This module combine the three mediapipe models(face, hand, pose).
## install
$ npm install @dannadori/mediapipe-mix2-worker-js@
examples described here is in this repository.
If you specify the loader for model and wasm in webpack.config.js, webpack automatically generate url for module to load models and wasm.
module: {
rules: [
{ test: /\.bin$/, type: "asset/resource" },
{ test: /\.wasm$/, type: "asset/resource" },
If you don't use webpack, you can set url for the models and wasm.
const manager = new MediapipeMix2WorkerManager();
const config = await manager.generateDefaultConfig({
wasmUrl: "<URL>",
palmDetectorModelTFLiteUrl: "<URL>",
handLandmarkLiteTFLiteUrl: "<URL>",
faceDetectorModelTFLiteUrl: "<URL>",
faceLandmarkModelTFLiteUrl: "<URL>",
poseDetectorModelTFLiteUrl: "<URL>",
poseLandmarkModelTFLiteUrl: "<URL>",
If you want to use simply, use MediaPipe Mix.