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File metadata and controls

328 lines (225 loc) · 9.87 KB


Create Wireframe

Draw a wireframe of a "maximum" email, it shall contain every variation and shape of email.

Identify Features

In the wireframe identify the points of interaction in the email editor

  • Main Blocks
  • editable content
  • variation point
  • user selectable styling

Identify draggable blocks

  • Identify the smallest parts which can be dragged to the mail. These are blocks. Note that a block must be one vertical element which covers the entire width of the email. There are no nested blocks.

  • Decide if you need an extra block or you can handle it by variations in a block. You need to find a good compromse between having few small block (atomic blocks) and many different complex blocks.

Setup your initial environment

For sake of simplyicity, we make a very simple HTML - Template.

  1. create templates/tutorial/template-tutorial.html and enter the basic structure:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <div id="preface">
        <h1>This is the Mosaico Tutorial</h1>
    <div data-ko-container="main">
    <div id="trailer">
        <h1>This is the end of Mosaico Tutorial</h1>

    The <div data-ko-container="main"> marks the draggable area as well as the draggable blocks.

  2. open index.htmland add an entry

          var viewModel = {
            showSaved: ko.observable(false),
            edits: ko.observableArray(initialEdits),
            templates: [{
              name: 'versafix-1', desc: 'The versatile template'
              name: 'tedc15', desc: 'The TEDC15 template'
              name: 'tutorial', desc: 'Mosaico-tutorial'
  3. create the previews

    for each block prepare a PNG thumbnail named templatefolder/edres/blockName.png with a width of 340px. Mosaico "demo" will also read a templatefolder/edres/_full.png as a preview of the master template.

  4. start the local server

  5. Visit localhost:9000

    you see the selection of tempates with previews


  6. click on "tutorial" in order to create an email which is an instance of "tutorial". In other words, the new email is based on the template "tutorial"

    tutorial template 

Create a draggable blocks

Draggable blocks is the first concept how to compose an email. Draggable blocks are taken from the block library in the left pane and copied to the email by drag and drop.

  1. add to

    <div data-ko-container="main">
        <div data-ko-block="HeaderAndText">
            <h1>this is header</h1>
                this is text

    With this we have one draggable block called "HeaderAndText"

  2. recreate the previews

    node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt makeThumbs
  3. start the local server again



specify editable content

  1. create the container for the mosaico classes.

        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <style type="text/css">
                -ko-blockdefs {
                text {
                    widget: text

    The section @supports -ko-blockdefs {} is declared in a way similar to CSS styles but they are no way related to CSS styles. In fact it is a way for the template author to declare object/properties/content types and much more. This tutorial refers the entries of this section as "mosaico-class".

    A "mosaico-class" is an entity which defines values applicable for html attributes, css properties, mosaico configuration etc.

    In the example here, we have created an "mosaico-class" named "text". The attribute "widget" says that it represents text.

    In this case in -ko-blockdefs we have a mosaico class named "text". The attribute "widget" says that this is a text

    TODO : do we really need this "text"? It seems to work even without it.

  2. enhance the draggable block with markup for editable text

        <div data-ko-block="HeaderAndText">
            <h1 data-ko-editable="text">this is header</h1>
            <div data-ko-editable="text">
                this is text

    We have marked to locations as editable by the HTML-attribute 'data-ko-editable'. The value of this attribute refers to a "mosaico- class" named "text" which we have declared in the previous step.

  3. refresh your browser

    Now the header and the body are editable. If you click on it, you get a text editor. Note that if you change the header, the body changes as well. The reason is that the mosaico class "text" is referenced in both elements. In fact both elements refer to the same instance of the "mosaico-class" name "text".

  4. to overcome this change the data-ko-editable attributes as follows:

        <div data-ko-block="HeaderAndText">
            <h1 data-ko-editable="headerText">this is header</h1>
            <div data-ko-editable="bodyText">
                this is text

    This notation creates two different instances of the "mosaico-class" named "text". This is an implicit mechanism called "magic autodeprefix" so when you try to use a variable named "headerText" mosaico will try to see if you defined it as "headerText" (in the @supports section) and if it doesn't find it, it will look for "text" (camel-case deprefixing) and so on.

    In our case we only have "text" so "headerText" and "bodyText" refers to particular instances of the "mosaico-class" name "text".

  5. refresh your browser to see the results. You can now edit the header and the body text independent from each other.

    You also observe that header text is only a single line while the body text can be paragraphs etc. Reason is that mosaico derives the editing capabiliteis from the related html element:

    At this time data-ko-editable autodetect a 2 kind of editable areas.

    • If you apply it to <TD> or <DIV> then you get a "multiline" editor (full toolbar).

    • If, instead, you apply it to another element, then you get a simpler editor thought for single line.

make the structure of the content customizable

The content customization is the second concept how to compose an email. Content customization allows to control the visibility and geometry parameters of an inserted block.

  1. create a new block

    <div data-ko-block="fixedList">
        <h1 data-ko-editable="headerText">fixed size list</h1>
                <div data-ko-editable="firstBodyText">item 1</div>
            <li data-ko-display="listsize gt 1 ">
                <div data-ko-editable="secondBodyText">item 2</div>
            <li data-ko-display="listsize gt 2">
                <div data-ko-editable="thirdBodyText">item 3</div>

    We now introduce the new HTML attribute data-ko-display. The value of this attribute is a mosaico-expression. If this expression yields "true" then the HTML-element in question will be inserted in the resulting email and its content is preocessed.

  2. enhance your style ko-blockdefs by another "mosaico-class" named "listsize"

    listsize {
        widget: select;
        options: 1 | 2 | 3;

    The attributes of this class indicate that

    • it shall use the selector widget
    • the selectable options are "1", "2" or "3"
  3. refresh the previews (node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt makeThumbs)

  4. refresh your browser to see the results. Now you have another block with the list. Drag this block to your email.

    Click into the inserted block, you see that the list has one item. The editor automatically switches to the "CONTENT" pane which provides a widget where you can select the listsize.

    As you select another list size, you can observe that number of visible items changes in the email.

    customized content

make the style customizable

The style customization is the second concept how to compose an email.

  1. create a "mosaico-class" named 'color'

    color {
        widget: color;

    Hint: you do this in the CSS section @supports -ko-blockdefs

  2. change the block definition for "fixedlist" to start with

    <div data-ko-block="fixedlist" style="background-color: #f0f0f0; -ko-background-color: @color;">

    This change introduces

    1. the background-color is editable according to the "mosaico-class" 'color'

    2. a default for background-color is provided

      TODO : how can we provide a global default for 'color'

  3. create a new email from the template. (Note that we introduced an incompatible change in the template. Therefore emails of the previous version cannot be loaded anymore.)

    Again drag the "fixedlist" block to your email. You see that the background of the block is grey.

    Switch to the "STYLES" pane. There you can change the background color for all blocks or for the current active block.

    Customized Style

Customize TinyMce

TODO : add contents here