This repository contains sources of my containers based on great phusion's baseimage-docker.
Every container provides one service and can be modified with environment variables. Becouse I use this images for development, I created user in all containers with same ID as ID of my own user on my own notebook (1000) - you can offcourse modify this by environment variable. Becouse of that, I don't need to solve issues with file ownership.
This is base container for apache-php7 and composer container. It runs inside php-fpm and you can use it, if you want webserver running in different container. I think, webserver and php-fpm are one service, so I created apache-php7 container.
This container runs apache2.4 with mpm-event and php7.0-fpm. So its faster than apache with mod_php bud you can use .htaccess file. You can specify apache document_root by environment variable.
This package contains installed composer and ins not necessary to use it.
Just like php7 image ...
This package runs MariaDB. You can specify database data dir, user, password and database name. Container will create this user with full permitions on everything and one database for you (only when it doesn't exist). I highly recomend to you mount database data dir outside of container.
This containers cooperates with my other small project called maker. Maker is small shell script for easier running make with parameters and bunch of Makefiles and docker-compose files for some PHP projects.