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106 lines (70 loc) · 3.36 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (70 loc) · 3.36 KB

Kubebuilder, notably, and

Install kubebuilder

curl -L -o kubebuilder$(go env GOOS)/$(go env GOARCH)
chmod +x kubebuilder && sudo mv kubebuilder /usr/local/bin/

kubebuilder init --help

Quick Start

mkdir learning-kubebuilder && cd learning-kubebuilder
kubebuilder init --domain --repo --project-name learning-kubebuilder --owner "Michael Vorburger" --component-config true
kubebuilder create api --group learning --kind Foo --version v1

make install
k api-resources | grep foo
make run

cat config/samples/*
k apply -f config/samples/
k get foo foo-sample -o yaml

Stop (Ctrl-C) the make run to clean-up.

Modify Controller

You may want to use your favourite Go IDE of choice instead of a text editor for the following code changes. The web-based Google Cloud Code, or Gitpod, both based on Eclipse Theia, are a great choice. Alternatives include e.g. VS Code, or your favourite TUI editor with LSP support.

  1. edit the controllers/foo_controller.go and change the Reconcile function to look like this:

    log := log.FromContext(ctx)
    var foo model.Foo
    if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, &foo); err != nil {
        log.Error(err, "Get failed")
        return ctrl.Result{}, client.IgnoreNotFound(err)
    return ctrl.Result{}, nil
  2. re-run the controller with make run

  3. edit the Foo resource and change its from bar to baz (just to "touch" it)

    k edit foo foo-sample
  4. observe how "Reconciled" is logged again

Add status

  1. make a backup of the initial CRD YAML (or use git diff in the step after the next):

    cp config/crd/bases/learning.vorburger.ch_foos.yaml config/crd/bases/learning.vorburger.ch_foos.original.yaml
  2. edit the api/v1/foo_types.go and change the type FooStatus struct to look like this:

    type FooStatus struct {
        Bar string `json:"bar,omitempty"`
  3. re-generate the generated CRD YAML, and note how bar got added to status:

    make install
    diff config/crd/bases/learning.vorburger.ch_foos.yaml config/crd/bases/learning.vorburger.ch_foos.original.yaml
  4. edit the controllers/foo_controller.go and change the Reconcile function to look like this:

    log := log.FromContext(ctx)
    var foo model.Foo
    if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, &foo); err != nil {
        log.Error(err, "Get failed")
        return ctrl.Result{}, client.IgnoreNotFound(err)
    foo.Status.Bar = "hello, " + foo.GetName() + " with spec " + foo.Spec.Foo
    if err := r.Status().Update(ctx, &foo); err != nil {
        log.Error(err, "Update failed")
        return ctrl.Result{}, err
    return ctrl.Result{}, nil
  5. re-run the controller with make run

  6. run k get foo foo-sample -o yaml and notice the new status

  7. edit the Foo resource and change its back from baz to bar (just to "touch" it)

    k edit foo foo-sample
  8. re-run k get foo foo-sample -o yaml and notice the updated status