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Environment Variables

WangBin edited this page Nov 4, 2019 · 31 revisions
Name Type Default Range Description
MDK_LOG int 0 0/1 print log or not
MDK_LOG_STATUS int 1 0/1 print playback progress or not
VO_DROP float 0 [0,1] frame drop rate on video output
ALSA_DEVICE int 0/1 alsa device name
CUDA_DEVICE int >0 cuda device index
CUDA_STREAM int 1 0/1 use cuda stream or not
CUDA_PBO int 0 0/1 use pbo to interop cuda with gl
MMAL_EGLIMAGE_POOL int 0 >0 use eglimage pool for mmal rendering
GL_MMAL_FORMAT string rgba,yuv420p pixel format of converted eglimage from mmal buffer
VAIMAGE_DERIVE int 1 0/1 use vaapi derived image if map to host memory
VAIMAGE_FORMAT string select a pixel format to get vaapi surface data. derived image is disabled
GL_VAAPI string x11/drm/drm2 how to convert vaapi surface to gl texture
GL_VDPAU string video/output/pixmap how to convert vdpau surface to gl texture
GL_MAJOR int [2,4] major version of opengl context to create
GL_MINOR int [0,6] minor version of opengl context to create
GL_PROFILE string core/compat/no profile of opengl context to create
GL_ES int 0/1 create OpenGL Desktop or ES
GL_EGL int 1/0 prefer EGL or not
EGL_LIB string force libEGL path
EGL_ANGLE string d3d11 select ANGLE platform implementation to create an EGL context. can be d3d11, d3d11_fl9,d3d9, vulkan, opengl, opengles depends on the angle you use
EGL_SURFACELESS int 1 1/0 use surfaceless context for an offscreen context and internal shared context
GL_TONE_MAP int 1 1/0 enable hdr tone map or not. can disable for hdr devices
GL_VAO int 1 1/0 enable vao or not
GL_VBO int 1 1/0 enable vbo or not
GL_PBO int 0 1/0 enable pbo or not
GL_IMMUTABLE_TEX int 0 1/0 enable immutable textures or not
GL_TEXTURE16_DEPTH int 16 16/8 texel depth for 16bit images
GL_LEGACY int 0 1/0 use legacy es2 textures for old devices
DRM_NUM int 0 >=0 drm device index
DISPMANX_ID int >=0 rpi dispmanx id to create a rendering surface
DXGI_ADAPTER_RENDER int 0 >=0 dxgi adaptor for renderer
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