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Settings and Hooks



WAGTAILTRANSFER_SECRET_KEY = '7cd5de8229be75e1e0c2af8abc2ada7e'

The secret key used to authenticate requests to import content from this site to another. The secret key in the matching part of the importing site's WAGTAILTRANSFER_SOURCES must be identical, or the transfer will be rejected - this prevents unauthorised import of sensitive data.


    'staging': {
        'BASE_URL': '',
        'SECRET_KEY': '4ac4822149691395773b2a8942e1a472',
    'production': {
        'BASE_URL': '',
        'SECRET_KEY': 'a36476ffc6af34dc935570d97369eca0',

A dictionary defining the sites available to import from, and their secret keys.


WAGTAILTRANSFER_UPDATE_RELATED_MODELS = ['wagtailimages.image', 'adverts.advert']

Specifies a list of models that, whenever we encounter references to them in imported content, should be updated to the latest version from the source site as part of the import.

Whenever an object being imported contains a reference to a related object (through a ForeignKey, RichTextField or StreamField), the 'importance' of that related object will tend to vary according to its type. For example, a reference to an Image object within a page usually means that the image will be shown on that page; in this case, the Image model is sufficiently important to the imported page that we want the importer to not only ensure that image exists at the destination, but is updated to its newest version as well. Contrast this with the example of an 'author' snippet attached to blog posts, containing various fields of data about that person (e.g. bio, social media links); in this case, the author information is not really part of the blog post, and it's not expected that we would update it when running an import of blog posts.


WAGTAILTRANSFER_LOOKUP_FIELDS = {'': ['first_name', 'surname']}

Specifies a list of fields to use for object lookups on the given models.

Normally, imported objects will be assigned a random UUID known across all sites, so that those objects can be recognised on subsequent imports and be updated rather than creating a duplicate. This behaviour is less useful for models that already have a uniquely identifying field, or set of fields, such as an author identified by first name and surname - if the same author exists on the source and destination site, but this was not the result of a previous import, then the UUID-based matching will consider them distinct, and attempt to create a duplicate author record at the destination. Adding an entry in WAGTAILTRANSFER_LOOKUP_FIELDS will mean that any imported instances of the given model will be looked up based on the specified fields, rather than by UUID.


    'taggit.tag': ['slug'],
    'wagtailcore.locale': ["language_code"],
    'contenttypes.contenttype': ['app_label', 'model'],

Overriding these values may result in issues as described above, particularly in the case of ContentType.


WAGTAILTRANSFER_NO_FOLLOW_MODELS = ['', 'organisations.Company']

Specifies a list of models that should not be imported by association when they are referenced from imported content. Defaults to ['', 'contenttypes.contenttype'].

By default, objects referenced within imported content will be recursively imported to ensure that those references are still valid on the destination site. However, this is not always desirable - for example, if this happened for the Page model, this would imply that any pages linked from an imported page would get imported as well, along with any pages linked from those pages, and so on, leading to an unpredictable number of extra pages being added anywhere in the page tree as a side-effect of the import. Models listed in WAGTAILTRANSFER_NO_FOLLOW_MODELS will thus be skipped in this process, leaving the reference unresolved. The effect this has on the referencing page will vary according to the kind of relation: nullable foreign keys, one-to-many and many-to-many relations will simply omit the missing object; references in rich text and StreamField will become broken links (just as linking a page and then deleting it would); while non-nullable foreign keys will prevent the object from being created at all (meaning that any objects referencing that object will end up with unresolved references, to be handled by the same set of rules).

Note that these settings do not accept models that are defined as subclasses through multi-table inheritance - in particular, they cannot be used to define behaviour that only applies to specific subclasses of Page.


WAGTAILTRANSFER_FOLLOWED_REVERSE_RELATIONS = [('wagtailimages.image', 'tagged_items', True)]

Specifies a list of models, their reverse relations to follow, and whether deletions should be synced, when identifying object references that should be imported to the destination site. Defaults to [('wagtailimages.image', 'tagged_items', True)].

By default, Wagtail Transfer will not follow reverse relations (other than importing child models of ClusterableModel subclasses) when identifying referenced models. Specifying a (model, reverse_relationship_name, track_deletions) in WAGTAILTRANSFER_FOLLOWED_REVERSE_RELATIONS means that when encountering that model and relation, Wagtail Transfer will follow the reverse relationship from the specified model and add the models found to the import if they do not exist on the destination site. This is typically useful in cases such as tags on non-Page models. The track_deletions boolean, if True, will delete any models in the reverse relation on the destination site that do not exist in the source site's reverse relation. As a result, it should only be used for models that behave strictly like child models but do not use ParentalKey - for example, tags, where importing an image with deleted tags should delete those tag linking models on the destination site as well.

Note: describing the relationship according to the format expected is important. An import may still complete succesfully if you've added a value that doesn't match, in which case the followed relation simply won't be updated and may cause unexpected problems on future imports.

For example, if you happen to also be using the wagtail-personalisation library on your project, you'll need to make sure you account for page variants:

('', 'personalisable_canonical_metadata', True),



By default, each API call made to browse the page tree on the source server has a timeout limit of 5 seconds. If you find this threshold is too low, you can increase it. This may be of particular use if you are running two local runservers to test or extend Wagtail Transfer.



Field adapters are classes used by Wagtail Transfer to serialize and identify references from fields when exporting, and repopulate them with the serialised data when importing. You can register a custom field adapter by using the register_field_adapters hook. A function registered with this hook should return a dictionary which maps field classes to field adapter classes (note that with inheritance, the field adapter registered with the closest ancestor class will be used). For example, to register a custom field adapter against Django's models.Field:

# <my_app>/

from django.db import models

from wagtail import hooks
from wagtail_transfer.field_adapters import FieldAdapter

class MyCustomAdapter(FieldAdapter):

def register_my_custom_adapter():
    return {models.Field: MyCustomAdapter}


In exceptional cases, such as limiting the fields you export to only a subset of the content, you may need to use a custom serializer instead of the default PageSerializer. You can register a custom serializer by using the register_custom_serializers hook. A function registered with this hook should return a dictionary which maps model classes to serializer classes (note that with inheritance, the serializer registered with the closest ancestor class will be used). For example, to register a custom serializer against myapp.MyModel:

# <my_app>/

from wagtail import hooks
from wagtail_transfer.serializers import PageSerializer

from myapp.models import MyModel

class MyModelCustomSerializer(PageSerializer):

    ignored_fields = PageSerializer.ignored_fields + [

def register_my_custom_serializer():
    return {MyModel: MyModelCustomSerializer}