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scraper: add TransVR (xbapps#1652)
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Very similar to the current one for GroobyVR. Just adjusted the links and names to make it works for TransVR.
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magnet89 authored Apr 2, 2024
1 parent 39975a2 commit 42a24eb
Showing 1 changed file with 139 additions and 0 deletions.
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions pkg/scrape/transvr.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package scrape

import (


func TransVR(wg *sync.WaitGroup, updateSite bool, knownScenes []string, out chan<- models.ScrapedScene, singleSceneURL string, singeScrapeAdditionalInfo string, limitScraping bool) error {
defer wg.Done()
scraperID := "transvr"
siteID := "TransVR"
allowedDomains := []string{"", ""}
logScrapeStart(scraperID, siteID)

sceneCollector := createCollector(allowedDomains...)
siteCollector := createCollector(allowedDomains...)
vodCollector := createCollector(allowedDomains...)

sceneCollector.OnHTML(`html`, func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
sc := models.ScrapedScene{}
sc.ScraperID = scraperID
sc.SceneType = "VR"
sc.Studio = "TransVR"
sc.Site = siteID
sc.HomepageURL = strings.Split(e.Request.URL.String(), "?")[0]

// Title
sc.Title = strings.Replace(e.ChildText(`title`), "Trans VR: ", "", -1)

// Cast
sc.ActorDetails = make(map[string]models.ActorDetails)
e.ForEach(`div.trailer_toptitle_left a`, func(id int, e *colly.HTMLElement) {
sc.Cast = append(sc.Cast, strings.TrimSpace(e.Text))
sc.ActorDetails[strings.TrimSpace(e.Text)] = models.ActorDetails{Source: scraperID + " scrape", ProfileUrl: e.Request.AbsoluteURL(e.Attr("href"))}

// Cover URL
coverURL := e.Request.AbsoluteURL(e.ChildAttr("div.player-thumb img", "src"))
sc.Covers = append(sc.Covers, coverURL)

// Scene ID - get from URL
tmps := strings.Split(coverURL, "/")
tmp := strings.Replace(tmps[len(tmps)-1], ".jpg", "", -1)
sc.SiteID = tmp
sc.SceneID = slugify.Slugify(sc.Site) + "-" + sc.SiteID

// Synopsis
sc.Synopsis = strings.TrimSpace(e.ChildText(`div.trailerblock p`))

// Date
dateString := strings.Replace(e.ChildText(`div.set_meta`), "Added ", "", -1)
tmpDate, _ := goment.New(dateString, "MMMM D, YYYY")
sc.Released = tmpDate.Format("YYYY-MM-DD")

// Duration
r := regexp.MustCompile(`(?:(\d{2}):)?(\d{2}):(\d{2})`)
m := r.FindStringSubmatch(e.ChildText(`div.set_meta`))
duration := 0
if len(m) == 4 {
hours, _ := strconv.Atoi("0" + m[1])
minutes, _ := strconv.Atoi(m[2])
duration = hours*60 + minutes
sc.Duration = duration

sc.TrailerType = "scrape_html"
params := models.TrailerScrape{SceneUrl: sc.HomepageURL, HtmlElement: "dl8-video source", ContentPath: "src", QualityPath: "quality", ContentBaseUrl: ``}
strParams, _ := json.Marshal(params)
sc.TrailerSrc = string(strParams)

// Pull data from vod page - not every scene has a vod link
ctx := colly.NewContext()
ctx.Put("scene", &sc)
vodURL := e.ChildAttr("a.downBtnbuy", "href")
if !strings.Contains(vodURL, "/tour") {
vodCollector.Request("GET", vodURL, nil, ctx, nil)

out <- sc

vodCollector.OnHTML(`html`, func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
sc := e.Request.Ctx.GetAny("scene").(*models.ScrapedScene)

// Gallery
sc.Gallery = e.ChildAttrs(" img", "data-orig-file")

// Tags
e.ForEach(`span.meta-tag a`, func(id int, e *colly.HTMLElement) {
sc.Tags = append(sc.Tags, strings.TrimSpace(e.Text))

// Not every page has tags so use categories as well
e.ForEach(`span.meta-cat a`, func(id int, e *colly.HTMLElement) {
sc.Tags = append(sc.Tags, strings.TrimSpace(e.Text))


siteCollector.OnHTML(`div.videohere a`, func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
sceneURL := e.Request.AbsoluteURL(e.Attr("href"))

if !funk.ContainsString(knownScenes, sceneURL) {

siteCollector.OnHTML(`div.pagination li a:not(.active)`, func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
if !limitScraping {
pageURL := e.Request.AbsoluteURL(e.Attr("href"))

if singleSceneURL != "" {
} else {

if updateSite {
logScrapeFinished(scraperID, siteID)
return nil

func init() {
registerScraper("transvr", "TransVR", "", "", TransVR)

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