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123 lines (114 loc) · 4.43 KB


Version — 2024-04-27


  • PLEB: fixed @@ ("Domination") operator
  • reenabled -O2 compilation

Version 1.2 — 2024-04-16


  • commonPrefix and commonSuffix functions on automata
  • isDot1 (dot depth at most one)
  • syntacticSemigroup (interfacing with finite-semigroups)
  • syntacticOMonoid, syntacticOSemigroup (ordered monoid or semigroup)
  • isVarietyS (ordered varities from finite-semigroups)
  • plebby:
    • new, more detailed :help system
    • strict order (.∙.(x,y) asserts start of x precedes start of y)
    • Ctrl+C interrupts handled, abort current computation


  • algebraic tools split and expanded in a new package (finite-semigroups)
  • plebby:
    • inequalities supported in :isVarietyM/S/T for order
    • better error messages
    • bugfix: two-expression commands no longer break on "it"
  • many classification tasks now use semigroups from finite-semigroups
  • bugfix: trimUnreachables handles epsilon-edges and avoids recomputation

Version 1.1 — 2023-06-18


  • preliminary French translation of manual pages
  • basic Emacs mode for syntax highlighting
  • classification procedures
    • isAcom (aperiodic and commutative)
    • isLAcom (locally isAcom)
    • isFO2BF (two-variable FO with betweenness of factors)
    • isVariety (Plebby has one command each for *, +, and tier)
    • isMTF, isMTDef, isMTRDef, isMTGD (simple multitier classes)
  • Porters
    • egg-box diagrams
    • graphs of syntactic orders
  • Pleb syntax
    • empty variadics
    • reversal ()
    • upward closures (, or loopify in the library)
    • shuffle products ( or autShuffle in the library)
    • symbol neutralization (|syms|, or neutralize in the library)
    • nonempty iteration (+e equivalent to @(e,*e))
  • Plebby commands
    • :cequal and :cimplies to account for the semantics
    • :eggbox (display the egg-box)
    • :synord (display syntactic order)
  • Plebby configuration file


  • bugfix: omega function works in properly regular semigroups
  • performance enhancement: faster FO2(S) test
  • performance enhancement: faster (co)finite test
  • performance enhancement: faster SP test

Version 1.0.1 — 2022-03-28


  • fixed a mistest in classify, as well as a severe performance issue

Version 1.0 (initial hackage release) — 2022-03-15


  • classify command
  • LTK.Algebra module and new decision procedures LTK.Decide.*
    • B
    • CB
    • Definite, (T)(R)Def restrictions on suffixes or prefixes (on tiers)
    • Finite
    • FO2, FO2S, FO2B: definable in two-variable FO with <, (<,+1), (<,bet)
    • GD: generalized definite, prefixes AND suffixes
    • GLPT: generalization of LPT
    • GLT: generalization of LT
    • LPT: locally J-trivial, contains combinations of piecewise-local factors
    • TLPT: tier-based LPT
    • Trivial: accepts ALL strings, or NO strings
    • associated :isCLASS plebby commands
  • LTK.DecideM: classify monoids, to avoid recomputation
  • left- and right-quotients in LTK.FSA and in PLEB
  • union and intersection of symbol sets wherever they may appear in PLEB
  • downward closure in PLEB
  • :Jmin plebby command for displaying a graph of J-classes


  • dotify now uses AT&T format instead of Jeff format
  • factorize now uses AT&T format instead of Jeff format
  • improved AT&T import and export


  • stress-specific symbols in LTK.Factors

Version 0.3 — 2020-09-16


  • AT&T import and export LTK.Porters.ATT
  • prefix-tree import from corpus LTK.Porters.Corpus
  • string-extension learners LTK.Learn.*
  • more plebby commands
    • AT&T import and export :readATT, :readATTO, :writeATT
    • learners :learnSL, :learnSP, :learnTSL


  • extraction is now a submodule: LTK.Extract.SL not LTK.ExtractSL, etc

Version 0.2 — 2019-09-01


  • more decision algorithms LTK.Decide.*
    • LT: locally testable, defined by sets of k-substrings
    • LTT: locally threshold-testable, FO[+1]
    • PT: piecewise-testable, defined by sets of k-subsequences
    • SF: star-free, aperiodic, star-height zero
    • SL: the decider formerly in LTK.ExtractSL
    • SP: the decider formerly in LTK.ExtractSP
    • TLT: tier-based LT
    • TLTT: tier-based LTT
    • TSL: tier-based strictly local


  • factor extraction is now LTK.Extract.*

Version 0.1 — 2019-08-23

  • moved to a Cabal-based installation format
  • removed several exploratory files
  • add computations over tiers

Version 0.01a — 2018-12-20

  • initial full public release