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Val edited this page Sep 15, 2016 · 5 revisions
  • PingTimeout(TimeSpan): If not Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan, each connection issue PING commands to Redis during idle periods, and if Redis does not present activity for the indicated time, the connection is disconnected (and it will reconnect automatically. Default Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan.

  • ReadBufferSize(Int32): Size of the buffer used for reading from the sockets. Default 8192.

  • WriteBufferSize(Int32): Size of the buffer used for writing to the sockets. Default 8192.

  • QueuesBoundedCapacity(Int32?): Capacity of the internal queues for pipelining. Default null (unbounded).

  • UseExecutionPlanCaching(Boolean): Enables the execution plan caching, which improves performance if parameter binding is used properly. Default true.

  • UseNagleAlgorithm(Boolean?): Enables or disables the Nagle algorithm. Default null (system default).

  • PreventPingIfActive(Boolean): If the ping is enabled, it avoids sending PING commands if there is already activity in the socket. Default true.

  • Logger(IRedisClientLog): Allows to pass a logger of type IRedisClientLog where the connection activity will be saved. Default null.

  • MultiplexPool(MultiplexPoolOptions): Configuration options for the shared commander and subscriber pools.

  • CommandConnections(Int32): Number of Redis connections in the shared commander pool. Default:2.

  • SubscriptionOptions(Int32): Number of Redis connections in the shared subscriber pool. Default:2.

  • ExclusivePool(ExclusivePoolOptions): Configuration options for the exclusive commander pool. This pool is disabled by default, but features like partial transactions or blocking commands are needed, it is possible to enable it by giving values to this parameters.

  • Minimum(Int32): Minimum number of Redis connections in the exclusive commander pool. Default:0.

  • Maximum(Int32): Maximum number of Redis connections in the exclusive commander pool. Default:0 (Disabled).

  • Procedures(ProcedureLoader): Allows to set the procedures that will be used in Redis. Read more about procedure management.

  • InitializationCommands(List<PreInitializationCommand>): Allows to add PreInitializationCommand that will be executed first in each Redis connection. Read more about initialization commands.

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