It's a simple react-native component made to help you to create your awesome custom scroll indicators. It's support only ScrollView for now. But in the next version it should support FlatList.
Install the package
npm i react-native-scroll-indicator
yarn add react-native-scroll-indicator
Add an import to the top of your file
import ScrollViewIndicator from 'react-native-scroll-indicator';
Use it just as normal ScrollView but with some custom props.
<ScrollViewIndicator> <Content /> </ScrollViewIndicator>
Props | Type | Description | Default |
flexibleIndicator | bool | Set to false if you want to set your indicator a fixed height |
true |
indicatorHeight | num | Height of indicator. Use with flexibleIndicator |
200 |
shouldIndicatorHide | bool | Set to true if you want to hide Indicator when scroll is idle |
true |
hideTimeout | num | Time of show/hide indicator animation in ms |
500 |
style | style | Style of container | {} |
scrollViewStyle | style | Style of ScrollView component | {} |
scrollIndicatorContainerStyle | style | Style of scroll indicator container | {} |
scrollIndicatorStyle | style | Style on scroll indicator | {} |
...ScrollViewProps | ScrollViewProps | All other props will be passed to ScrollView | {} |