last update 10/20/2023
ElectionGuard-Kotlin-Multiplatform library fully implements the Verifier section 6 of the ElectionGuard specification. Use the classes in the egklib/src/commonMain/kotlin/electionguard/verifier package in your own program, or the existing CLI program.
See Building a library fat jar in GettingStarted, then run the verifier like:
/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-19/bin/java \
-classpath egkliball/egklib-all.jar electionguard.cli.RunVerifier \
-in /path/to/election_record
The help output of that program is:
Usage: RunVerifier options_list
--inputDir, -in -> Directory containing input election record (always required) { String }
--nthreads, -nthreads [11] -> Number of parallel threads to use { Int }
--showTime, -time [false] -> Show timing
--help, -h -> Usage info
Since the main class of the fatJar is electionguard.cli.RunVerifierKt you can also run the verifier as:
/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-19/bin/java \
-jar egkhome/egkliball/egklib-all.jar \
-in /path/to/election_record