Collaborated with a team of 5 people, 4 students, and a Google engineer as a mentor to design and implement a web application which curates CS opportunities for Pakistani students.
It uses Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and leverages various Google Cloud Platform APIs including App Engine and Datastore.
localhost devserver
Home Page
: Introduces our website to the audience.About Us
: The AboutUs page page introduces our Team. When the mouse is placed over the picture of any team member, it shows the features that the person has worked on.Login Page
: As soon as the user clicks on the login button, a google account is required to sign in.Chat Room
: After signing in, The MessageBoardChat is displayed. The user can post a message by pressing the submit button. Users can type in text, add image addresses of pictures and upload pictures.Statistics Page
: The Site Statistics page includes the statistics of the website. It will be updated with the new statistics page in next week. It will include stats like no. of opportunities, most popular opportunity, recently added, regions with most recurring opportunities etc.Community Page
: The community page shows the email of people who have posted on the Message Board Chat.Message Feed
: The Message Feed shows all the messages posted in the Message Board Chat.Translation Page
: Translation page helps users to translate the text into another language.Opportunity Side Panel and Search
: When the user clicks on Opportunity panel. A panel on the left hand side appears which includes 3 types of opportunities ie Recurring, Archive and Active. The panel also has a search option so that users can easily search for an opportunity. If the Recurring tab is clicked then all the recurring opportunities are visible and then the user can click on the required scholarship/opportunity. That particular opportunity will be displayed along with its details such as image, apply link, eligibility criteria etc.Opportunity Page
: It shows one opportunity per page.Maps Page
: It shows opportunities pinpointed on maps. Each marker shows animation like bouncing and zooming on click. The description redirects to relevant opportunity page.