Instruments to make a photocounting statistics from histograms and raw oscillograms (made by LeCroy oscilloscope or old Tektronix oscilloscope) of SiPM signal. One can correct the baseline of the oscillogram and compensate a crosstalk noise in the photocounting statistics.
OscSiPM is available at pip. It may be installed with
pip install oscsipm
Import necessary modules:
from oscsipm import PulsesHistMaker, QStatisticsMaker, find_pcrosstalk, compensate
Import an experimental data
datadir = "C:\\expdata\\"
parser = PulsesHistMaker(datadir, vendor='tek', parallel=True, parallel_jobs=-2)
Make a histogram
histfile = "C:\\histograms\\test.txt"
parser.multi_pulse_histogram(frequency=1e6, time_window=10e-9)
Make a photocounting statistics
histfile = "C:\\histograms\\test.txt"
qmaker = QStatisticsMaker(histfile, amplitude_discrete=0.021, method='manual')
Q = qmaker.Q
Determine a crosstalk probability (if an optical signal is coherent) and compensate it
PDE = 0.4
pcrosstalk, res = find_pcrosstalk(Q, PDE, N=50)
Q1 = compensate(Q, pcrosstalk)
See requirements.txt