wai.annotations module for dealing MSCOCO object detection file formats.
The manual is available here:
Reads image object-detection annotations in the MS-COCO JSON-format
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: from-coco-od [-I FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-N FILENAME] [-n FILENAME] [--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-I FILENAME, --inputs-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of input files (can use glob syntax)
Input files (can use glob syntax)
-N FILENAME, --negatives-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of negative files (can use glob syntax)
-n FILENAME, --negative FILENAME
Files that have no annotations (can use glob syntax)
--seed SEED the seed to use for randomisation
Writes image object-detection annotations in the MS-COCO JSON-format
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: to-coco-od [--annotations-only] [--categories CATEGORY [CATEGORY ...]] [--category-output-file FILENAME] [--default-supercategory SUPERCATEGORY] [--error-on-new-category] [--license-name LICENSE_NAME] [--license-url LICENSE_URL] -o PATH [--pretty] [--sort-categories] [--split-names SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]] [--split-ratios RATIO [RATIO ...]]
optional arguments:
--annotations-only skip the writing of data files, outputting only the annotation files
--categories CATEGORY [CATEGORY ...]
defines the order of the categories
--category-output-file FILENAME
file to write the categories into, as a simple comma-separated list
--default-supercategory SUPERCATEGORY
the supercategory to use for pre-defined categories
whether unspecified categories should raise an error
--license-name LICENSE_NAME
the license of the images
--license-url LICENSE_URL
the license of the images
-o PATH, --output PATH
output file to write annotations to (images are placed in same directory)
--pretty whether to format the JSON annotations file with indentation
--sort-categories whether to put the categories in alphabetical order
--split-names SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]
the names to use for the splits
--split-ratios RATIO [RATIO ...]
the ratios to use for the splits