diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs index 4319fc955..70ef2d3ea 100644 --- a/index.bs +++ b/index.bs @@ -5827,23 +5827,51 @@ The attestation certificate MUST have the following fields/extensions: The extension MUST NOT be marked as critical. Note that an X.509 Extension encodes the DER-encoding of the value in an OCTET STRING. - Thus, the AAGUID MUST be wrapped in two OCTET STRINGS to be valid. Here is a sample, encoded Extension structure: - -
- 30 21 -- SEQUENCE - 06 0b 2b 06 01 04 01 82 e5 1c 01 01 04 -- - 04 12 -- OCTET STRING - 04 10 -- OCTET STRING - cd 8c 39 5c 26 ed ee de -- AAGUID - 65 3b 00 79 7d 03 ca 3c -+ Thus, the AAGUID MUST be wrapped in two OCTET STRINGS to be valid. - The Basic Constraints extension MUST have the CA component set to [FALSE]. -- An Authority Information Access (AIA) extension with entry `id-ad-ocsp` and a CRL Distribution Point extension [[RFC5280]] - are both OPTIONAL as the status of many attestation certificates is available through authenticator metadata services. - See, for example, the FIDO Metadata Service [[FIDOMetadataService]]. - +Additionally, an Authority Information Access (AIA) extension with entry `id-ad-ocsp` and a CRL Distribution Point extension + [[RFC5280]] are both OPTIONAL as the status of many attestation certificates is available through authenticator metadata + services. See, for example, the FIDO Metadata Service [[FIDOMetadataService]]. + +The firmware of a particular authenticator model MAY be differentiated using the Extension OID `` + (`id-fido-gen-ce-fw-version`). When present, this attribute contains an INTEGER with a non-negative value which is incremented for new + firmware release versions. The extension MUST NOT be marked as critical. + +For example, the following is an attestation certificate containing the above extension OIDs as well as required fields: + +~~~ pem +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIBzTCCAXOgAwIBAgIUYHS3FJEL/JTfFqafuAHvlAS+hDYwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw +QTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxFDASBgNVBAoMC1dlYkF1dGhuIFdHMRwwGgYDVQQDDBNF +eGFtcGxlIEF0dGVzdGF0aW9uMCAXDTI0MDEwMzE3NDUyMVoYDzIwNTAwMTA2MTc0 +NTIxWjBBMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEUMBIGA1UECgwLV2ViQXV0aG4gV0cxHDAaBgNV +BAMME0V4YW1wbGUgQXR0ZXN0YXRpb24wWTATBgcqhkjOPQIBBggqhkjOPQMBBwNC +AATDQN9uaFFH4BKBjthHTM1drpb7gIuPod67qyF6UdL4qah6XUp6tE7Prl+DfQ7P +YH9yMOOcci3nr+Q/jOBaWVERo0cwRTAhBgsrBgEEAYLlHAEBBAQSBBDNjDlcJu3u +3mU7AHl9A8o8MBIGCysGAQQBguUcAQEFBAMCASowDAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADAKBggq +hkjOPQQDAgNIADBFAiA3k3aAUVtLhDHLXOgY2kRnK2hrbRgf2EKdTDLJ1Ds/RAIh +AOmIblhI3ALCHOaO0IO7YlMpw/lSTvFYv3qwO3m7H8Dc +-----END CERTIFICATE----- +~~~ + +The attributes above are structured within this certificate as such: + +~~~ text +30 21 -- SEQUENCE + 06 0B 2B 06 01 04 01 82 E5 1C 01 01 04 -- OID + 04 12 -- OCTET STRING + 04 10 -- OCTET STRING + CD 8C 39 5C 26 ED EE DE -- AAGUID cd8c395c-26ed-eede-653b-00797d03ca3c + 65 3B 00 79 7D 03 CA 3C + +30 12 -- SEQUENCE + 06 0B 2B 06 01 04 01 82 E5 1C 01 01 05 -- OID + 04 03 -- OCTET STRING + 02 01 -- INTEGER + 2A -- Firmware version: 42 +~~~ ## TPM Attestation Statement Format ## {#sctn-tpm-attestation}