- aspect-w and aspect-h are deprecated in favor of the aspect-1/1 form
- aspect-none - no support, not needed anymore since we have more responsive breakpoint support
- focus-ring :: prefer focusable
These are TW2 selectors, TW3 and other utility CSS have moved on in syntax.
- flex-shrink-0 :: prefer shrink-0
- flex-shrink :: prefer shrink
- flex-grow-0 :: prefer grow-0
- flex-grow :: prefer grow
- outline-none
- outline-white
- outline-black
- ring-0
- ring-1
- ring-2
- ring-4
- ring-8
- ring
- ring-white
- ring-current
- ring-transparent
- ring-offset-0
- ring-offset-1
- ring-offset-2
- ring-offset-4
- ring-offset-8
- ring-offset-white
- ring-offset-current
- ring-offset-transparent
- ring-COLOR-*
- decoration-slice
- decoration-clone
- shadow-2
- shadow-3
- shadow-4
- shadow
- shadow-none
- drop-shadow-10
- drop-shadow-20
- drop-shadow-30
- drop-shadow-40
- drop-shadow-none
- filter
- filter-none
- blur-sm
- blur
- blur-md
- blur-lg
- blur-xl
- blur-2xl
- blur-3xl
- brightness-0
- brightness-50
- brightness-75
- brightness-90
- brightness-95
- brightness-100
- brightness-105
- brightness-110
- brightness-125
- brightness-150
- brightness-200
- contrast-0
- contrast-50
- contrast-75
- contrast-100
- contrast-125
- contrast-150
- contrast-200
- drop-shadow-10
- drop-shadow-20
- drop-shadow-30
- drop-shadow-40
- drop-shadow-none
- hue-rotate-0
- hue-rotate-15
- hue-rotate-30
- hue-rotate-60
- hue-rotate-90
- hue-rotate-180
- -hue-rotate-180
- -hue-rotate-90
- -hue-rotate-60
- -hue-rotate-30
- -hue-rotate-15
- invert-0
- invert
- saturate-0
- saturate-50
- saturate-100
- saturate-150
- saturate-200
- sepia-0
- sepia
- backdrop-filter
- backdrop-filter-none
- backdrop-blur-sm :: prefer backdrop-blur-s
- backdrop-blur-md :: prefer backdrop-blur-m
- backdrop-blur-lg :: prefer backdrop-blur-l
- backdrop-blur-2xl :: prefer backdrop-blur-xxl
- backdrop-blur-3xl :: prefer backdrop-blur-xxxl
- backdrop-brightness-0
- backdrop-brightness-50
- backdrop-brightness-75
- backdrop-brightness-90
- backdrop-brightness-95
- backdrop-brightness-100
- backdrop-brightness-105
- backdrop-brightness-110
- backdrop-brightness-125
- backdrop-brightness-150
- backdrop-brightness-200
- backdrop-contrast-0
- backdrop-contrast-50
- backdrop-contrast-75
- backdrop-contrast-100
- backdrop-contrast-125
- backdrop-contrast-150
- backdrop-contrast-200
- backdrop-hue-rotate-0
- backdrop-hue-rotate-15
- backdrop-hue-rotate-30
- backdrop-hue-rotate-60
- backdrop-hue-rotate-90
- backdrop-hue-rotate-180
- -backdrop-hue-rotate-180
- -backdrop-hue-rotate-90
- -backdrop-hue-rotate-60
- -backdrop-hue-rotate-30
- -backdrop-hue-rotate-15
- backdrop-invert-0
- backdrop-invert
- backdrop-opacity-0
- backdrop-opacity-5
- backdrop-opacity-10
- backdrop-opacity-20
- backdrop-opacity-25
- backdrop-opacity-30
- backdrop-opacity-40
- backdrop-opacity-50
- backdrop-opacity-60
- backdrop-opacity-70
- backdrop-opacity-75
- backdrop-opacity-80
- backdrop-opacity-90
- backdrop-opacity-95
- backdrop-opacity-100
- backdrop-saturate-0
- backdrop-saturate-50
- backdrop-saturate-100
- backdrop-saturate-150
- backdrop-saturate-200
- backdrop-sepia-0
- backdrop-sepia
- last-child:mb-0 :: prefer last:mb-0