a Cassandra database
  • Airflow: to trigger tasks execution
  • Docker: to run everything in containers
  • Greate Expectations: to validate data on all the steps of the pipeline


  • Install Docker
  • Install all project dependencies spark-learning: poetry install


  • (Optional) Change Airflow home location (if running Airflow locally) export AIRFLOW_HOME=~spark-learning/airflow
  • Create a custom Airflow docker image containing the project and its dependencies spark-learning: docker build . --file airflow/Dockerfile --tag my_airflow_image
  • Start Airflow containers spark-learning: dc -f airflow/docker-compose.yaml up
  • Install project dependencies on webserver and worker containers:
    • pip install poetry
    • poetry config virtualenvs.create false && poetry install


  • Create a FastAPI-Uvicorn image spark-learning/fastapi: docker build . --tag my_fastapi_image
  • Start FastAPI container spark-learning/fastapi: docker-compose up


  • Start Docker Kafka, Spark, Cassandra containers spark-learning: docker-compose up
  • (optional) docker-compose up --scale spark-worker=3 to spin up the Spark additional spark workers
  • Start faust-kafka worker (Required if without Airflow) python data_processing/ worker -l info
  • Start spark (Required if without Airflow) python fastapi/
  • Test run a task in a DAG (Example) airflow tasks test airflow_dag_1 print_date 2015-06-01

pip install poetry && poetry config virtualenvs.create false && poetry install



  • Access postgres container docker exec -it airflow_postgres_1 bash
  • Access a DB in the container psql --host=airflow_postgres_1 --dbname=vmtl --username=docker


  • Access cassandra container docker exec -it spark-cassandra cqlsh


  • Add more kafka brokers docker-compose scale kafka=3
  • Access a container as a root user docker exec -it -u=0 airflow_airflow-webserver_1 bash


  • Acecess webserver container docker exec -it airflow_airflow-webserver_1 bash
  • Manually start Airflow UI web server airflow webserver --debug &

Great Expectations

  • Change default port for Jypiter notebooks in cas of ports conflict export GE_JUPYTER_CMD='jupyter notebook --port=8187'
  • Create a datasource great_expectations datasource new
  • Create an expectations suite great_expectations suite new
  • Create a checkpoint great_expectations checkpoint new